
The looming sequester

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Funny thing - private sectors cut and furlough, etc, all the time. and just taking more from the public to pay for these jobs -> I'd like to see all the e-mails from those employers that note how many people would be laid off to just continue the current outrageous growth in government.

I don’t work directly for the government, but I do work for a company who works for a company who works for the government, and I do wear a government badge to work every day.

I just received an okay pay raise that took effect yesterday…by okay, I mean right around a cost of living raise, which is pretty good considering my employer has had a pay freeze for three of the last four years, and a modest 1.5% pool the other year.

In the last 18 months, the rather large project I’m working on has reduced staffing by nearly 65 percent through early retirement plans (a few) and involuntary reductions of force (the vast majority). With the exception of myself and a bean counter guy, one entire group I was in was canned, including my boss, and I was absorbed up one layer. Work efficiency has dropped dramatically, because the labor cuts were heavily loaded against the older folks with all the historical knowledge…now trying to answer a question or figure out how someone’s process works is incredibly more difficult than it was two years ago.

I’m attending a meeting this afternoon, the gist of which I already know. 1,700 exempt and non-exempt employees will be required to take 5 weeks of furlough between April 1st and September 30th, effectively a 10 percent pay cut on the year (more than triple the pay raise I just got). Our bargaining unit contract doesn’t have a provision for furloughs, so 200 of them will be laid off.

Who do I blame? In short, Congress. They have become the most dysfunctional organization that I’m aware of. I think putting this sequester scenario into play was a good idea at the time, and the very best opportunity to avoid it came shortly thereafter, when a super committee was formed to find some compromise that would be palatable. But instead of sending big thinking, “good of the country” type leaders to this committee, both parties sent their least compromising hardliners, effectively dooming the entire process. Since then, there’s been a year to compromise and find common ground, but they haven’t even really tried. Why should they? They’re insulated by the Constitution, and both parties think they can blame the other side.

What does it come down to? A blind cut, almost entirely borne by middle class Americans, while the Republicans wail that defense funding should be maintained and the poor should be further marginalized by cuts to welfare programs, and the Democrats cry for protection of labor unions and further sacrifice by the upper crust. I have to admit, I side with the latter on this one even though I’m not in any of their target demographics. Our wealth has become so poorly distributed that the wealthy couple percent can simply buy themselves policies that contribute to their continued success. I watched this last night, and found it simply affirmed my suspicions.

The fix? First, the sequester and federal spending fiasco. Let’s work on depolarizing our political arena a bit and elect leaders who understand that compromise and working for the best of the country is more important than partisan wins. The second? A dramatic reduction in tax exemptions, especially those that favor particular industries or corporations.

As for the wealth disparity? I don’t know enough about it to provide clear cut goals, but maybe private initiatives to encourage shared prosperity in successful companies would help. There could be a small public component to this, maybe start by requiring that publicly held companies provide an annual update on the compensation of their top 10% as a ratio to their median employee, thus the privately funded campaign could advertise “The top 10% of Corporation X employees make 300 times the median of their employees. Their competitor, Corporation Y, only pays their most valuable top staffers 100 times their median. Companies who support American prosperity should do business with Corporation Y.” Just a thought. I’m sure there are better ideas out there.

(drink Mountain Dew)

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It would appear the email you got was a scare tactic

It also appears you job is safe


Feds keep hiring with sequesters in place: 400 jobs posted on first day back

Funny, my neighbor (a US Marshal) loses 1 day of work a week from his paycheck starting next month because of this.

He doesn't seem to think it's 'scare tactics'

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It would appear the email you got was a scare tactic

It also appears you job is safe


Feds keep hiring with sequesters in place: 400 jobs posted on first day back

Funny, my neighbor (a US Marshal) loses 1 day of work a week from his paycheck starting next month because of this.

He doesn't seem to think it's 'scare tactics'


This whole thing does not make sense
The sequester is nothing more than a political game he got caught up in

The budgets were not cut

Only the scheduled increase were cut some

So, is what is happening to you neighbor real? Or a political tactic?

And if they have to cut his hours, why are they posting 400 jobs?
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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If we keep going the way we are - continuous tax increases to support a growing administration - then fathers and workers and helpers and all sorts of others in the private industry will be in the exact same place.

How many times have your federal taxes been increased in the last 15 years?

(drink Mountain Dew)

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>The budgets were not cut Only the scheduled increase were cut some

Right. Which means that as inflation increases, the actual money they have goes down.

>And if they have to cut his hours, why are they posting 400 jobs?

I would guess so they can dump the higher-paid employees and get minimum wage drones to take their place. Cheaper.

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So, is what is happening to you neighbor real? Or a political tactic?

And if they have to cut his hours, why are they posting 400 jobs?

I honestly don't know. I just know he's pissed.

Maybe it's specific departments?

He should be

I know that there is some discresion as to where the increase reductions happen

It seems everytime there is a time when money may be reduced to the gov it is teacher, police and firefighters they say will get hurt first
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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>The budgets were not cut Only the scheduled increase were cut some

Right. Which means that as inflation increases, the actual money they have goes down.

>And if they have to cut his hours, why are they posting 400 jobs?

I would guess so they can dump the higher-paid employees and get minimum wage drones to take their place. Cheaper.

they still have more money than last year. It is built into the process they have where they make sure there is an increase evey year

This is political

And it is bullshit
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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I watched THIS last night, and found it simply affirmed my suspicions.

I suspect your link got lost in your long post so I'm bumping it. ALL should read it. Especially those who mistakenly think the super wealthy are being hit hard.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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What do you think?


Email tells feds to make sequester as painful as promised



More sequester pain: White House cancels tours

"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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>they still have more money than last year.

Nope. While some programs (social security) did indeed continue to see increases, many parts of government will see none and some (like defense) will actually see cuts - as in "you can't have as much money this year as you had last year."

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What some people see as wealth distribution, others see as wealth earned.
OK, cherry picking time.

Why don't you tell us how those execs at AIG who brought their company to its knees, and the US economy along with it, "earned" their big fat bonuses. And when you've done that, tell us how the execs at the other financial industry beneficiaries of the taxpayer bailouts "earned" their bonuses too, rather than jail time.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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You are wrong
The cuts were to the increases

They still have at least the same dollars as last year

Most likely more
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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>Why don't you tell us how those execs at AIG who brought their company to its
>knees, and the US economy along with it, "earned" their big fat bonuses.

Same way the professors who educated some of the idiots we see in the world today "earned' their pay.

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You are wrong
The cuts were to the increases

They still have at least the same dollars as last year

Most likely more

No. You are wrong.


Unfortunately for you, I am not
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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I wish I could use this budgeting process


And no, I dont like wike
But it works for this

And no, the increases continue. Just at a slower rate
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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No. You are wrong.


Unfortunately for you, I am not

I'm in a rather better position to assess the situation than you and your entertainment / opinion sources.

(drink Mountain Dew)

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