
What's wrong with this armed self defense story?

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Man, 84, shoots home invasion suspect with Korean War gun

"Police said they caught a home invasion suspect moments after he was shot while breaking into a home Tuesday morning. According to police, Raymond Hills, 25, fled from the Elizabeth Township home just after 4:30 a.m. when 84-year-old Fred Ricciutti shot him with the German Luger he used in the Korean War..."
Full story: WPXI.com

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what's wrong? well,

read the first paragraph - totally garbled
read the rest of the article - uh huh, ok,, ok
re-read the first paragraph - oh....that's what the reporter is trying to relay

really not acceptable for a someone who is supposed to be a pro

an article shouldn't require you to read the whole thing in order to allow you to then re-read the first paragraph in order to understand it

and a lot of other stuff too

the headline is leading
the guy broke in through a window but was standing in a door

really crappy journalism (the written part) the news clip was fine

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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Wrong gun for Korea.

Ding ding ding! We have a winner!

The North Koreans used Chinese weapons, so he wouldn't have captured a Luger in battle from the North Koreans or Chinese either.

Luger production ended with WWII in 1945.

The age also doesn't make sense. He's 84 years old, therefore born in 1928. The most likely place to acquire a Luger would have been WWII, which ended in 1945. He would have been 17-years old in 1945, so he's not likely to have fought against the Germans. So then he could have bought it after the war, or acquired it from his father. By the time the Korean war came around in 1950, he was 22 years old, prime Army material. I don't question his Korean war service. However, I don't think the Army let you bring personal WWII souviners into battle with you. The Army would have given him a Model 1911 .45 pistol, and/or an M1 Garand or M1 Carbine. So the story still doesn't make sense.

A WWII German Luger used by an American soldier in the Korean War? Not likely.

It's more likely that this is just another case of a gun-ignorant newspaper reporter getting their guns, or their wars, or the story, mixed up.

Probably just a case of a Korean War vet using a WWII collectible for self defense. And the reporter decided to spice up the story with the incorrect material.

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I read all the replies but, my first thought was that his aim was poor. The home invader escaped.
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