
He speaks French?

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I don't recall the Clinton campaign mocking the service of Bush or Dole.

The campaign? Perhaps not...the media? Absolutely.

We're talking about Gingrich campaign ads, so why flee from it? And what media dared to make fun of Dole's war injuries? Or talked about much more than Bush having to parachute out of his plane?

You're not going to find anything remotely on par with Swift Boat bullshit designed to blunt the problem of running against a decorated veteran.



There will be some coming along from Iraq/Afghanistan, but not too many.

Yeah, you keep thinking *that*, too.

It's a basic numbers issue. Most men served in WWII - it was a rare Reagan that did not, and even he claimed to. By Vietnam, those with means could avoid it. By Iraq, there was no longer a draft and a much smaller armed force. Most are not people of wealth, the GOP bread and butter.

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I don't recall the Clinton campaign mocking the service of Bush or Dole.

The campaign? Perhaps not...the media? Absolutely.

We're talking about Gingrich campaign ads, so why flee from it?

I was speaking to Dems in general.


You're not going to find anything remotely on par with Swift Boat bullshit designed to blunt the problem of running against a decorated veteran.

You mean the stuff that *still* hasn't been debunked?




There will be some coming along from Iraq/Afghanistan, but not too many.

Yeah, you keep thinking *that*, too.

It's a basic numbers issue. Most men served in WWII - it was a rare Reagan that did not, and even he claimed to. By Vietnam, those with means could avoid it. By Iraq, there was no longer a draft and a much smaller armed force. Most are not people of wealth, the GOP bread and butter.

41% of the military identify as Republican, and 32% as independent. You do the math for what's left.
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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>Actually, it highlights the hypocrisy of liberals/liberal media...

Yep, that uber-liberal Newt Gingrich is sure a hypocrite.

The article you quoted was talking about Newt? Damn, and here I thought that when it said "John Kerry" it actually meant, y'know, John Kerry.
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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Well, I guess Romnet is toast now.

I just saw the Gingrich attack add on Mitt and it turns out that not only is he a Moderate but just like John Kerry he also speaks French!


Well that pretty much does it. Conservatives can forgive a lot but speaking french draws the line.

Dumb move Mitt, how dare you learn a foreign language! Not conservative!

Go back to Paris you french frog!

Seriously folks, we are considering this man to be president and speaking french is an issue?

Read the book of Mormon and then get back to me when you want to talk about reality.
Onward and Upward!

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Well, I guess Romnet is toast now.

I just saw the Gingrich attack add on Mitt and it turns out that not only is he a Moderate but just like John Kerry he also speaks French!


Well that pretty much does it. Conservatives can forgive a lot but speaking french draws the line.

Dumb move Mitt, how dare you learn a foreign language! Not conservative!

Go back to Paris you french frog!

Seriously folks, we are considering this man to be president and speaking french is an issue?

Read the book of Mormon and then get back to me when you want to talk about reality.

Well, in fairness, when viewed objectively, why is the mythology in the Book of Mormon any worse than the mythology in the Bible that Santorum believes to be truthful?

As a Democrat over 50 who is often appalled at what the Republican presidents in my lifetime have done, if I must live with a Republican President, I want one that I think will actually accomplish more good than harm. (And Repubs would naturally feel the same way about Dem presidents.) Romney at the very least (aside from his very high intelligence and first-rate education) has a proven executive record of repeatedly taking over large, ailing organizations and fixing them.

One of those several success stories was Romney - a Mormon midwestern businessman from a dyed-in-the-wool Republican family - entering Massachusetts politics - a heavily-Democratic amalgam of liberals, blue-collar, pro-labor Catholics and professional Jews, getting them to elect him Governor, and then doing a pretty good job at working well with a Democrat-dominated Legislature. To me, that means that (quite unlike Gingrich) he's got the potential to actually work productively with Democrats in Congress and get things done, instead of just maintaining the cat-fighting and stalemating typical of Washington.

Huntsman's interesting, but not getting any traction; Paul is interesting, but weird and too old; Gingrich is an evil asshole who helped make Washington vicious and will make it worse; Santorum is an evil asshole AND weird. I really don't want the next batch of Supreme Court justices being appointed by a Republican president, but if forced to choose a Republican from this year's crop, Romney seems a reasonable choice.

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So does this mean that if Romney is the Republican Candidate, that you will vote for him over the community organizer?

No, because as I said above, and in a couple other threads, I really don't want the next batch of Supreme Court justices being appointed by a Republican president - because unlike many things, that's one thing that does have a lasting effect long after a President has left office, one that does directly impact people's lives.. That really is important to me. It reflects my ideology, but it is what it is.

Plus, the partisan stalemate and gridlock in Washington is so severe that I suspect even an accomodater/concilator like Romney would be overwhelmed by it. So - better the devil you know - you know?

I was appalled by Nixon, and Reagan and Bush-II. (Ambivalent about Ford and Bush-I, although to the deep negative, Bush-I gave us Clarence Thomas.) I would be appalled at Gingrich, or Palin, or Bachmann, or Perry. I think I could have lived with McCain. I think I could live with Romney.

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