
flat tax

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Penny for penny and applied across the board with absolutely no exemptions whatsoever, a PURE flat tax is "slightly" unfair to the poor.

For instance, let's say you made a $1,000,000 dollars and the flat tax rate was 10%. That's not too bad for a rich person. He still gets $900,000 dollars to live on in that year.

A poor person who only made $10,000 would be left with $9,000.

A single dollar actually means more to the poor person, because it's a larger percentage of his overall wealth.

However, knowing the way tax exemptions are historically applied in the US (mortgage deductions for instance), it would be massively unfair to the poor.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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There's about five "types" of flat tax... which one would you suggest and why?
Does a flat tax mean - no other type of tax at all?
What does it mean for deductions?
- Home deductions?
- Would you endorse a deduction for investments for those over a certain income level or for everyone?
Should those below a "poverty line" be exempt?
- If so, how come?
- If not; why not?
How have other countries fared who've implemented a flat tax? Long-run, short run?

Get's a little sticky doesn't it?
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Some friends and I were having a discussion the other day about a flat tax. Not important what the rate would be but do you think it is fair or unfair?

The fairest would be the William Jefferson Clinton Flat Tax.
Very simple tax form:
1)What was your gross income?
2)Send it in.
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Some friends and I were having a discussion the other day about a flat tax. Not important what the rate would be but do you think it is fair or unfair?

It's more fair than a progressive tax system.

It's less fair than capitation (where we divide the government budget by the number of people and send them each a bill) although unlike a poll tax it's viable in the real world.

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Some friends and I were having a discussion the other day about a flat tax. Not important what the rate would be but do you think it is fair or unfair?

Fair is a meaningless concept when applied to taxes.

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Some friends and I were having a discussion the other day about a flat tax. Not important what the rate would be but do you think it is fair or unfair?

Fair is a meaningless concept when applied to taxes.

Exactly my point. You just expressed it in fewer words. :D
Nobody has time to listen; because they're desperately chasing the need of being heard.

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