
CBO says the rich are getting richer

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So you're getting richer ... maybe you could afford another wingsuit then.

I already have 3.

To be part of the 1% while leaching off of the government and college students and complaining about the rest of the 1% ... professors.

Why are my clients any different from the customers in any other business? No-one forces any student to go to a PRIVATE university, nor are we part of the government.

And we for sure have never been bailed out like AIG or the big Wall Street banks, GM or Chrysler.

Those darned FACTS again!:P

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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A professor who makes their money from the government and college students making statements about the greed and corruption of the banking and medical industries while college prices are up again ... should take a look in the mirror.

Wow. I must really piss you off. I've made almost all my money off the government. I get a military pension, and I work for a government contractor. I had no idea I was so evil.

Well now you know!

"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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A professor who makes their money from the government and college students making statements about the greed and corruption of the banking and medical industries while college prices are up again ... should take a look in the mirror.

Wow. I must really piss you off. I've made almost all my money off the government. I get a military pension, and I work for a government contractor. I had no idea I was so evil.

You don't piss me off. I'm just trying to think (and post) like another poster in this thread ... ;)
"That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch

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To be part of the 1% while leaching off of the government and college students and complaining about the rest of the 1% ... professors.

How is he leeching off the government and college students?

A professor who makes their money from the government and college students making statements about the greed and corruption of the banking and medical industries while college prices are up again ... should take a look in the mirror.

So, to be clear - even teaching in a private institution one still would suck off of the benefits of government intervention artificially driving up the price of providing education in the entire market.




Tuition: $31,363.00
Fees: $1,000
Room and Board: $9,834 - $12,864
Books and Supplies: approximately $1,000, $1,500 for architecture students
Transportation: $1,200
Personal/Miscellaneous: $2,100

& IIT is flooded with ROTC Cadets whose Full Rides flood IIT with 100% paid in full cash (Govt Money).

It's fair to say that full professors are at least over the $150,000 per annum mark...

You have a very funny definition of "flooded". About 1% of our students are ROTC, and no-one forces any of them to attend any particular university of college.

And we give free tuition to all ROTC staff (officers and enlisted) who want to take any courses, so in fact, using Butters' logic, the government is leeching off me.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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To be part of the 1% while leaching off of the government and college students and complaining about the rest of the 1% ... professors.

How is he leeching off the government and college students?

A professor who makes their money from the government and college students making statements about the greed and corruption of the banking and medical industries while college prices are up again ... should take a look in the mirror.

So, to be clear - even teaching in a private institution one still would suck off of the benefits of government intervention artificially driving up the price of providing education in the entire market.




Tuition: $31,363.00
Fees: $1,000
Room and Board: $9,834 - $12,864
Books and Supplies: approximately $1,000, $1,500 for architecture students
Transportation: $1,200
Personal/Miscellaneous: $2,100

& IIT is flooded with ROTC Cadets whose Full Rides flood IIT with 100% paid in full cash (Govt Money).

It's fair to say that full professors are at least over the $150,000 per annum mark...

You have a very funny definition of "flooded". About 1% of our students are ROTC.

Ok, I shall concede that point, but how do you justify approximately $50,000 per year in costs? $200,000+ for a B.S. is rather steep... All the fault of those evil bankers?

Are you prepared to give up some of your six-figure salary to help out those poor downtrodden kids that graduate from the Ghetto high schools (other than the two catholic ones) around IIT?

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To be part of the 1% while leaching off of the government and college students and complaining about the rest of the 1% ... professors.

How is he leeching off the government and college students?

A professor who makes their money from the government and college students making statements about the greed and corruption of the banking and medical industries while college prices are up again ... should take a look in the mirror.

So, to be clear - even teaching in a private institution one still would suck off of the benefits of government intervention artificially driving up the price of providing education in the entire market.




Tuition: $31,363.00
Fees: $1,000
Room and Board: $9,834 - $12,864
Books and Supplies: approximately $1,000, $1,500 for architecture students
Transportation: $1,200
Personal/Miscellaneous: $2,100

& IIT is flooded with ROTC Cadets whose Full Rides flood IIT with 100% paid in full cash (Govt Money).

It's fair to say that full professors are at least over the $150,000 per annum mark...

You have a very funny definition of "flooded". About 1% of our students are ROTC.

Ok, I shall concede that point,

How does it feel to be wrong so often, Mr. Anonymous Poster?

I hope you never accepted any government grants or loans, attended any public school, or drove on public roads, or used a public airport, with your "what's mine is mine" anti-tax attitude.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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So you're getting richer ... maybe you could afford another wingsuit then.

I already have 3.

To be part of the 1% while leaching off of the government and college students and complaining about the rest of the 1% ... professors.

Why are my clients any different from the customers in any other business? No-one forces any student to go to a PRIVATE university, nor are we part of the government.

No-one forces any person to buy a house or material goods and yet you blame the banks and corporations.


And we for sure have never been bailed out like AIG or the big Wall Street banks, GM or Chrysler.

You don't need to be bailed out because you didn't loan anything, you received everything (money from student loans for which the student might recieve relief.


Those darned FACTS again!:P

Fact ... you need some Windex.
"That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch

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Good job you didn't go to college, or you would have been a big time leecher, I guess, along with all the others who resent paying taxes but take government services.

I provide a service that is in high demand, I am paid for it, and the people I graduate go out and become productive taxpayers with good jobs. Where they get their money to pay my employer is not my business.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Good job you didn't go to college, or you would have been a big time leecher, I guess, along with all the others who resent paying taxes but take government services.

I provide a service that is in high demand, I am paid for it, and the people I graduate go out and become productive taxpayers with good jobs. Where they get their money to pay my employer is not my business.

How does it feel to be one of the 1% you loathe so much?

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Good job you didn't go to college, or you would have been a big time leecher, I guess, along with all the others who resent paying taxes but take government services.

I provide a service that is in high demand, I am paid for it, and the people I graduate go out and become productive taxpayers with good jobs. Where they get their money to pay my employer is not my business.

How does it feel to be one of the 1% you loathe so much?

I don't loathe anyone, I just want everyone to pay an appropriate amount to support the country they live in and which has provided their opportunities.

You clearly loathe your country, Mr. "What's mine is mine", or you'd be willing to support it.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Good job you didn't go to college, or you would have been a big time leecher, I guess, along with all the others who resent paying taxes but take government services.

I provide a service that is in high demand, I am paid for it, and the people I graduate go out and become productive taxpayers with good jobs. Where they get their money to pay my employer is not my business.

How does it feel to be one of the 1% you loathe so much?

It’s a burden most of us can't understand, but Kallend is right, most engineering friends of mine are very well educated in their field of expertise, and making very good money, but many of them are still writing monthly checks to pay for their educations (15 years after graduating).

My wife and I are 1%ers...with a household income exceeding well let’s just say, we are the evil people the Dems talk about. The difference is neither of us went to college, becoming dept free in 1996 was the primary game changer in our lives.

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I provide a service that is in high demand, I am paid for it, and the people I graduate go out and become productive taxpayers with good jobs. Where they get their money to pay my employer is not my business.

Of course it's not your business - it makes a mockery of your false protest about other industries (GM, AIG) that have also been subsidized by the federal budget.

At 50k per year per student, this subsidy to your salary may well be equal to the amount of taxes you pay, making you one of the millionaires who effectively pays no taxes.

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I provide a service that is in high demand, I am paid for it, and the people I graduate go out and become productive taxpayers with good jobs. Where they get their money to pay my employer is not my business.

Of course it's not your business - it makes a mockery of your false protest about other industries (GM, AIG) that have also been subsidized by the federal budget.

Fascinating. Following that logic, a physician is responsible for the source of her patients' money, Starbuck's workers are responsible for their customers' money, attorneys are responsible for the source of their clients' funds, and my local dry cleaner is responsible for where his customers' funds come from.

Wow, just think, if policeman buys a donut from Dunkin Donuts, the counter clerk is now subsidized by the government.

Stupid logic.


At 50k per year per student, this subsidy to your salary may well be equal to the amount of taxes you pay, making you one of the millionaires who effectively pays no taxes.

Following your absurd logic, any physician who accepts Medicare patients pays no tax, any one working for any corporation with a military contract pays no tax, no member of the military pays tax, no construction worker on a bridge or highway project pays tax, no police or firefighter pays tax, no elementary or high school school teacher pays tax... because somewhere along the way the government provides some money...

Stupid, even for you.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Are you prepared to give up some of your six-figure salary to help out those poor downtrodden kids that graduate from the Ghetto high schools (other than the two catholic ones) around IIT?


Collectively, the faculty and staff do just that:P

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Following your absurd logic, any physician who accepts Medicare patients pays no tax, any one working for any corporation with a military contract pays no tax, no member of the military pays tax, no construction worker on a bridge or highway project pays tax, no police or firefighter pays tax, no elementary or high school school teacher pays tax... because somewhere along the way the government provides some money...

Stupid, even for you.

Sorry if being called on your hypocrisy stings. It's amazing you have the gall to talk about the GM bailout.

That doctor gets reduced payments for the same service when it's Medicare. He's doing the same job for less. This is rather different from you doing the same job at a higher price thanks to federal subsidies.

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Following your absurd logic, any physician who accepts Medicare patients pays no tax, any one working for any corporation with a military contract pays no tax, no member of the military pays tax, no construction worker on a bridge or highway project pays tax, no police or firefighter pays tax, no elementary or high school school teacher pays tax... because somewhere along the way the government provides some money...

Stupid, even for you.

Sorry if being called on your hypocrisy stings. It's amazing you have the gall to talk about the GM bailout.

That doctor gets reduced payments for the same service when it's Medicare. He's doing the same job for less. This is rather different from you doing the same job at a higher price thanks to federal subsidies.

Utter nonsense. No-one is forced to go to college. We all need healthcare.

Put your money where your mouth is; start your own college and undercut the competition if you think that's how it works.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Following your absurd logic, any physician who accepts Medicare patients pays no tax, any one working for any corporation with a military contract pays no tax, no member of the military pays tax, no construction worker on a bridge or highway project pays tax, no police or firefighter pays tax, no elementary or high school school teacher pays tax... because somewhere along the way the government provides some money...

Stupid, even for you.

Sorry if being called on your hypocrisy stings. It's amazing you have the gall to talk about the GM bailout.

That doctor gets reduced payments for the same service when it's Medicare. He's doing the same job for less. This is rather different from you doing the same job at a higher price thanks to federal subsidies.

Utter nonsense. No-one is forced to go to college. We all need healthcare.

Put your money where your mouth is; start your own college and undercut the competition if you think that's how it works.

How very eliteist and Republican-Capitalist of you.

How does your desire to fleece the producers in this country jive with your desire to preserve your own six-figure salary? After all, you don't need that much money, so you don't really deserve to get it...

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We all need want healthcare.


Well, I suppose we could let them eat cake instead, it's the Republican way.

Why bring up Republicans? Neither of us are. Although you would fit in with the stereotype ... arrogant and ignorant.
"That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch

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Following your absurd logic, any physician who accepts Medicare patients pays no tax, any one working for any corporation with a military contract pays no tax, no member of the military pays tax, no construction worker on a bridge or highway project pays tax, no police or firefighter pays tax, no elementary or high school school teacher pays tax... because somewhere along the way the government provides some money...

Stupid, even for you.

Sorry if being called on your hypocrisy stings. It's amazing you have the gall to talk about the GM bailout.

That doctor gets reduced payments for the same service when it's Medicare. He's doing the same job for less. This is rather different from you doing the same job at a higher price thanks to federal subsidies.

Utter nonsense. No-one is forced to go to college. We all need healthcare.

Put your money where your mouth is; start your own college and undercut the competition if you think that's how it works.

How very eliteist and Republican-Capitalist of you.

How does your desire to fleece the producers in this country jive with your desire to preserve your own six-figure salary? After all, you don't need that much money, so you don't really deserve to get it...

If you think you can do a better job for less cost, go for it. Hire cheap faculty too. DesertAttormey Law School tuition at $10/credit hour will be very popular.

Put your money where your mouth is.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Put your money where your mouth is.

Says the 1% advocating that the rich pay more.

Let's see you walk your talk, first.

Yep, taxes should be raised on the richest Americans.

Unlike you, I've never whined and bellyached about paying my taxes.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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