
Punk Ass Rapper: F*uck the troops!

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everybody is allowed to express what he likes - as long as it doesn't touch the troops. so much for freedom of speech B|

Nobody is saying that he can't say it, and the 1st Amendment only applies to gov't, not individuals. People have just as much of a right to say he was a dick for doing the lyrics as you do to accuse people of being dicks for being down on him for "dissing" the troops.


one more reason not to visit the states. flame away

Given the attitude, sounds like it's a win-win.

pot meets kettle?
The universal aptitude for ineptitude makes any human accomplishment an incredible miracle

dudeist skydiver # 666

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everybody is allowed to express what he likes - as long as it doesn't touch the troops. so much for freedom of speech B|
one more reason not to visit the states. flame away

He, or anyone for that matter, is well within their rights to speak in a disrespective manner about anyone else.
But that doesn't mean the rest of us have to agree with them and/or stay silent about it. We, in return, have the right to disagree and to express that disagreement.
Just one reason I love this country we call The United States of America! :)
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