
Green jobs

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Obama touted this Company as the company of the future .


"I predict future happiness for Americans, if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them."
— Thomas Jefferson [:/]

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The main culprit is China's strategy to undercut American manufacturing at every turn. It is not just this company, it is all America's manufacturing that is in danger of closing doors due to undercutting from China.

The Obama haters will jump on this and cast all blame on the Democrats attempt to get the economy back on track. How can America stay on any track when China will do anything to derail American jobs?

Americans need to stop pointing fingers at the other side and focus on the real cause of our collapsing country and eminent doom - China.

Google Search:

The price for solar panels has tanked in the past year largely because of heavy competition from Chinese firms. The price for solar panels has dropped by about 42 percent this year.

That's because it was not American solar companies who undercut prices so harshly that it sent Evergreen Bankrupt, it was the Chinese solar manufactures.
"...And once you're gone, you can't come back
When you're out of the blue and into the black."
Neil Young

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The only thing Green about these jobs is the amount green it takes to create them and then watch it evaporate.

You can't force demand, that's up to the consumers. Green jobs will be created as the public's demand for green products increases (Toyota Prius for example).

Sadly that isn't going to happen much when a lot of people are unemployed and wages are stagnant and people can't afford to shell out more for green anything.
The feather butts bounce off ya like raindrops hitting a battle-star when they come in too fast...kinda funny to watch. - airtwardo

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The American Iron and Steel Institute points out:
“China has implemented a comprehensive program to promote its steel industry through a combination of direct subsidies and access to inputs at below-market prices. The result of these policies has been to provide a substantial subsidy to the producers of many green technology products, who benefit directly from artificially low steel prices in China. This subsidy—combined with many other benefits the government of China provides to its green technology producers—has damaged U.S. employment growth and cost U.S. green technology competitors millions of dollars in lost sales.”

I think it is clear that China will do anything it can to destroy American manufacturing to keep Americans stuck in the rut of having to depend on cheap garbage. The answer is to apply high tariffs on all products from China. They artificially lower cost in China so that American manufacturing cannot even begin to compete, unless we lower wages to less than $1.00 an hour! At that wage an American might as well just stick a gun in his or her mouth and pull the trigger. Fact is, China is screwing us. America needs to grow a back bone and toughen up. We need to deny China at every turn. We need to boycott everything they ship here. We need to slam them with huge tariffs. We need to put them on their knees and let them grovel in the muck of their making. We need to just say no more.
"...And once you're gone, you can't come back
When you're out of the blue and into the black."
Neil Young

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So, China still sells to other countries, The U.S. is on its own with the high prices for goods.

How much of those high prices are attributable to labor costs. The U.S. is pricing itself out of business.

Supply/Demand...if I want it, I can get it cheaper elsewhere. Capitalism doesn't mean controlled pricing, does it? That's something else.
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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Obama touted this Company as the company of the future .


"I predict future happiness for Americans, if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them."
— Thomas Jefferson [:/]

But I thought the leftist press would never be critical of Obama during an election cycle?

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So, China still sells to other countries, The U.S. is on its own with the high prices for goods.

How much of those high prices are attributable to labor costs. The U.S. is pricing itself out of business.

Supply/Demand...if I want it, I can get it cheaper elsewhere. Capitalism doesn't mean controlled pricing, does it? That's something else.

We can lower wages to China's level of wages, but then Americans would by far worst off. In the past, it seems, people were happy to pay a little more because it supported America and American jobs and that got quality.
Somewhere along the way people got hooked on cheaply made products from China. I got hooked, also. I bought work boots from Walmart that were made in China. Those boots would last, at most, 6 months. Am I saving any money when I am paying $30-50.00 every 6 months for new boots? No, I am not. The last pair of boots I bought was over two years ago. I bought a pair of American made Wolverines. They cost me $130.00. They will be needing new soles before long, but they have not fallen apart at the stitches like the Chinese boots from Walmart always did. I love my Wolverine boots and know that I will be wearing them for a number of years to come. No Chinese company can come close to the quality of Wolverine or Red Wing boots. The last pair of Red Wing boots that I had, I wore for more than 5 years. They were stolen as I left them outside of the Sperry rail car to dry. I guess some hobo needed them more than I did. In need of boots, I bought at Walmart. That cost me a small fortune over the years, until I got wise and bought the Wolverines. $130.00 boots that will last for years compared to $30.00 boots that will last maybe 6 months? Do the math. The $130.00 boots are the better investment. The same goes with riding leather. I bought the chaps I wear back in the 80s. I paid over $200.00 for them. Bought them at a Jim's Cycle Shop in Axtell, Texas when I lived in Mexia, Texas. The chaps are by Dallas Leather. 100% American made. Sure, I could had saved $150.00 by buying some cheap ass crap from China, but then I would be replacing them in less than 1 year. $200.00+ for the Dallas Leather chaps near 30 years of use was money well spent. They are still in great shape. I recently replaced my leather jacket. The jacket I did wear was near 30 years old (and it looks it). It was a Leather Rider. 100% American made. It withstood riding through snow, rain storms, sand storms... anything mother nature could throw at it and it came out on top. I paid more than $200.00 for that jacket in the mid eighties. Money well spent. No Chinese made jacket at 1/4 the price could last the number of years the old Leather Rider lasted. My new jacket is a Fox Creek Leather http://www.foxcreekleather.com/60-mens-all-season-motorcycle-jackets/5-classic-motorcycle-jacket-i After all said and done it cost me over $500.00. This jacket will last the rest of my life. It is 100% guaranteed. They will repair it for free if I am in a crash (or if a stitch comes out). No Chinese company will give you the guarantee and quality that an American company will on motorcycle leathers. Sure, I could had bought some cheap ass Chinese made leather jacket for under $100.00 and saved more than $400.00, but I would be replacing it in a year or so. Do the math. Replace a $100.00 jacket every year or so, or pay a one time cost of $500.00 for a high quality American made jacket that will last for at least 30 years.
I do everything I can to buy American. At times, I have no choice but to buy Chinese garbage. It really pisses me off. But if given the choice between paying more for a high quality American made product or paying 1/4 of the price for a low quality Chinese product, I do the math and buy American.
"...And once you're gone, you can't come back
When you're out of the blue and into the black."
Neil Young

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Sounds great. When do you think Obama plans on doing this?

Brother, I've lost hope in both parties. I doesn't matter who is president.
My hope is in the American people to step up and buy American. Keep the money here so we all can proper. If possible, spend a little more for the American made product. If everyone did that, American companies will prosper and China will tank. American made product will eventually come down in price. It will take time, but America is worth the cost.
"...And once you're gone, you can't come back
When you're out of the blue and into the black."
Neil Young

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Sounds great. When do you think Obama plans on doing this?

Brother, I've lost hope in both parties. I doesn't matter who is president.
My hope is in the American people to step up and buy American. Keep the money here so we all can proper. If possible, spend a little more for the American made product. If everyone did that, American companies will prosper and China will tank. American made product will eventually come down in price. It will take time, but America is worth the cost.

I feel your pain. My company loses a lot of business every year to cheap products made in Asian and Latin American countries. I refuse to sell any product that isn't USA made. That includes products from European and Canadian countries too. Right now our country needs us. If people don't wake up, there isn't going to be a USA one day. I know the cynics will disagree but it's true. America needs Americans to buy from America companies that hire legal American citizens. Enough is enough.

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Sounds great. When do you think Obama plans on doing this?

Brother, I've lost hope in both parties. I doesn't matter who is president.
My hope is in the American people to step up and buy American. Keep the money here so we all can proper. If possible, spend a little more for the American made product. If everyone did that, American companies will prosper and China will tank. American made product will eventually come down in price. It will take time, but America is worth the cost.

I feel your pain. My company loses a lot of business every year to cheap products made in Asian and Latin American countries. I refuse to sell any product that isn't USA made. That includes products from European and Canadian countries too. Right now our country needs us. If people don't wake up, there isn't going to be a USA one day. I know the cynics will disagree but it's true. America needs Americans to buy from America companies that hire legal American citizens. Enough is enough.

while I agree there are many products US companies can not compete with China and others, I still reject the thought that we can not complete over all

EPA, OSHA and other gov regs. (Like Sarbanes Oxly) will continue to drive costs for companies up to the point that, no matter the productivity, the US companies can not survive in the global market place. I really think we can

(and no libs, I do not want dirty air and water, or unsafe work places. So stuff that)
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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Sounds great. When do you think Obama plans on doing this?

Brother, I've lost hope in both parties. I doesn't matter who is president.
My hope is in the American people to step up and buy American. Keep the money here so we all can proper. If possible, spend a little more for the American made product. If everyone did that, American companies will prosper and China will tank. American made product will eventually come down in price. It will take time, but America is worth the cost.

I feel your pain. My company loses a lot of business every year to cheap products made in Asian and Latin American countries. I refuse to sell any product that isn't USA made. That includes products from European and Canadian countries too. Right now our country needs us. If people don't wake up, there isn't going to be a USA one day. I know the cynics will disagree but it's true. America needs Americans to buy from America companies that hire legal American citizens. Enough is enough.

while I agree there are many products US companies can not compete with China and others, I still reject the thought that we can not complete over all

EPA, OSHA and other gov regs. (Like Sarbanes Oxly) will continue to drive costs for companies up to the point that, no matter the productivity, the US companies can not survive in the global market place. I really think we can

(and no libs, I do not want dirty air and water, or unsafe work places. So stuff that)

The business we lose for the most part isn't necessarily business we want anyway. People looking for the lowest price generally end up spending more when their cheap Chinese products fall apart and have to be replaced. Plus, I really dislike dealing with budget shoppers and their creative ability to squeeze a buck. Almost complusive at times. Usually not a very profitable transaction either.

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