
Do you think Obama will go golfing this weekend?

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Part 2 to the question is:

"If he left town for the weekend, do you think the country would be better off?"

When you first posted this I didn't think much of it. Then I thought a little about it, is this the most you guys have? The President likes to golf? WTF. At the most, maybe every week or two he spends a few hours golfing, and this is an issue that concerns you.

Take issue with his policy, hell no ones perfect, maybe he's wrong on everything, but to think he is less of a President because he golfs is pathetic.

Anybody that really thinks his golfing is an issue needs to reevaluate their critical thinking skills.

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Part 2 to the question is:

"If he left town for the weekend, do you think the country would be better off?"

When you first posted this I didn't think much of it. Then I thought a little about it, is this the most you guys have? The President likes to golf? WTF. At the most, maybe every week or two he spends a few hours golfing, and this is an issue that concerns you.

Take issue with his policy, hell no ones perfect, maybe he's wrong on everything, but to think he is less of a President because he golfs is pathetic.

Anybody that really thinks his golfing is an issue needs to reevaluate their critical thinking skills.

You must not remember the uproar about Bush's golfing and vacations

I think this is just a parody on that which exposes the hypocrisy of the left on topics like this

What do you think?
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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Part 2 to the question is:

"If he left town for the weekend, do you think the country would be better off?"

When you first posted this I didn't think much of it. Then I thought a little about it, is this the most you guys have? The President likes to golf? WTF. At the most, maybe every week or two he spends a few hours golfing, and this is an issue that concerns you.

Take issue with his policy, hell no ones perfect, maybe he's wrong on everything, but to think he is less of a President because he golfs is pathetic.

Anybody that really thinks his golfing is an issue needs to reevaluate their critical thinking skills.

You must not remember the uproar about Bush's golfing and vacations

I think this is just a parody on that which exposes the hypocrisy of the left on topics like this

What do you think?

I enjoy a good parody just like the next guy, but I don't think this was the case. Golfing an hour away is not even close to flying half way across the country to the ranch.

I always thought, while it looked bad for Dubya to make all those trips to Crawford, (He made 77 trips and spent 487 days there) in reality he was just as connected as he was at the WH.

While it's true that some Dems went after Dubya about everything he did, some did not. Now all these Republicans say that since some said this about Bush, we can say this about Obama. It would be nice to see the Republicans go after Obama on policy and not golfing, Kenya, Islam etc etc etc. It would be a chance to show that their the bigger men.

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Part 2 to the question is:

"If he left town for the weekend, do you think the country would be better off?"

When you first posted this I didn't think much of it. Then I thought a little about it, is this the most you guys have? The President likes to golf? WTF. At the most, maybe every week or two he spends a few hours golfing, and this is an issue that concerns you.

Take issue with his policy, hell no ones perfect, maybe he's wrong on everything, but to think he is less of a President because he golfs is pathetic.

Anybody that really thinks his golfing is an issue needs to reevaluate their critical thinking skills.

You must not remember the uproar about Bush's golfing and vacations

I think this is just a parody on that which exposes the hypocrisy of the left on topics like this

What do you think?

I enjoy a good parody just like the next guy, but I don't think this was the case. Golfing an hour away is not even close to flying half way across the country to the ranch.

I always thought, while it looked bad for Dubya to make all those trips to Crawford, (He made 77 trips and spent 487 days there) in reality he was just as connected as he was at the WH.

While it's true that some Dems went after Dubya about everything he did, some did not. Now all these Republicans say that since some said this about Bush, we can say this about Obama. It would be nice to see the Republicans go after Obama on policy and not golfing, Kenya, Islam etc etc etc. It would be a chance to show that their the bigger men.

one reaps what one sows
And I am glad you can justify a difference

I wonder how many times Bush spent billions sending his family on vacations?
Oh, and they DO go after him on policy

Gotta go to different news sources (other than ABC,CBS,NBC, CNN, NPR et al)
where much discussion is going on
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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I wonder how many times Bush spent billions sending his family on vacations?
Oh, and they DO go after him on policy

Zero, just like Obama.

So Obamas wife did not go overseas?


"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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I wonder how many times Bush spent billions sending his family on vacations?
Oh, and they DO go after him on policy

Zero, just like Obama.

So Obamas wife did not go overseas?



You need to pay attention to your own question, You never ask if she made the trips and I never said she did not make the trips. What I did say was that they did not cost "billions" Not all of us excel at math, here's some help. A billion dollars is = to one thousand piles of a million dollars, so when you say billions, at the least, that would be 2 billion, or 2 thousand piles of a million dollars.

Think about it.

I use to think for a conservative, you made a good argument, but lately, you have gone off the deep end.

Providing a Google page is not a source.

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I wonder how many times Bush spent billions sending his family on vacations?
Oh, and they DO go after him on policy

Zero, just like Obama.

So Obamas wife did not go overseas?



You need to pay attention, I never said she did not make the trips. What I did say was that they did not cost "billions" Not all of us excel at math, here's some help. A billion dollars is = to one thousand piles of a million dollars, so when you say billions, at the least, that would be 2 billion, or 2 thousand piles of a million dollars.

Think about it.

Providing a Google page is not a source.

I caught the billion thing after I replied to you

Hundred of thousands would be a better number

And a google search is an honest post
Pick your own site
not too difficult

After all, if something is posted here that someone does not like they go after the source and ignore the content

Look at the NASA post today[:/]
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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A colleague of mine inherited his family farm in southern Illinois. He gets paid by the Feds to grow NOTHING.

It is insane. Elvin would lose everything, if he did not plant. He's the same age as I am, 51. He's been farming since he was old enough to drive a tractor. It's all he knows how to do.
Most of what he plants is field corn. Part of his crop feeds their hogs, while the rest goes to market for livestock fodder. They're not growing for human food, but for feed for livestock, which is equally important.
Farm subsidies inflates food price, land value and encourages over-farming. Much of what is farmed goes to waste. Subsidies are great for the corporate farms, but does nothing for the man who works his fields from the early morning hour into the night. Subsidies are equally great for the land owner who never plants one single seed. Again, they do nothing for the farmer who is looking at the sky hoping for rain. No rain, no crop, no pay day. The millionaire who collects subsidies, yet never plants a seed, does not have that kind of worry.
Slashing subsidies would save billions for the taxpayer. The money saved should then be directed to those small farms that keep a farm community viable.
"...And once you're gone, you can't come back
When you're out of the blue and into the black."
Neil Young

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Trying to say Obama is stonewalling is a lie.

So where's his plan?


I'll remind you of the CBO statement: "We don't evaluate speeches".


The republicans are the ones that say they will not support anything that increases taxes by one cent. Remember Grover Norquist. The hang up is not the spending cuts, it's the tea party that refuses to budge one inch on revenues or one inch even on tax loopholes. They are bunch of fucking pussies afraid they wont be reelected.

Guess that's why Obama is pressing for a ceiling that gets him past 2012... he's a pussy afraid he won't get reelected.


You are living proof that if you repeat the lie over and over and often enough, you soon believe it as fact.

Funny that...I was just thinking that of you.
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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The Tea Party is down in the polls, and this deficit situation will not help them in the least. Cutting Government spending sounds all wonderful and all, until it's their Medicare or Social Security that's on the chopping


Bachman has been running her mouth about how she is not voting for extending the deficit while Romney and Pawlenty have kept their mouth shut. It's gonna cost her.

I don't pay very much attention to the polls because they are so volatile.

On the news I keep hearing that Medicare and Social Security will definitely not be effected in the short run.

As far a Michelle Bachman is concerned, I have no opinion regarding her bid for the presidency. I think she is a good person with strong values and has the experience to handle the job.

Why isn't Romney and Pawlently voicing opinions? I think their silence could hurt their chances as well.

I still like Ron Paul.
Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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Anybody that really thinks his golfing is an issue needs to reevaluate their critical thinking skills.

You must not remember the uproar about Bush's golfing and vacations

I think this is just a parody on that which exposes the hypocrisy of the left on topics like this

What do you think?

It's stupid regardless of which "side" does it. I don't care if Obama goes golfing this weekend or not, he can still be working o the budget deal the whole time.
"What if there were no hypothetical questions?"

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A colleague of mine inherited his family farm in southern Illinois. He gets paid by the Feds to grow NOTHING.

It is insane. Elvin would lose everything, if he did not plant. He's the same age as I am, 51. He's been farming since he was old enough to drive a tractor. It's all he knows how to do.
Most of what he plants is field corn. Part of his crop feeds their hogs, while the rest goes to market for livestock fodder. They're not growing for human food, but for feed for livestock, which is equally important.
Farm subsidies inflates food price, land value and encourages over-farming. Much of what is farmed goes to waste. Subsidies are great for the corporate farms, but does nothing for the man who works his fields from the early morning hour into the night. Subsidies are equally great for the land owner who never plants one single seed. Again, they do nothing for the farmer who is looking at the sky hoping for rain. No rain, no crop, no pay day. The millionaire who collects subsidies, yet never plants a seed, does not have that kind of worry.
Slashing subsidies would save billions for the taxpayer. The money saved should then be directed to those small farms that keep a farm community viable.

Ask him which program?

Dont get me wrong, I dont agree with it either. But for some programs, I think you would be VERY surprised why the pay them

So kallend, which program?
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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I caught the billion thing after I replied to you

Oh my fucking god!

You fucking typed it!!!!!!

I messed up

I do make mistakes

I know very few liberals who ever do (and admit it)

In any event. I really don't care about Obamas golfing

I just find the double standard amusing
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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Anybody that really thinks his golfing is an issue needs to reevaluate their critical thinking skills.

You must not remember the uproar about Bush's golfing and vacations

I think this is just a parody on that which exposes the hypocrisy of the left on topics like this

What do you think?

It's stupid regardless of which "side" does it. I don't care if Obama goes golfing this weekend or not, he can still be working o the budget deal the whole time.

"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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Anybody that really thinks his golfing is an issue needs to reevaluate their critical thinking skills.

You must not remember the uproar about Bush's golfing and vacations

I think this is just a parody on that which exposes the hypocrisy of the left on topics like this

What do you think?

It's stupid regardless of which "side" does it. I don't care if Obama goes golfing this weekend or not, he can still be working o the budget deal the whole time.

I bet he sleeps a few hours too. EVERY DAY. How can he waste our time when big decisions have to happen.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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I bet he sleeps a few hours too. EVERY DAY. How can he waste our time when big decisions have to happen.

now that I've written that, I wonder how long it'll take for the usuals to post a topic that GWB slept, on average, 30 minutes more a night....:|

Though, as I understand it, Clinton slept first.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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I caught the billion thing after I replied to you

Oh my fucking god!

You fucking typed it!!!!!!

I messed up

I do make mistakes

You're very predictable that way.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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I caught the billion thing after I replied to you

Oh my fucking god!

You fucking typed it!!!!!!

I messed up

I do make mistakes

You're very predictable that way.

It is about honesty and integrity.

Two things you have proven you have no concept of
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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I caught the billion thing after I replied to you

Oh my fucking god!

You fucking typed it!!!!!!

I messed up

I do make mistakes

You're very predictable that way.

It is about honesty and integrity.

Two things you have proven you have no concept of

Hey, at least I can tell fact from fiction.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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I caught the billion thing after I replied to you

Oh my fucking god!

You fucking typed it!!!!!!

I messed up

I do make mistakes

You're very predictable that way.

It is about honesty and integrity.

Two things you have proven you have no concept of

Hey, at least I can tell fact from fiction.

Well good for you

You would rather have a fact straight than have a good character

I would rather be wrong once in a while
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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I caught the billion thing after I replied to you

Oh my fucking god!

You fucking typed it!!!!!!

I messed up

I do make mistakes

You're very predictable that way.

It is about honesty and integrity.

Two things you have proven you have no concept of

Hey, at least I can tell fact from fiction.

Well good for you

You would rather have a fact straight than have a good character

I would rather be wrong once in a while

Being factual is a hallmark of a good character. Being untruthful is not. Now, about your comment on the salary raises of Obama's staff... it was a blatant lie.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Being factual is a hallmark of a good character. Being untruthful is not. Now, about your comment on the salary raises of Obama's staff... it was a blatant lie.

So are the overwhelming majority of your posts in gun control threads - perhaps you should attend to your own beam before Marc's mote.
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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