
Our God is an an awesome God, He Reigns...

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Even then. The natural limiting factor of human population growth was food. Once people in the fertile crescent figured out how to till soil and grow their own rather than simply gathering what was available, the human population exploded.

People love to fuck. Fucking makes babies. As long as there's enough food to feed the people and allow them some free time, they'll fuck like rabbits and take over the world -- which is exactly what happened.

Monogamous relationships are actually a rather recent development in the history of mankind.


Thanks for the history lesson. As with all other life on the planet, natural selection influences which populations thrive and which ones go extinct. With the thirst for God that exists in the world today, the populations that sought God did very well in the selection process.


God must have really disliked the whole world except for the middle east and Europe. Out of the 14 largest animals that humans have been able to domesticate, except for the llama, none came from Sub Saharan Africa, Australia or North and South America. This gave those living in the fertile crescent a huge advantage over the rest of the world when it came to agriculture. There was also no crops like grain and barely that could be stored for extended periods of time in sub-sahara Africa like in the fertile crescent. While the rest of the world was just trying to stop from starving to death on a daily basis, Europe and the middle east were able to accelerate in Technology.

These events happened long before the Judeo- Christian God arrived.

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Thanks for the history lesson. As with all other life on the planet, natural selection influences which populations thrive and which ones go extinct. With the thirst for God that exists in the world today, the populations that sought God did very well in the selection process.

Utter nonsense.

You're trying to say that God makes people suffer for natural selection, you then relate the natural selection process to religion.

You clearly don't know what Africa is like then and are basing your theories on your own uneducated views of Africa. South Africa has one of the largest HIV positive demographics and yet South Africa is an extremely Christian country with about 80% of the population being Christian.

Seeking God doesn't change the process of natural selection. Nor is there any evidence to support such a theory.

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Utter nonsense.

You're trying to say that God makes people suffer for natural selection, you then relate the natural selection process to religion. Not even close.

--You clearly don't know what Africa is like then and are basing your theories on your own uneducated views of Africa. South Africa has one of the largest HIV positive demographics and yet South Africa is an extremely Christian country with about 80% of the population being Christian.

??? If you say so .

--Seeking God doesn't change the process of natural selection. Nor is there any evidence to support such a theory.

So your simplistic view is: "God does not exist because there is suffering in the world" Reality is what it is, As a species it is our privilege to make sense out of the chaos physically and spiritually. All one can do is explore where their heart leads. If you are angry and consumed with hate I don't think you will like where you end up.


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All one can do is explore where their heart leads.

I prefer to use my mind and the evidence that, so far, has been presented.
To date, we know that the bible is wrong as to the age of the planet. We know that humankind is far older than what the bible claims. We know that dinosaurs out date humans (no mention of them in the bible.) We know that the planet has never flooded over. We know that there is no heaven above us, but a vast, seemingly endless, universe surrounding our planet. We know that the planet earth and all on it was not created in six days.
To date, all evidence is against the existence of any deity.
"...And once you're gone, you can't come back
When you're out of the blue and into the black."
Neil Young

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But there IS a God. The Bible says so. And, since the Bible is the word of God, it has to be true.
How could you possibly argue with that?

Originally employed as a weapon of war, the hammer nowadays is used as a
kind of divining rod to locate the most expensive parts adjacent the
object we are trying to hit.

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But there IS a God. The Bible says so. And, since the Bible is the word of God, it has to be true.
How could you possibly argue with that?

The fact that you and I agree, on anything, is proof alone that there is no god. What god would allow that!!!!!! :D
"...And once you're gone, you can't come back
When you're out of the blue and into the black."
Neil Young

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But there IS a God. The Bible says so. And, since the Bible is the word of God, it has to be true.
How could you possibly argue with that?

The fact that you and I agree, on anything, is proof alone that there is no god. What god would allow that!!!!!! :D

That makes two things.
Hell, if we ever met we'd probably have more in common than either of us think.
Originally employed as a weapon of war, the hammer nowadays is used as a
kind of divining rod to locate the most expensive parts adjacent the
object we are trying to hit.

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But there IS a God. The Bible says so. And, since the Bible is the word of God, it has to be true.
How could you possibly argue with that?

The fact that you and I agree, on anything, is proof alone that there is no god. What god would allow that!!!!!! :D

That makes two things.
Hell, if we ever met we'd probably have more in common than either of us think.

God said it, I believe it, that settles it.

At least that is what the bumper sticker said.

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But there IS a God. The Bible says so. And, since the Bible is the word of God, it has to be true.
How could you possibly argue with that?

The fact that you and I agree, on anything, is proof alone that there is no god. What god would allow that!!!!!! :D

That makes two things.
Hell, if we ever met we'd probably have more in common than either of us think.

Most of my friends have completely different views. The majority believe in God.
If we all believed the same, debate would be boring.
"...And once you're gone, you can't come back
When you're out of the blue and into the black."
Neil Young

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All one can do is explore where their heart leads.

I prefer to use my mind and the evidence that, so far, has been presented.
To date, we know that the bible is wrong as to the age of the planet. We know that humankind is far older than what the bible claims. We know that dinosaurs out date humans (no mention of them in the bible.) We know that the planet has never flooded over. We know that there is no heaven above us, but a vast, seemingly endless, universe surrounding our planet. We know that the planet earth and all on it was not created in six days.
To date, all evidence is against the existence of any deity.

Keep exploring and stay away from places that teach what you just said. That is some pretty scary stuff. God is a lot more than a collection of petty misinterpreted doctrines. Start at the begining, "God is Love"


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All one can do is explore where their heart leads.

I prefer to use my mind and the evidence that, so far, has been presented.
To date, we know that the bible is wrong as to the age of the planet. We know that humankind is far older than what the bible claims. We know that dinosaurs out date humans (no mention of them in the bible.) We know that the planet has never flooded over. We know that there is no heaven above us, but a vast, seemingly endless, universe surrounding our planet. We know that the planet earth and all on it was not created in six days.
To date, all evidence is against the existence of any deity.

Keep exploring and stay away from places that teach what you just said. That is some pretty scary stuff. God is a lot more than a collection of petty misinterpreted doctrines. Start at the begining, "God is Love"


I love reading books on physics and I am a big fan of Brian Greene. One of my favorite books is "The Elegant Universe." Timothy Ferris's "The Whole Bang" and Trinh Xuan Thuan's "Chaos and Harmony" are two other books that lay out our universe in understandable terms. You should read them. They may change your view, or at least give you food for thought.
"...And once you're gone, you can't come back
When you're out of the blue and into the black."
Neil Young

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I love reading books on physics and I am a big fan of Brian Greene. One of my favorite books is "The Elegant Universe." Timothy Ferris's "The Whole Bang" and Trinh Xuan Thuan's "Chaos and Harmony" are two other books that lay out our universe in understandable terms. You should read them. They may change your view, or at least give you food for thought.

Brain Green +1, I am sure I would enjoy your other suggestion if I can ever find the time.

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Honestly, I have read the bible (KJV) from cover to cover, in 1995. I did so after being diagnosed with HIV when I returned from nearly a year in Mexico (messed around with a number of red-light ladies. Clearly, my own fault.)
I do accept that the over-all message in the NT of love, acceptance, and respect for each other is what each human should extend to each and every other. However, the message in the OT is not the same. If anything, the church would do well to omit it from their lessons. I find the story of creation to be implausible, if not completely unbelievable. I tend to lean towards the latter. As I also do concerning the the story of Jesus. That is not to say that Jesus did not exist, only that I do not believe that he was the son of a god. Yet, that should not detract from the message. Although, the same message can be found in older writings and from other/older civilizations.
As for how and when the universe came into existence, the theories put forth in the astronomical community are far more plausible.
"...And once you're gone, you can't come back
When you're out of the blue and into the black."
Neil Young

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Well, your god doesn't even seem to have the power to get the message through the net: "Dieses Video ist in deinem Land nicht verfügbar." (This video is not available in your country.) Conclusion: He's neither awesome nor does he reign (at least not the net) :PB|;)
Sorry, bored a little, don't take it too seriously. :ph34r:
The sky is not the limit. The ground is.

The Society of Skydiving Ducks

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