
Crickets yet again on THE RIGHT

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Just like your characterization of conservatives is only true in Jeanne-world.


Would that characterization be about closeted conservative gay politicians who do evereything they can to legislate against others who hold the same proclivities????

As I recall, politicians are sent to Washington to represent the views of their constituents, not themselves.

Things may be different in Jeanne-world.


Or would that be my characterizations of good family values conservatives like Newt Gingrich, John McCain, or those afflicted with the bi-fecta's of adultery AND not telling their wives they are having gay affairs like Larry Craig, Ted Haggard or Floridian Bob "20 dollar blow job" Allen or the conservative Mark Foley that gets to be Chairman of the House Caucus on Missing and Exploited Children, and then sending sexual instant messages and e-mails to teenaged boys that are Congressional pages for more than 10 years

Or that bang interns in the Oval office after signing a "Defense of Marriage Act", or run gay escort services out of their apartments, or take underage pages out of country for sex... coming to a point, yet?


Lord almighty.... I am incapable of listing all the family values conservaturds that have fooled yall over and over and over.

While you excuse the liberaturds with NO values that fool you over and over and over.

Which party was it again that is the party of conservative family values???

Oh and lets not forget the whole Jeff Guckert affair... the White House Conservative Correspondent Call Boy:ph34r::ph34r::ph34r: if you are going to bring up running escort services for Hot Guys.... I suppose he was just drumming up business at the Bush White House.

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Oh and lets not forget the whole Jeff Guckert affair... the White House Conservative Correspondent Call Boy:ph34r::ph34r::ph34r: if you are going to bring up running escort services for Hot Guys.... I suppose he was just drumming up business at the Bush White House.

Proof that gay men *were* accepted by the Republicans - got any toes left after that shotgun blast to the foot, Jeanne?
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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Oh and lets not forget the whole Jeff Guckert affair... the White House Conservative Correspondent Call Boy:ph34r::ph34r::ph34r: if you are going to bring up running escort services for Hot Guys.... I suppose he was just drumming up business at the Bush White House.

Proof that gay men *were* accepted by the Republicans - got any toes left after that shotgun blast to the foot, Jeanne?

OH.. you call that ACCEPTANCE..... dude once he was out of the clost he was persona non grata and about as hot as a molten potato.

You could just feel all that conservative rePUBICan love and acceptance :ph34r::ph34r:

I guess we just have different ideas what accpetance and inclusiveness mean.. Kinda like the BIG WHITE rePUBIclown straight TENT

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OH.. you call that ACCEPTANCE..... dude once he was out of the clost he was persona non grata and about as hot as a molten potato.

You could just feel all that conservative rePUBICan love and acceptance :ph34r::ph34r:

Except for the unfortunate bit that it was the LEFT that 'outed' him and found out that the news company he worked for was fake (which is what caused his credentials to be pulled), you might have a point.


I guess we just have different ideas what accpetance and inclusiveness mean.. Kinda like the BIG WHITE rePUBIclown straight TENT

Ann Coulter speaking at Homocon must really make your head spin, then.

Remind where the acceptance and inclusiveness is from you for Foley, Craig, etc.... oh, wait...there *is* none. How much from the libs for 'Oreos' like Rice, Powell, Steele? How much for 'coconuts' like Rubio?

So much for any authenticity in your position.
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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