
ACORN Deserves an Apology, Too

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especially from some on this forum...


ACORN was as alarmed at lenders who foisted bad loans on households who couldn't afford them as it was at lenders who refused to offer good loans to households of color who could. It was one of the first groups to sound the alarm about the subprime mortgage industry. ACORN unsuccessfully beseeched Congress not to deregulate an increasingly irresponsible banking sector.

Early on, ACORN blew the whistle on predatory lending. In 2000 it began a national campaign to combat the unscrupulous lending practices of Household Finance Corporation, one of the nation's largest and most aggressive subprime consumer lenders.

In 2008 John Atlas and Peter Dreier illuminated the remarkable range of activities ACORN chapters were involved in by listing recent local news stories. The stories described a campaign to save working-class housing in Brooklyn, voter registration drives in Las Vegas and Orlando, a demonstration against predatory lending in Pittsburgh, and an effort to expand health insurance in Texas. There were stories highlighting ACORN's key role in a new national coalition of unions, consumer and religious groups to fight for universal health care, plus programs to rebuild storm-destroyed homes and save others from foreclosure.

The media were quick to condemn ACORN's alleged misbehavior, but they've been extraordinarily slow to report on independent studies that have exonerated the organization.

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they did what congress told them to do
They are both crimial in my mind
they also are involved in huge voter registration scams

they dont need an apology. they need disbanded and de-funded
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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they also are involved in huge voter registration scams


ACORN confronted those who have on behalf of those who don't, earning it the undying enmity of conservative administrations. The first President Bush's Department of Labor convened a grant jury to investigate ACORN. It found nothing. George W. Bush's Attorney General, Alberto Gonzalez, fired several U.S. attorneys who refused to prosecute ACORN after they found no evidence of voter fraud.

stay away from moving propellers - they bite
blue skies from thai sky adventures
good solid response-provoking keyboarding

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they also are involved in huge voter registration scams


ACORN confronted those who have on behalf of those who don't, earning it the undying enmity of conservative administrations. The first President Bush's Department of Labor convened a grant jury to investigate ACORN. It found nothing. George W. Bush's Attorney General, Alberto Gonzalez, fired several U.S. attorneys who refused to prosecute ACORN after they found no evidence of voter fraud.


"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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they also are involved in huge voter registration scams

Can you find a link or reference that identifies even one person who voted illegally due to this alleged "huge voter registration scam"?

If I am being paid by Acorn to sign up voters, and I sign up a bunch of fake names so I can get paid more, I have defrauded Acorn. If anyone was victimized by the alleged voter registration fraud, it would be Acorn. I believe that when some instances of fraud were discovered, it was Acorn that reported it.

Tolerance is the cost we must pay for our adventure in liberty. (Dworkin, 1996)
“Education is not filling a bucket, but lighting a fire.” (Yeats)

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they also are involved in huge voter registration scams

Can you find a link or reference that identifies even one person who voted illegally due to this alleged "huge voter registration scam"?

If I am being paid by Acorn to sign up voters, and I sign up a bunch of fake names so I can get paid more, I have defrauded Acorn. If anyone was victimized by the alleged voter registration fraud, it would be Acorn. I believe that when some instances of fraud were discovered, it was Acorn that reported it.


Sorry to here you work for them

Look at my link posted earlier
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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they also are involved in huge voter registration scams

Can you find a link or reference that identifies even one person who voted illegally due to this alleged "huge voter registration scam"?

If I am being paid by Acorn to sign up voters, and I sign up a bunch of fake names so I can get paid more, I have defrauded Acorn. If anyone was victimized by the alleged voter registration fraud, it would be Acorn. I believe that when some instances of fraud were discovered, it was Acorn that reported it.


Sorry to here you work for them

Look at my link posted earlier

THE BIG FAT BUG BRAIN SAYS THEY ARE BAD.......therefore they are bad bad commie dark people.... :S:S:S

reading is fundamental:S:S:S

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Look at my link posted earlier

I did. There is not one allegation that anybody actually attempted to vote who should not have.


Sorry to here you work for them

So much for your BS about answering the question and not playing the player. Here's your word for the day.

Tolerance is the cost we must pay for our adventure in liberty. (Dworkin, 1996)
“Education is not filling a bucket, but lighting a fire.” (Yeats)

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According to Stanley Kurtz of National Review Online, “ACORN succeeded in drawing Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac into the very policies that led to the current disaster.” ACORN put pressure on banks by threatening them with accusations of racism if they didn’t give loans to minorities, even if they were completely unqualified.

Starting in 1987, ACORN began pressuring Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to lower their standards for assuming mortage debt. And eventually they succeeded. By 1995, then President Clinton touted the fact that home-ownership in America was at an all-time high. According to Kurtz, ACORN representatives were guests of honor at this ceremony. Acorn owes the entire country an apology..>:(

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According to Stanley Kurtz of National Review Online, “ACORN succeeded in drawing Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac into the very policies that led to the current disaster.” ACORN put pressure on banks by threatening them with accusations of racism if they didn’t give loans to minorities, even if they were completely unqualified.

Starting in 1987, ACORN began pressuring Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to lower their standards for assuming mortage debt. And eventually they succeeded. By 1995, then President Clinton touted the fact that home-ownership in America was at an all-time high. According to Kurtz, ACORN representatives were guests of honor at this ceremony. Acorn owes the entire country an apology..>:(

RIIIIGHT.. Stanley Kurtz....now there is an unbiASSed source:S:S:S:S:S

From Wiki

Kurtz writes regularly for publications such as National Review, Policy Review, The Weekly Standard, The Wall Street Journal, and Commentary.[1]

I bet Goebbels would have LOVED this guy:S:S:S

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RIIIIGHT.. Stanley Kurtz....now there is an unbiASSed source:S:S:S:S:S

From Wiki

Kurtz writes regularly for publications such as National Review, Policy Review, The Weekly Standard, The Wall Street Journal, and Commentary.[1]

I bet Goebbels would have LOVED this guy:S:S:S
You can Google up more sources . tell me which part do you find in error?? or do you simply dismiss this because it makes your party look bad.. America still awaits its apology from Acorn ..:D

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RIIIIGHT.. Stanley Kurtz....now there is an unbiASSed source:S:S:S:S:S

From Wiki

Kurtz writes regularly for publications such as National Review, Policy Review, The Weekly Standard, The Wall Street Journal, and Commentary.[1]

I bet Goebbels would have LOVED this guy:S:S:S
You can Google up more sources . tell me which part do you find in error?? or do you simply dismiss this because it makes your party look bad.. America still awaits its apology from Acorn ..:D

DUUUUDE the guy HATES ACORN.... he has ragged on it over and over and over.... he is out there on the fringe writing far right OPINION pieces.. propoganda that the suckers on the fringe right lap up... its made him LOTS of money:S:S:S

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New testimony obtained by a consumer advocate group from former employees of ACORN paints a startling picture of the apparent misuse of taxpayer dollars to further the group’s left-wing political agenda.

Four former employees of ACORN and of ACORN Housing Corp. have supplied sworn affidavits to the Consumer Rights League that provide eyewitness accounts of how the two organizations have commingled funds and resources, in apparent violation of federal law.

The Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) bills itself as a non-partisan group, supported by tax-exempt contributions from individuals and corporations.

The ACORN Housing Corp. (AHC), an ACORN affiliate, receives more than 40 percent of its funding from government sources, ostensibly to promote affordable housing to low- and middle-income families.

But according to CRL, internal documents obtained from whistleblowers suggest that ACORN has failed to maintain the proper distinction between its tax-exempt housing work and its aggressive political activities.

“ACORN and its offshoots take in millions of dollars in government grants under the guise of ‘consumer advocacy’ to line their own pockets,” said Jim Terry, CRL’s chief public advocate.

The new testimony, from four former ACORN and AHC employees, provides “hard confirmation” that ACORN and its affiliate are in fact one in the same
Acorn is corrupt and even some of their former employees have supplied sworn affidavits to the fraud and corruption of this organization...America is still waiting for an apology from Acorn. :|

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Whatsamatter, Jeanne - can't smear an ACORN insider as being a right-wing hack, so you fall back on your usual 'smear the poster' tactic?


OMG.. now there is some IRONY off the scale oh Mr Special littel flower of sweetness and light

I guess YOU and your fellow travellers in your world of sweetness and good and apple pie have never heard of disgruntled employees doing anything and everything they can to get back at people who butt hurt them:S:S:S:S:S

Interesting that you fringe right guys hop on isolated incidents..to attack ACORN because they are not goosestepping FOR YOUR PARTY as opposed to the systemic efforts of the rePUBIClowns across the country to stop people of color from voting in any sleazy way they can.. like the hundreds of cases pointed out in FL with not enough voting machines or broken machines or voters names left off of registration lists in THOSE PEOPLES precincts

Interesting that the ACORN insider has found new "friends"

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And had you been worth a shit at DeVrie, you'd be a lawyer now and could afford insurance.

OMG.. now there is some IRONY off the scale oh Mr Special littel flower of sweetness and light

I notice you don't quote what I was responding to - let me remedy that little omission of yours:

"Had you finished more than 2 semesters at U of T you may have been introduced to MAT 096 and been able to grasp this. "

I believe you call that "sauce for the goose" - oh, wait, I forgot; that's only when YOU do it, isn't it?


I guess YOU and your fellow travellers in your world of sweetness and good and apple pie have never heard of disgruntled employees doing anything and everything they can to get back at people who butt hurt them

Yeah, Lucky is suddenly very interested in what I do - I don't care to be another PhillyKev.


Interesting that the ACORN insider has found new "friends"

Yup - honest ones, unlike the ones she left.
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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Yup - honest ones, unlike the ones she left.


DUUUUDE.. you really should come back to this country and hit the comedy circuit in the red koolaid states... they are the only ones who would fall for shit like that.:D:D:D:D:D


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