
University Bans Nerf Guns

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Gun-Control Activists Seek 'Nerf' Guns Ban

The Washington Times reports that, "it was a rough week for gun rights in colorado. First, Colorado State University voted to ban concealed firearms on campus. Then, the University of Colrado went a few steps further and cracked down on another nefarious threat: Nerf guns."

University campus security officials banned students' plans for a 'human vs. zombies' game, since the players wanted to utilize the poular orange-and-green toy weaponry. The University of Colorado has already banned simulated guns, which include those that shoot spongy Nerf balls.

A nationwide craze on college campuses, the game involves 'zombie' students trying to eliminate 'human' students by socking them with Nerf balls or socks. The moment a 'human' has been tagged, he becomes a zombie and is forced to wear a bandana around his head...
Source: http://www.dallasblog.com/201002151006140/dallas-blog/gun-control-activists-seek-nerf-guns-ban.html

Someone could put out an eye!

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Gun-Control Activists Seek 'Nerf' Guns Ban

The Washington Times reports that, "it was a rough week for gun rights in colorado. First, Colorado State University voted to ban concealed firearms on campus. Then, the University of Colrado went a few steps further and cracked down on another nefarious threat: Nerf guns."

University campus security officials banned students' plans for a 'human vs. zombies' game, since the players wanted to utilize the poular orange-and-green toy weaponry. The University of Colorado has already banned simulated guns, which include those that shoot spongy Nerf balls.

A nationwide craze on college campuses, the game involves 'zombie' students trying to eliminate 'human' students by socking them with Nerf balls or socks. The moment a 'human' has been tagged, he becomes a zombie and is forced to wear a bandana around his head...
Source: http://www.dallasblog.com/201002151006140/dallas-blog/gun-control-activists-seek-nerf-guns-ban.html

Someone could put out an eye!

More likely someone will sue the school for a minor injury and even if the school wins they will incur major legal expenses. Same reason that diving boards are disappearing from swimming pools and playground equipment is disappearing from playgrounds. In a nutshell, we are doing it to ourselves.

Tort reform would fix things like this.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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While tort reform would definitely help, everyone settling out of court is a big issue as well as no precedents are set. :S

It may cost more initially, but if everyone took every frivolous lawsuit all the way through the system, there'd be far less as it would not be as quickly profitable to sue.

In addition, the courts would get so backed up, it'd be years before they even went to trial. :)

Stupidity if left untreated is self-correcting
If ya can't be good, look good, if that fails, make 'em laugh.

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You couldn't make this stuff up ..... no one would believe you

Well, you know, if you let them shoot zombies with nerf guns today, they might start shooting their professors with real guns tomorrow. You can't be too careful.

Although I grew up playing cowboys and Indians with twin toy six-shooter cap guns, but I've yet to shoot a real Indian. So maybe there's a flaw in that kind of thinking...

Ban toy guns!

Maybe we should also ban toy cars, as they teach kids to drive recklessly when they grow up?

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This was one of the primary reasons why I did not attend CU Boulder. That college takes stupid to a whole new level with some of its policies.
“The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires."-William Arthur Ward

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You couldn't make this stuff up ..... no one would believe you

Well, you know, if you let them shoot zombies with nerf guns today, they might start shooting their professors with real guns tomorrow. You can't be too careful.

Although I grew up playing cowboys and Indians with twin toy six-shooter cap guns, but I've yet to shoot a real Indian. So maybe there's a flaw in that kind of thinking...

Ban toy guns!

Maybe we should also ban toy cars, as they teach kids to drive recklessly when they grow up?

My brother and I used to have BB gun fights. It's a wonder we each still have two eyes. B|
When our mom took them away we used cattle prods. :D
Originally employed as a weapon of war, the hammer nowadays is used as a
kind of divining rod to locate the most expensive parts adjacent the
object we are trying to hit.

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