Stossel on a Green Energy $ recipient

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Politics picks winners and losers. This company gets picked as a winner. The thing is the company is smart.

When it bought the Republic plant out of bankruptcy, there was strategic opportunity. The first thing Kevin Surace did after getting board approval to try the purchase was fly to Chicago and meet with the president of the Western Region of the United Electrical, Radio, and Machine Workers of America and agree to run a union shop and hire back the old workers at their wage.

Then he proceeded to buy and lease the facility and equipment at bargain rates - he raided bankruptcy (in a sense, he was an evil capitalist liquidator - but nobody wants to mention that).

Oh - did I mention that the place is in the same neighborhood as Valerie Jarrett's house? Google Valerie Jarrett. Oh, yes - a lawyer and community activist from Chicago who is an advisor to the Obama Admin and headed up the transition team.

A steely-eyed businessman. Let's get the help of the union, liquidate bankruptcy (start on the cheap), get a collective bargaining agreement, and do so with the assistance and knowledge of shills in the administration! Direct some stimulus funds, get preferred treatment.

Man. It's beautiful seeing how political grease is far more effective than elbow grease.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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Man. It's beautiful seeing how political grease is far more effective than elbow grease.


Only about half sarcasm. You gotta give ol Kevin some credit. He figured out how to get loads of advertising from the US government, some sweet feals from the government, and all because je made friendly with those who had influence.

Unions? Check.
Villification of the prior company? Check.
In a political stronhold og existing presidency? Check.
With people of influence in the administration? Check.

Investment-backed return.

It's like villifying Gore for his impressive capitalist/tax-break businesses. The obly think more important that walking the walk is the perception that you walk the walk. So Limbaugh talks about his formerly nicotine stained fingers while palming a cigar. So he rails on junkies. Perception and public persona control the image.

This cat played the government game to a tee! Don't hate the player - hate the game. Hopey changey gave the perception that this shit wouldn't happen anymore. That's why he's being introduced by gracious benevolent corporations.

All corporations are not evil if.they do what we like.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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