
Ever hear the right say: Well GHWB, now this is your economy?

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Actually, no. The low interest rates were the ultimate catalyst and cause of this mess.

No they weren't. In general, people buy as much house as they are allowed. All that lowering interest rates does is change the ratio of interest and principle. They are still going to max out the combined total of the two. With higher interest rates they would have bought a less expensive house, yes, but their total payment remains the same because interest is higher, so nothing changes in loan risk.

What sent it to hell was Congress "encouraging" Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to underwrite very questionable loans, setting the new industry standard. They were hell bent to make sure everyone could have the American dream of home ownership. The bottom line is that many people are not responsible enough to handle it. That old standard of 20% down separated who was and who wasn't.

Under the new rules you didn't need savings or a down payment, you didn't have to prove you could pay it back. 17% of those who took sub prime loans never made their FIRST payment. Tell me how interest rates did anything, since they never paid any?

They raised the percentage of income one could have in debt payment. The big killer was underwriting balloon loans, for people who had no chance of ever being able to make the the balloon payments.

You said we need big government to protect us from ourselves? Maybe. But the traditional rules to get a home loan worked just fine for decades. Erasing them put us in this mess.
Tom B

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- Who has veto power to nix out 535 353 members of congress in 1 strike of a pen?

Fixed it for you.


- Who has unilatteral war powers, sending troops and billions of dollars away?

Constitutionally? Only congress (War Powers Act of 1973). In reality, however, no congressman wants their name on a formal declaration of war that might come back to bite them in the ass - so we're left with the Iraq Resolution (HJ114)

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Actually, no. The low interest rates were the ultimate catalyst and cause of this mess.

No they weren't. In general, people buy as much house as they are allowed. All that lowering interest rates does is change the ratio of interest and principle. They are still going to max out the combined total of the two. With higher interest rates they would have bought a less expensive house, yes, but their total payment remains the same because interest is higher, so nothing changes in loan risk.

No, interest rates were very significant, as it encouraged more reckless behavior by Wall Street to maintain what were considered normal rates of concern. If the only causes were the ones you listed, Bear and Lehmans would still exist. The housing losses just weren't that great. But when you leverage 30:1 and you lose just a little, the net loss becomes massive. And that is the primary cause of where we are now. The derivatives market is measured in the hundreds of trillions (500B in 2007), far greater than the world GDP. This is a very new development, exceeding the GDP for the first time in 2002.

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Our present financial mess was initiated by the housing mess. And much of it was caused by a handful of Democrats in the House and Senate, putting absurd rules in place through Fredie Mac and Ginnie May, including no down payments, loans to anyone without credit checks or the ability to repay, allowing interest only or balloon payment mortgages, etc.

As far as I know, none of those loans you described were guaranteed by Freddie/Fannie, which only guaranteed "conforming" loans - those requiring good credit score, downpayment, income guidelines and fixed payments. Non-conforming "liar loans" were NOT guaranteed.

And I don't let Republicans off the hook, as they sat on the same committees, in fact they led them. So long as they got their pork projects, anything the Dems wanted to add so that everyone could have a house they could not afford was fine with them.

But mainly I believe the American economic troubles were driven by a public that wanted it all, the big house they could not afford, the new car, make that multiple cars, the boat and RV, the $100K in credit card debt, and a negative savings rate. We do want it all and we want it now. In 1955 the typical new home was 1,100 square feet, with the family having more than three kids. They saved up until they had a 20% or greater down payment. In recent years, every newly wed young couple I knew was buying a 3,000 square foot house, 100% financed, and then they financed the furniture to go in it. And the cruise, not to mention the $50K wedding.

Add to that American company management that outsourced most of its manufacturing. GE and Wallmart literally created China as a major manufacturing nation. Those who said we could have a "service economy" and do well on it were nuts.

The prime way to create wealth is to turn raw materials into something valuable. We used to do a lot of that. Today we have largely service industries that merely spread existing wealth around. Sooner or later you run out of national accumulated wealth to spread around.

It is quite the mess.

* Don't pray for me if you wanna help - just send me a check. *

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So much for your wanting constructive and civil discussions. :S

You've stuck a fork in that a while ago. You expect me to take shots and ignore them. YOU want to trash this forum with petty BS, not me. I really get nothing from your discourse, but love to hand you your ass. Wanna grow up, just ignore or address constructively. Wanna keep trashing the forum, keep doing this:

I find it surprising that even you would stoop so low as to say...

And then you claim I'm trying to start shit, you started that.

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with FULL VA BENEFITS...don't forget that.

I do have full VA benefits for a 1-term enlistee. Not sure what you have a hard time understanding there.


This is why I call you out. I have never met a vet that so besmirched another's service while touting his/her own service. I have met my share of absolute sh*t-bags, and felt their service was less than honorable, but they served. Even I give them that.

How bout that shitbag Reagan, ever have the disservice of meeting that pussy fucking war dodger? Yet you'll hammer drag dodger Clinton, praise Reagan; they both contributed about the same to the military.


President Reagan volunteered.

Yep and was able to enlist in the reserve, which requires induction, physical and basic training. Then the war came along and his number was up and found an excuse not to go, yet never saw him wear glasses in his life. I'm sure he did occassionally, but he wasn't blind as a bat. I bet you defend crack-head GWB and his loyal :S service too.


Do you sh*t on President Carter's service?

Nope, he served 6 years, his dad died so he went to take care of the farm. He didn't run from war, ever.


What about President GW Bush's?

Do you really need to ask?


What about Gov. Pete Wilson?

I don't know about it. If he ran from military duty, yes I would slam him.


You know, by your logic, most members of the Army and Marine Corps could use the same argument on those in the Air Force and some in the Navy. Instead, we banter in friendly inter-branch ribbing. You choose to take it to a whole new level that I refuse to believe any vet that served honorably would do.

So now I'm lying about being in the AF? Is it really a long stretch? And the idiotic rants from teh Army and MArines are BS too. I know 1 peson who died in this GWB war and he was AF. WHen I was in I was stationed at now closed KI Sawyer AFB, just off Lake Superior, few miles from Canada. I would work outside all noght for 3 weeks in a row, 12-hr days for ORI's and other excercizes. Not to mention work teh alert pad for a week ata time, not being able to leave as if I were in jail. So all that grunt bravado might work for some AFSC's (called something else now), bit not mine.


I pray that you are only being a poseur, because your venomous disregard for your fellow brothers in arms is a discredit to us all.

Reagan's a punk ass fucking pussy; don't like - too bad. If you want to pretend his wiggling out of war to go to LA and make training movies was credible, I'm super glad for you B|

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So much for your wanting constructive and civil discussions. :S

You've stuck a fork in that a while ago. You expect me to take shots and ignore them. YOU want to trash this forum with petty BS, not me. I really get nothing from your discourse, but love to hand you your ass. Wanna grow up, just ignore or address constructively. Wanna keep trashing the forum, keep doing this:

I find it surprising that even you would stoop so low as to say...

And then you claim I'm trying to start shit, you started that.

Maybe it isn't so surprising after all. I didn't mean for you to get your panties all wadded up.
Go ahead and hand me my ass....if you can. You've tried several times and failed miserably.
Originally employed as a weapon of war, the hammer nowadays is used as a
kind of divining rod to locate the most expensive parts adjacent the
object we are trying to hit.

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So much for your wanting constructive and civil discussions. :S

You've stuck a fork in that a while ago. You expect me to take shots and ignore them. YOU want to trash this forum with petty BS, not me. I really get nothing from your discourse, but love to hand you your ass. Wanna grow up, just ignore or address constructively. Wanna keep trashing the forum, keep doing this:

I find it surprising that even you would stoop so low as to say...

And then you claim I'm trying to start shit, you started that.


Love how you dislike the content, so it's now incomprehensible. Typical.


Dudee, he did the right thing under the scrutiny and against the wishes of the paranoid nuts party, quit questioning his motives.


More substance, less rhetoric, please.


Yes, you want to blame the other side


Child, this is shit I know and have cited before.

So, you want to tell people to shut up and disregard their political beliefs, but YOUR words and YOUR beliefs are inviolate?

Don't EVEN start trying to take the high road.
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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Aw, you don't count, he said you obviously weren't a vet, remember? :P

He didn't say that to me...but if he had, that would've been the icing on the cake...:D

Oh, yeah he did... in the healthcare bill thread, after you asked him about his 'full VA benefits'.

I was going to mention it to him that he didn't know who he was talking about, but I already had Ian up my ass about defending another vet, so I held off.

Where did I state Gawain wasn't a vet? Post it. If I did it was errant, post it, I don't recall that. Regardless, it's insignificant to the point. I don't have to ask if you were a vet, Mike. I positive you weren't, but you have the rhetoric down-pat.

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As far as I know, none of those loans you described were guaranteed by Freddie/Fannie, which only guaranteed "conforming" loans - those requiring good credit score, downpayment, income guidelines and fixed payments. Non-conforming "liar loans" were NOT guaranteed.

If I intermixed the sub-prime mess I apologize. Yes, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac only granted conforming loans. But under pressure from Congress, they lowered the definitions of conforming. They increased the permitted ratio of payment to income and reduced the down payments, etc. They allowed great risk in vairable risk loans, for people stretched to make the initial payments.

After they did that, the banks that traditionally granted higher risk loans, moved even a notch further down the tree.

A lot of peple were declared conforming who should not have been, were never before. The proof of this is that both organizations were in trouble, long BEFORE the economy really went south.
Tom B

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He's a wannabe. Not the vet he claims to be. Don't know if he's ever left an airplane through anything other than a covered ramp. Is Ted Kuzinski still alive?

I've run engines on B-52's, crew chiefed them and flew on them 3 times. I'm guessing you're not a vet.

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Yes the president makes a budget request, which Congress ignores and puts in whatever they want.

And then the pres vetoes, so the purpose is to get congress aligned with what the pres will sign.


Yes, the president has veto authority. Congress got smart and now send an omnibus bill, generally late, and if the president vetos it he shuts down the government and makes one hell of a mess.

That's happened before, so not sure what your piont is. That's why the pres sends congress a proposal.


Give him a line item veto, and I will grant that one.

Congress can piggyback, but the pres can veto, so the pres is the ultimate legislator absent overrides.


The President doesn't have unilateral war powers. Congress must fund it. Every year. And Congress has funded both wars all the way through.

The pres can claim we are being attacked and send us to war; unilaterally.


Tax laws he signs indeed, the ones congress gives him. Did Congress give Bush the tax laws he wanted? No.

Really? Did he want even bigger cuts? Are you talking Bush 1 or 2?

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I do have full VA benefits for a 1-term enlistee. Not sure what you have a hard time understanding there.

"Shitbag" Reagan, as you call him, served longer than you did. :D


Yep and was able to enlist in the reserve, which requires induction, physical and basic training. Then the war came along and his number was up and found an excuse not to go, yet never saw him wear glasses in his life.

He was drafted like many others, reported for duty, and went where they told him. You have evidence to the contrary?
He did wear glasses from childhood, then changed to contact lenses. Do you know what his vision was tested at? You must in order for you to deny that it was bad enough to keep him from combat duty.
Originally employed as a weapon of war, the hammer nowadays is used as a
kind of divining rod to locate the most expensive parts adjacent the
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Where did I state Gawain wasn't a vet? Post it.

If you're incapable of looking up your own damn posts, I'm sure not going to do it for you.


If I did it was errant, post it, I don't recall that. Regardless, it's insignificant to the point.

Of course it is, now that you think you might have made a mistake running your mouth.


I don't have to ask if you were a vet, Mike. I positive you weren't, but you have the rhetoric down-pat.

Gee, maybe it's significant to the point after all, huh?
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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No they weren't. In general, people buy as much house as they are allowed.

Right, and you qualify based upon teh PITI, as the I falls, the P can climb and you still have the same payment with a higher P amount, hence housing cost escallation.


All that lowering interest rates does is change the ratio of interest and principle.

Yep and when the I lowers the monthly payment drops and you can qualify for mor ehouse, but sellers compensated by raising house prices knowing the same people would qualify for more expensive houses and have the same monthly mortgage.


They are still going to max out the combined total of the two.

A 100k house with a 7% loan will have a $900 PITI lets say. If the same house drops to 5% I, the note is now let's say around $750 PITI. So then the same house sells for 130k @ 5% I and the payment goes back up to $900. These are round numbers, I didn;t use a mort calculator, but you get the idea.


With higher interest rates they would have bought a less expensive house, yes, but their total payment remains the same because interest is higher, so nothing changes in loan risk.

And with a lower I rate the payment/note is lower, so sellers compensated by jacking up the cost of their houses. Before long, that same house was worth 200k and anyone could qualify due to lenders not caring about the credibility of the borrower, but the credibility was in the house for which they speculated would continue to increase in value. This is how subprime borrowers were able to get into houses or get 2nds, 3rds, etc.


What sent it to hell was Congress "encouraging" Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to underwrite very questionable loans, setting the new industry standard. They were hell bent to make sure everyone could have the American dream of home ownership. The bottom line is that many people are not responsible enough to handle it. That old standard of 20% down separated who was and who wasn't.

OK, I'm just asking what act, law or whatever was it that proposed that, required that, etc?


Under the new rules you didn't need savings or a down payment, you didn't have to prove you could pay it back. 17% of those who took sub prime loans never made their FIRST payment. Tell me how interest rates did anything, since they never paid any?

The low I rates enabled the accelleration of artificial principle escallation. As with qualifying, if teh I is low the P can be more, creating and artifical bubble. Not a lot different by concept with the Dot.com bubble.


They raised the percentage of income one could have in debt payment. The big killer was underwriting balloon loans, for people who had no chance of ever being able to make the the balloon payments.

Creative finacing was yet another arm of the octopus. Massive int only loans, balloon payments, etc were all part of the mess.


You said we need big government to protect us from ourselves? Maybe. But the traditional rules to get a home loan worked just fine for decades. Erasing them put us in this mess.

I agree. In fact, as for unsecured debt, a person should have to qualify as tehy would a traditional home loan. Take your annual salary and be allowed no more than 1/2 that in total unsecured CC balance.

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- Who has veto power to nix out 535 353 members of congress in 1 strike of a pen?


Fixed it for you.

I was talking any president at any given time, he can strike uo to 535 votes.


- Who has unilatteral war powers, sending troops and billions of dollars away?


Constitutionally? Only congress (War Powers Act of 1973). In reality, however, no congressman wants their name on a formal declaration of war that might come back to bite them in the ass - so we're left with the Iraq Resolution (HJ114)


The War Powers Resolution of 1973 (50 U.S.C. 1541–1548) was a United States Congress joint resolution providing that the President can send U.S. armed forces into action abroad only by authorization of Congress or if the United States is already under attack or serious threat.

So then the pres couldn't claim serious threat let's say after 911 and move in w/o congress? Yea. The pres can do what he/she wants, there may be consequences later, but he/she can do what he/she wants as far as sending troops in.

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If you're incapable of looking up your own damn posts, I'm sure not going to do it for you.

It's realy a meaningless point, but if it isn't worth supporting your assertion I see how much you care.


Of course it is, now that you think you might have made a mistake running your mouth.

Mike, the thread topic: Ever hear the right say: Well GHWB, now this is your economy?

What does Gawain's military service have to do to support it? Right.


Gee, maybe it's significant to the point after all, huh?

Not whatsoever, just maybe your loyalty/sacrifice to this country.

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"Shitbag" Reagan, as you call him, served longer than you did.

Yea, me in -30 to -50 degree weather, towing a B-52 in a total fucking whiteout, walking the icy backbone carrying a 15-foot stick to dip the tanks. Pussy punk bitch fascist Ronnie making war training movies B|, getting laid by LA hotties and kicki it.

Nice comparison. BTW, I served longer than you before I showed up for basic :D


He was drafted like many others, reported for duty, and went where they told him. You have evidence to the contrary?

Yea, he was able to be inducted in 37 for the reserves, but 5 years later when he showed up for his call to active, he developed an eye problem; he couldn't see going to war to fight with them men. Yet we never see him with glasses after the fact, just doesn't have teh ring of truth to it, just like crackhead GWB.


He did wear glasses from childhood, then changed to contact lenses. Do you know what his vision was tested at? You must in order for you to deny that it was bad enough to keep him from combat duty.

It didn't keep him from being inducted in 37, so it must not have been that bad. But I see we're back to needing an affidavit from God before it's believed :S

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So much for your wanting constructive and civil discussions. :S

You've stuck a fork in that a while ago. You expect me to take shots and ignore them. YOU want to trash this forum with petty BS, not me. I really get nothing from your discourse, but love to hand you your ass. Wanna grow up, just ignore or address constructively. Wanna keep trashing the forum, keep doing this:

I find it surprising that even you would stoop so low as to say...

And then you claim I'm trying to start shit, you started that.

Maybe it isn't so surprising after all. I didn't mean for you to get your panties all wadded up.
Go ahead and hand me my ass....if you can. You've tried several times and failed miserably.

Ya wanna see and intelligent post?

No they weren't. In general, people buy as much house as they are allowed. All that lowering interest rates does is change the ratio of interest and principle. They are still going to max out the combined total of the two. With higher interest rates they would have bought a less expensive house, yes, but their total payment remains the same because interest is higher, so nothing changes in loan risk.

What sent it to hell was Congress "encouraging" Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to underwrite very questionable loans, setting the new industry standard. They were hell bent to make sure everyone could have the American dream of home ownership. The bottom line is that many people are not responsible enough to handle it. That old standard of 20% down separated who was and who wasn't.

Under the new rules you didn't need savings or a down payment, you didn't have to prove you could pay it back. 17% of those who took sub prime loans never made their FIRST payment. Tell me how interest rates did anything, since they never paid any?

They raised the percentage of income one could have in debt payment. The big killer was underwriting balloon loans, for people who had no chance of ever being able to make the the balloon payments.

You said we need big government to protect us from ourselves? Maybe. But the traditional rules to get a home loan worked just fine for decades. Erasing them put us in this mess.

That's the opposite of yours, try being more like guys like this and I'll enjoy responding to you, until then it just trashes the forum and we all know no one likes that (except you).

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If you're incapable of looking up your own damn posts, I'm sure not going to do it for you.

It's realy a meaningless point, but if it isn't worth supporting your assertion I see how much you care.

I found it, Gawain found it - doom on you if you can't.



Of course it is, now that you think you might have made a mistake running your mouth.

Mike, the thread topic: Ever hear the right say: Well GHWB, now this is your economy?

What does Gawain's military service have to do to support it? Right.

What does Reagan's? Or mine? Or Belgium's? You've mentioned all three of us.



Gee, maybe it's significant to the point after all, huh?

Not whatsoever, just maybe your loyalty/sacrifice to this country.

Given your stated desire to see the US become a socialist nation, you are the LAST FUCKING PERSON ON EARTH to call out anyone else's loyalty or sacrifice.
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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Nice comparison. BTW, I served longer than you before I showed up for basic

No, you served exactly the same as i did before you showed up for basic....0 days. FYI, I was turned down by the Navy, Army, Coast Guard, and Air Force because of chronic back problems. Not everybody who wants to serve gets to.


It didn't keep him from being inducted in 37, so it must not have been that bad. But I see we're back to needing an affidavit from God before it's believed

Seems you didn't know that people with very poor eyesight could get into the military but were restricted as to what they could do.
No, you don't need an affidavit from God, but something of decent respectability would do since you are only guessing based on your own hatred and bias. Not seeing him wear glasses don't mean a thing. There are little things called CONTACT LENSES that he wore.

As for trying to avoid being sent into combat, the National Museum of the Air Force disagrees with you.

Following the Japanese attack of Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941, Reagan interrupted his acting career and on April 19, 1942, went on active duty. This was not achieved without some difficulty because when Reagan took his first physical exam, he was not accepted for active duty due to eyesight difficulties. His persistence finally triumphed and he was given another exam, which he passed. He was classified for limited service only, which permanently denied to him his ambition of serving overseas. His first assignment was at the San Francisco Port of Embarkation, Fort Mason, Calif., as Liaison Officer of the Port and Transportation Office.

source: http://www.nationalmuseum.af.mil/factsheets/factsheet.asp?id=1660

I hope you can respond with something other than insinuation, assumptions, and speculation based on your hatred of the man.
Originally employed as a weapon of war, the hammer nowadays is used as a
kind of divining rod to locate the most expensive parts adjacent the
object we are trying to hit.

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- Who has veto power to nix out 535 353 members of congress in 1 strike of a pen?


Fixed it for you.

I was talking any president at any given time, he can strike uo to 535 votes.

You are aware that a 2/3rds vote in the House and Senate (354) can override a presidential veto aren't you? FAIL again.

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No, interest rates were very significant, as it encouraged more reckless behavior by Wall Street to maintain what were considered normal rates of concern. If the only causes were the ones you listed, Bear and Lehmans would still exist. The housing losses just weren't that great. But when you leverage 30:1 and you lose just a little, the net loss becomes massive. And that is the primary cause of where we are now. The derivatives market is measured in the hundreds of trillions (500B in 2007), far greater than the world GDP. This is a very new development, exceeding the GDP for the first time in 2002.

I understand what you are saying and agree with the intent. But I don't see it as interest rates per say, but the ratio of interest rates to the relative earnings potential, economic growth, inflation, other market opportunities, etc. For any reasonable interest rate you propose, I can match it with other market factors to yield the same stupid decisions and horrible results.

I was thinking you were going another direction. Some here have claimed that low interest rates actually put leveraged home owners at far greater risk, as they let them purchase much more expensive homes than they otherwise would have, and consequently suffered far greater losses when housing prices fell. Oh how much easier it was when home prices only went up. ;)

But thanks for clarifying the direction you were headed.
Tom B

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No, you served exactly the same as i did before you showed up for basic....0 days. FYI, I was turned down by the Navy, Army, Coast Guard, and Air Force because of chronic back problems. Not everybody who wants to serve gets to.

I knew if I threw out the hook you would bite B|. Delayed enlistment; I signed up in April, reported in May; therefore I served inactive reserve time and served more than you did before I was inducted. But of course if you had spoken with a recruiter you would know that.

Kida like Reagan had an eye problem; couldn't see going to fight with the men, did you have a back problem; wanted to go back home? :D

Back problem in your 20's/late teens?


Seems you didn't know that people with very poor eyesight could get into the military but were restricted as to what they could do.

Ahh, and Reagan's eyesight was good enough to be a lifeguard while in college, good enough to enlist in the reserves and get promoted a bunch, but not good enough to go to war in time of draft? :S Still listening for the ring of truth.

You can waive anything, but it's more than suspect that he was inducted into the reserves, had to go to some form of basic training, yet was unable to go to war? It just sounds like BS to me; no ring of truth.

Here's Elvis: On January 8, 1957, the Memphis Draft Board held a press conference and announced Presley would be classified 1A and would probably be drafted sometime that year. On December 20, 1957, Presley received his draft notice. Hal Wallis and Paramount Pictures had already spent $350,000 on the film King Creole, and did not want to suspend or cancel the project. The Memphis Draft Board granted Presley a deferment to finish it. On March 24, 1958 he was inducted as US Army private, under the service number US 53 310 761, at Fort Chaffee near Fort Smith, Arkansas. Two Army officers Arlie Metheny and John J. Mawn, coordinated the entry and shielded Presley from bombardment by national media and free-lance photographers.[128] Presley completed basic training at Fort Hood, Texas, on September 17, 1958, before being posted to Friedberg, Germany, with the 3rd Armored Division, where his service took place from October 1, 1958 until March 2, 1960.

Gee that was convenient, kept him out of Korea, a neat little delay. Yea, we all buy that BS and celebrities don't get preferecne.


No, you don't need an affidavit from God, but something of decent respectability would do since you are only guessing based on your own hatred and bias.

WWII guys were tough, they weren't the primadonnas of latter years, a little bad eyesight could be corrected. Contact lens technology was extremely antiquted then anyway. http://www.eyetopics.com/articles/18/1/The-History-of-Contact-Lenses.html

Ted Nugent, another RW war coward: http://www.newshounds.us/2007/08/26/proof_ted_nugent_is_a_draft_dodger_will_hannity_keep_defending_him.php

Here's a fine list: http://ocd-gx-liberal.blogspot.com/2005_11_01_archive.html

-- Jack Kemp: did not serve. "Knee problem, " although continued in NFL for 8 years as quarterback

-- Dick Cheney: did not serve. Several deferments, the last by marriage.

-- John Ashcroft: did not serve. Seven deferments to teach business (and teh RW calls Clinton a coward for the same kinds of things?:S)

Thene there's John Wayne: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Wayne#Military_service_controversy

America's entry into World War II resulted in a deluge of support for the war effort from all sectors of society, and Hollywood was no exception. Many established stars rushed to sign up for military service. Most notably, James Stewart, who had already enlisted in the US Army Air Corps, surmounted great obstacles in order to do so.

As the majority of male leads left Hollywood to serve overseas, John Wayne saw his just-blossoming stardom at risk. Despite enormous pressure from his inner circle of friends, he put off enlisting. Wayne was exempted from service due to his age (34 at the time of Pearl Harbor) and family status, classified as 3-A (family deferment). Wayne's secretary recalled making inquiries of military officials on behalf of his interest in enlisting, "but he never really followed up on them."[23] He repeatedly wrote to John Ford, asking to be placed in Ford's military unit, but continually postponed it until "after he finished one more film."[24] Republic Studios was emphatically resistant to losing Wayne, especially after the loss of Gene Autry to the Army.[25]

Correspondence between Wayne and Herbert J. Yates (the head of Republic) indicates that Yates threatened Wayne with a lawsuit if he walked away from his contract, though the likelihood of a studio suing its biggest star for going to war was minute.[26] Whether or not the threat was real, Wayne did not test it. Selective Service Records indicate he did not attempt to prevent his reclassification as 1-A (draft eligible), but apparently Republic Pictures intervened directly, requesting his further deferment.[27] In May, 1944, Wayne was reclassified as 1-A (draft eligible), but the studio obtained another 2-A deferment (for "support of national health, safety, or interest").[27] He remained 2-A until the war's end. Thus, John Wayne did not illegally "dodge" the draft, but he never took direct positive action toward enlistment.

Wayne was in the South Pacific theater of the war for three months in 1943–44, touring U.S. bases and hospitals as well as doing some "undercover" work for OSS commander William J. "Wild Bill" Donovan, who thought Wayne's celebrity might be good cover for an assessment of the causes for poor relations between General Douglas MacArthur and Donovan's OSS Pacific network. Wayne filed a report and Donovan gave him a plaque and commendation for serving with the OSS, but Wayne dismissed it as meaningless.[28]

The foregoing facts influenced the direction of Wayne's later life. By many accounts, Wayne's failure to serve in the military during World War II was the most painful experience of his life.[29] There were some other stars who, for various reasons, did not enlist. But Wayne, by virtue of becoming a celluloid war hero in several patriotic war films, as well as an outspoken supporter of conservative political causes and the Vietnam War, became the focus of particular disdain from both himself and certain portions of the public, particularly in later years. While some hold Wayne in contempt for the paradox between his early actions and his later attitudes, his widow suggests that Wayne's rampant patriotism in later decades sprang not from hypocrisy but from guilt. Pilar Wayne wrote, "He would become a 'superpatriot' for the rest of his life trying to atone for staying home."

Here's one VN vet Marine's opinion: http://www.veteranstoday.com/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=2838

Bill Clinton was a draft dodger. George Bush was also as was Cheney. Most politicians, almost all Republicans and the majority of Democrats were draft dodgers during wartime and service avoiders during peace. Ronald Reagan was a draft dodger as was John Wayne. Bob Dole was a draft dodger who got caught during the final weeks of the war, was wounded and became the spokesmen for all veterans. What a crock of bullshit he is.

I think he pretty much nailed it.

Another good list of those who served and not: http://www.awolbush.com/whoserved.html

Then of course Limbaugh, the ass cyst guy. Looks like he was a Clintonesque draft dodger via school, but when he quickly dropped out, he was 1-A; ready for draft. So he had to quickly change this by getting a medical not from the induction doctors, but from HIS OWN PRIVATE DOCTOR. And what did he have wrong? Looks like the obvious; an anal cyst! http://www.snopes.com/military/limbaugh.asp


Not seeing him wear glasses don't mean a thing. There are little things called CONTACT LENSES that he wore.

And I've pointed out that the vein POS wore them, they werevery antiqauted in those days.


As for trying to avoid being sent into combat, the National Museum of the Air Force disagrees with you.

I can show you military-based site after another that polishes his knob. This one is extremely slanted as he had to have a medical for the reserves in 1937.


I hope you can respond with something other than insinuation, assumptions, and speculation based on your hatred of the man.

Let me say that I've never heard an Obama liberal like you claim to be, defend him so much, or for that matter, every conservative.

Truth is, all we have to go by is the little evidence we have and the ring of truth.

- He was a lifeguard in college

- He was in the reserves for 5 years before the war and no issues of eyesight

- He escaped going to war by some last minute dodge effort

- He was allowd to stay in LA and make movies after a short stint in SF.

This has typical preference written all over it.

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I knew if I threw out the hook you would bite . Delayed enlistment; I signed up in April, reported in May; therefore I served inactive reserve time and served more than you did before I was inducted. But of course if you had spoken with a recruiter you would know that.

Sorry, I failed to remeber the details of conversations i had with recruiters 30 years ago. :S So you served 30 days inactive reserve before basic. That means what? You want a cookie and a gold star to put on your breast pocket?


Kida like Reagan had an eye problem; couldn't see going to fight with the men, did you have a back problem; wanted to go back home?
Back problem in your 20's/late teens?

Yes. I actually had back problems starting in my early teens. As I said, i tried to join (there was no draft) but was denied. You have a problem with that?


Let me say that I've never heard an Obama liberal like you claim to be, defend him so much, or for that matter, every conservative.

Where did I make that claim? Show us, please. You can't because I never did.


Truth is, all we have to go by is the little evidence we have and the ring of truth.
- He was a lifeguard in college
- He was in the reserves for 5 years before the war and no issues of eyesight
- He escaped going to war by some last minute dodge effort
- He was allowd to stay in LA and make movies after a short stint in SF.
This has typical preference written all over it.

That is your biased, uninformed opinion. The United States Army says different. Gee, tough choice who to believe. :S

I'm still waiting for some sort of confirmation to back your claim that Reagan was faking his poor eyesight and didged going overseas. I have produced a link to a cradible source that says just the oppositte, that he did have very poor eyesight and he repeatedly tried to get combat duty. You don't have to have a direct signed letter from God, but something more than your biased and hateful opinion is in order. Time to start backing up your claims, bubba.
Originally employed as a weapon of war, the hammer nowadays is used as a
kind of divining rod to locate the most expensive parts adjacent the
object we are trying to hit.

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