
We fight them there so that we don't have to fight them here!

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I guess considering the attack at Ft Hood that reasoning is ,(and pardon my punminship) "Shot all to hell".
And now , suddenly, the CIA was watching this guy!
He even tried to contact , "Al-Queida"!!!!!

So why wasn't he drummed out of the military after he "tried to contact "Al-Queida"?

And exactly who is incharge of security at Ft. Hood?

Have they lost their job quite yet?

Here's an incredible parrallel between 9-11 and Ft.Hood,
In each case the US military was unable to even defend their own territory!!!!

Yeah.., I feel so safe having these guys defending our country!

"Military men are dumb , stupid animals, to be used as pawns for foreign policy"-Henry Kisinger


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Cliff knock it off.

I'm looking for "truth " here and contrary to what we've been told about the military fighting for our Freedom, ONLY THE TRUTH SHALL SET US FREE.

Let's get to the Truth.

Why was this guy still a member of the military if he was contacting Al-Queida?

Who knew he was contacting "Al-Queida"?

Was he really contacting "Al-Queida" or is this just an attempt to "take advantage of every crisis"?


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I guess considering the attack at Ft Hood that reasoning is ,(and pardon my punminship) "Shot all to hell".
And now , suddenly, the CIA was watching this guy!
He even tried to contact , "Al-Queida"!!!!!

So why wasn't he drummed out of the military after he "tried to contact "Al-Queida"?

And exactly who is incharge of security at Ft. Hood?

Have they lost their job quite yet?

Here's an incredible parrallel between 9-11 and Ft.Hood,
In each case the US military was unable to even defend their own territory!!!!

Yeah.., I feel so safe having these guys defending our country!

"Military men are dumb , stupid animals, to be used as pawns for foreign policy"-Henry Kisinger


Thank the political correctness crowd, not the CIA people who would do better if we did not have to deal with these liberal idiots
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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[replyThank the political correctness crowd, not the CIA people who would do better if we did not have to deal with these liberal idiots

Oh Bullshit!
You're telling us that the CIA is hamstrung by *political correctness*.

If that's the case we should disband the whole organization and hire men who have balls.


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[replyThank the political correctness crowd, not the CIA people who would do better if we did not have to deal with these liberal idiots

Oh Bullshit!
You're telling us that the CIA is hamstrung by *political correctness*.

If that's the case we should disband the whole organization and hire men who have balls.


Rememeber a couple of things here.

First, who our President is and who he is trying to appease.

Second, the outrage over profiling.

Our intelligence people are getting their hands tied by all of this as well as the military.

Think about it, your own comments and positions support this line of thought
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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Rememeber a couple of things here.

First, who our President is and who he is trying to appease.

Second, the outrage over profiling.

Our intelligence people are getting their hands tied by all of this as well as the military.

Think about it, your own comments and positions support this line of thought

There are a number of ways the CIA can get any information out LOUD AND CLEAR.
So what are you saying?
They don't do it because they don't want to lose their jobs?


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I guess considering the attack at Ft Hood that reasoning is ,(and pardon my punminship) "Shot all to hell".
And now , suddenly, the CIA was watching this guy!
He even tried to contact , "Al-Queida"!!!!!

So why wasn't he drummed out of the military after he "tried to contact "Al-Queida"?

And exactly who is incharge of security at Ft. Hood?

Have they lost their job quite yet?

Here's an incredible parrallel between 9-11 and Ft.Hood,
In each case the US military was unable to even defend their own territory!!!!

Yeah.., I feel so safe having these guys defending our country!

"Military men are dumb , stupid animals, to be used as pawns for foreign policy"-Henry Kisinger


OK, I'll bite, but you have to promise to read "Infiltration" by Paul Sperry

One Reporter's Opinion - The Methodical Threat of Muslim Infiltration
George Putnam
Friday, June 24, 2005
It is this reporter's opinion that at the top of your summer reading list should be Washington-based investigative reporter Paul Sperry's new book, "Infiltration: How Muslim Spies and Subversives Have Penetrated Washington."

Using access to classified documents and exclusive interviews with FBI agents, customs officers and military intelligence officials, Sperry reveals how the top levels of our government, armed forces, and intelligence agencies have been compromised by radical Muslims - many of them trained, supported, and inserted into their positions by the so-called "moderate Muslim establishment in America."

Exploiting diversity, religious freedom, and tax exemption laws, these subversives have gained firm footholds in key American institutions. That includes public schools and universities, the federal and state prison system, law enforcement, the military, nuclear weapons laboratories, the Department of Homeland Security and, yes, even the White House.

Paul Sperry quotes verbatim from some of the most respected and mainstream Muslim leaders in America: "It is their objective to replace our U.S. Constitution with Islamic law and turn America into an Islamic state."

Sperry, in his brilliant dissertation, tells how radical Muslims, masquerade as moderates as they permeate all areas of our society. He points to a disturbing tale of how the American people have been taken for fools, victims of an elaborate fraud orchestrated by the mainstream Muslim establishment to protect themselves from scrutiny while concealing an underworld that secretly plots to infiltrate and overturn the American system of government.

Here is a small sampling of some of Paul Sperry's disturbing revelations:

Some of the most respected American Muslim leaders - the so-called "moderates" - have broken bread in the White House, prayed in Congress, advised the Pentagon, and even lectured cadets at the FBI academy.

An influential American Muslim leader repeatedly tells Muslim audiences their goal is to turn the U.S. into an Islamic state, "even if it takes 100 years."

An Islamic activist obtained a sensitive intelligence post at the Department of Homeland Security, even though he failed to disclose his past association with a confessed terrorist.

A senior White House official who once lobbied Congress and federal agencies to make it harder for federal law enforcement to deport Middle Eastern immigrants with suspected terror links.

The growing threat posed by more than 20,000 Muslims in America's armed forces and by the estimated 200,000 Muslim prison inmates in America many of whom have been converted by radical chaplains sympathetic to Al-Qaeda.

The Arabic translator in the Minneapolis field office of the FBI who had a relationship with an Al-Qaeda suspect for seven years was quietly let go only recently.

How laptops with classified intelligence about Al-Qaeda investigations have gone missing from the translation unit in the Washington field office of the FBI.

How about the deal the White House struck with Muslim rights groups to avoid describing terrorism as ISLAMIC?

The Muslim art of telling "white lies" to defend and further the cause of Allah as instructed in the sacred supplements to the Quran.

The deceptive methods used by Muslim leaders to conceal the dark underbelly of Islam in an effort to gain wide acceptance in Washington and how Washington politicians and pundits - even after 9/11 - buy in to Muslim leaders' hype about "the peaceful non-threatening nature" of Islam.

Paul Sperry, you have done a great service to all who will listen in America with your book, "Infiltration: How Muslim Spies and Subversives Have Penetrated Washington."

Cliff, all this shit is a result of our incompetent government through the help of BOTH political parties to include Bush Sr/Jr, and Clinton etc.

I doubt if we have the man power to monitor the number of these people serving let alone translators to monitor their activites.
Do your part for global warming: ban beans and hold all popcorn farts.

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Hey cliff..... maybe it was MI6 behind this too, just like you said about 9-11.

Was 007 chanting "Alah Akbar" while wearing a US Army officer mask this time????

No ,you weren't comprehending what you read that I wrote, SkyChimp. I said MI6 was behind the subway bombings in Great Britain on 7/7 and I stand behind that statement.

Now as far as this Ft Hood shooter chanting "Alah Akbar" many eyewitnesses are on record as not hearing that.
Did he say that?
I don't know . I wasn't there !

What I do know is that ever since I started using Crest +Listerine my breath is so much fresher and my teeth much whiter!
Don't believe me ? Just lean in and kiss me big boy! We don't have to tell!
But seriously,
I think if you switch to Crest + Listerine you'll be amazed by the results!!!

I also know,Sky Chimp that guns and bombs and war war and soldiers will never and can never make us a free people.
Only Truth can make us Free.

The Truth is that we are all already Free.
Most of us have yet to realize that.


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" Using access to classified documents "

Sorry dude ,
You lost me right there.
Who is this author who has access to classified documents and if he really does he obviously is not to be trusted.

He's writing a book based on this information?
Classified information?
I don't see your author as a credible source.


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Hey Cliff,

Veteran's Day is coming up in a couple days. Make sure you take time to thank a veteran...

Because without them, you wouldn't be able to spew your vial hate.

You see, they did fight for your freedom.

I don't know why they were fighting, pbwing,
but I'm certain that I was born free and never needed any ones' help to maintain that status.

As a matter of fact I could skydive straight down into Tiennamen square and I would still be a Freeman.

So thank all those American Vets for me.
Tell them ,"Thanks for nothin'!"


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>Who is this author who has access to classified documents and if he really
>does he obviously is not to be trusted.

Exactly. If he actually knows what he's talking about, it is worthless to listen to him.

The simple and easily supported fact ,Bill , is that it is not Muslims who have infiltrated the government, it is the Israelis.

I don't know if you've noticed but we are not making war against Israel.
We are making war against the Muslims.

So given that fact.., which of those two groups do you believe has most likely infiltrated our government?


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" Using access to classified documents "

Sorry dude ,
You lost me right there.
Who is this author who has access to classified documents and if he really does he obviously is not to be trusted.

He's writing a book based on this information?
Classified information?
I don't see your author as a credible source.


Ok Cliff. Continue the troll.
Do your part for global warming: ban beans and hold all popcorn farts.

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That's about what I figured you'd say...

Time to up the meds Cliff...

Congratulations,pbwing, on your powers of prognastication!

When you come to realize that Freedom isn't given and can't be taken away you'll understand what nonsense it is that some military force has *protected * it.
You have a long journey.

I hope you easily follow an enlightend path.


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Hey cliff..... maybe it was MI6 behind this too, just like you said about 9-11.

I've heard it was SPECTRE, or possibly KAOS.:|
"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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>The simple and easily supported fact ,Bill , is that it is not Muslims
>who have infiltrated the government, it is the Israelis.

I thought it was the commies. It's so hard to keep track of who our secret overlords are.

Well , the commies were a great "Al-Queida" for a while. Thing is you've got to change up the *enemy* every now and then so the people don't wonder why you're not making progress.

And again, the fact that we are killing Muslims and not Israelis might give one a hint as to which of the two has actually infiltrated our government.


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Are you fucking serious!!!

So the people of Poland, France and Holland didn't have any of their liberties or freedoms taken away when they were invaded by Nazi Germany??


No, they didn't.

They may have given them away but certainly they weren't taken away.


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