
VFW members duct tape flag burner to flag pole

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Well, I decide I'm not then,

So, in this situation, you would have answered the door and said "Sir, I fucked up. I was drunk and not thinking. There is no excuse for my disrespect. I am ashamed of myself and would like to know how I can make it right."

Good for you.

Perhaps you can put that 6-word quote in some context. It's fun to know what you're trying to say, more fun for me to know it too.

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What is derogatory about letting the courts handle it? That was one option that was offered and is still open.

As how many ever approached him and allegedly gave that as one option of the ultimatum. Again, this is the flowery version of one side, so who knows what was said, I'm sure it was cleaned up a bit for the media by the VFWer. But whne you offer an ass-kicking then the intimidation is on and coercion exists regardless of whatever else was said. Offering the cops doesn't undo the crime or even mitigate it.


The facts that the kid voluntarilly submitted to his chosen punishment and did not (HAS not) pressed any charges is a pretty good admission if you care to dismiss anything the vets have claimed he said.

Right, he voluntarily submitted. How did Clem put it: "Let's just say he volunteered" or something to that effect. That's redneck for 'we fixed em good.' Yea, real volunteer, they track him down and offer up an ass-kicking.


If I was in his shoes and had not burned their flag you can bet your ass I'd be letting the courts handle it.

That's you, he was obviously under duress. Clem stated via the media that he didn't deny it, but didn't say he admitted it either, and that was his cleaned up version.


You are still refusing to believe anything the vets have said and are still assuming the kid would tell a story that is completely different.

I believe most of what the vets said via the media. They hunted him down, gave him options via an ultimatum and the kid cracked under durress and gave in. I don't believe the cops were and option, but it doesn't really matter, once the threat was made it was coerced.


Your entire argument is based upon baseless assumptions

You're the one who thinks once you threaten someone that doesn't create a hostile, coercive environment.

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Those who are sworn to uphold and enforce the law, aka the police, have not filed any charges which they would be obligated to do, especially with the level of exposure this incident has garnered.

To use your term, you don't live in the real world. I have had cases refused to be written by high-level cops/detectives.

Here's a scenario from 20 years ago:

I was a civilian working at an Air Force Base in ND. I was dating a girl and there was a complicated love quadrangle that finally burst, it involved a set of twins of whom I had been with both and the BF of the other was pissed, volumes more info. Anyway, I was sitting in a Burger King on the AFB at lunch and the two nuts came in, he was pissed talking shit, standing above me as I sat eating. I ignored him and he then fired an uppercut and blew my face open. I then spun around in my chair, got up, grabbed the chair and launched it at him. He blocked it and it broke his arm. I grabbed another one and was gonna come over the top and be done with him, but I thought for a second and realized he had retreated and that was what I wanted, I put the 2nd chair down.

Cops come out, take the reports from the 30 guests in the restarant, arrest him and I get stitches. Go to talk to the prosecutor and she said she didn't want to prosecute, I said I would go to the AG, she then said she would put on some lame prosecution against him and really come after me. I said I wanted to see the witness statements she was huddled on top of. She said, "you will never see these."

WELCOME TO THE REAL WORLD, LOU BABY, TRY NOT TO GET IN THE WAY OF PEOPLE WHO KNOW HOW THE SYSTEM ACTUALLY WORKS. Just have another beer and post for fun. The alleged crime belongs to the state, they can take a report on it or refuse to, they can prosecute it or refuse to. I think the fact that the twins went to the prosecutor to lie their ass off had an impact as well as the fact that we were transient working temp in that area. However, if it weren't buttfuck ND, not unlike this BF town, I think there would be a prosecution.


Neither of the parties involved in this incident have filed charges against one another for anything that we know or do not know about what transpired.

LOU, once again telling us how much you don't know. CITIZENS CANNOT FILE CHARGES, THEY MUST MAKE A POLICE REPORT AND HOPE THE PROSECUTOR FILES THEM, whether a direct file or by a Grand Jury via a True Bill, of course the latter is used for more serious felonies. But of course you knew that.


Thats my world and based on my life experiences, I know it to be real as do others.

And I'm sure you have vast life experiences, just not in the legal arena.

AHHH, the plot gets thicker, this is really getting good dear readers. We have just seen more insight into the "why" of the misguided main characters penchant for finding fault with the system and his subsequent stance and insistence that an injustice occurred. His own demons blind him, yet he thinks his path is the righteous one. His kryptonite are the words "PROSECUTORIAL DISCRETION".One day, he will make an excellent prosecutor as he will prosecute every and all fractures of the letter of the law. (fade to black)

Your ornate language is undermined by your lack of understanding of the law, as in people can't file charges, just the government. Thx for posting nothing constructive.

The example was just to demonstrate that just because no charges were filed or a police report taken, that doesn't mean this wasn't pursued by the kid.

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Now THAT'S funny! You're living in the Internet REAL WORLD and Lou is living in the fantasy make-believe world of military airborne operations.

Am I supposed to bow to his greatness? So he gets to jump out of airplanes for free and I spend countless hours in the classroom and courts watching trials. Hmmm, I just watched a guy get 6 death sentences, that was neither via the internet nor any dream world.


Uh, dude, why are you posting? I hope you are not under the delusion that posting here means anything. If you are doing it for any reason _other_ than your own amusement you will be sorely disappointed in the results of your efforts.

I_see_that_you_are_done_posting_anything_about_the_case. Too_bad_I_was_curious_as_to_your_take_on_"coercion. BTW_why_is_it_fashionable_to_use_underscores?

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Now THAT'S funny! You're living in the Internet REAL WORLD and Lou is living in the fantasy make-believe world of military airborne operations.

> Just have another beer and post for fun.

Uh, dude, why are you posting? I hope you are not under the delusion that posting here means anything. If you are doing it for any reason _other_ than your own amusement you will be sorely disappointed in the results of your efforts.


If lucky was posting for his own amusement I think he's pleased with the results of his efforts.:S

Folks spit the hook out.B|

BV point scored. And thanks for posting about the issue; it's been gobs of help.

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>Am I supposed to bow to his greatness?

If you like. He's a pretty good guy, and I've jumped with him, but I've never found myself bowing. But whatever floats your boat.

> Hmmm, I just watched a guy get 6 death sentences, that was neither via
> the internet nor any dream world.

Cool! I think I saw that on Law and Order a while back.


No you're not. You want to stir shit, and have done a good job at it. (Which, of course, is partly what this forum is for.)


Because I started out on Usenet, which is ASCII only. Thus things like > signs to indicate a quote of a previous post and _underscores_ as a replacement for underlining. It's faster for me, but I don't think I'd call it "fashionable."

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Those who are sworn to uphold and enforce the law, aka the police, have not filed any charges which they would be obligated to do, especially with the level of exposure this incident has garnered.

To use your term, you don't live in the real world. I have had cases refused to be written by high-level cops/detectives.

Here's a scenario from 20 years ago:

I was a civilian working at an Air Force Base in ND. I was dating a girl and there was a complicated love quadrangle that finally burst, it involved a set of twins of whom I had been with both and the BF of the other was pissed, volumes more info. Anyway, I was sitting in a Burger King on the AFB at lunch and the two nuts came in, he was pissed talking shit, standing above me as I sat eating. I ignored him and he then fired an uppercut and blew my face open. I then spun around in my chair, got up, grabbed the chair and launched it at him. He blocked it and it broke his arm. I grabbed another one and was gonna come over the top and be done with him, but I thought for a second and realized he had retreated and that was what I wanted, I put the 2nd chair down.

Cops come out, take the reports from the 30 guests in the restarant, arrest him and I get stitches. Go to talk to the prosecutor and she said she didn't want to prosecute, I said I would go to the AG, she then said she would put on some lame prosecution against him and really come after me. I said I wanted to see the witness statements she was huddled on top of. She said, "you will never see these."

WELCOME TO THE REAL WORLD, LOU BABY, TRY NOT TO GET IN THE WAY OF PEOPLE WHO KNOW HOW THE SYSTEM ACTUALLY WORKS. Just have another beer and post for fun. The alleged crime belongs to the state, they can take a report on it or refuse to, they can prosecute it or refuse to. I think the fact that the twins went to the prosecutor to lie their ass off had an impact as well as the fact that we were transient working temp in that area. However, if it weren't buttfuck ND, not unlike this BF town, I think there would be a prosecution.


Neither of the parties involved in this incident have filed charges against one another for anything that we know or do not know about what transpired.

LOU, once again telling us how much you don't know. CITIZENS CANNOT FILE CHARGES, THEY MUST MAKE A POLICE REPORT AND HOPE THE PROSECUTOR FILES THEM, whether a direct file or by a Grand Jury via a True Bill, of course the latter is used for more serious felonies. But of course you knew that.


Thats my world and based on my life experiences, I know it to be real as do others.

And I'm sure you have vast life experiences, just not in the legal arena.

AHHH, the plot gets thicker, this is really getting good dear readers. We have just seen more insight into the "why" of the misguided main characters penchant for finding fault with the system and his subsequent stance and insistence that an injustice occurred. His own demons blind him, yet he thinks his path is the righteous one. His kryptonite are the words "PROSECUTORIAL DISCRETION".One day, he will make an excellent prosecutor as he will prosecute every and all fractures of the letter of the law. (fade to black)

Your ornate language is undermined by your lack of understanding of the law, as in people can't file charges, just the government. Thx for posting nothing constructive.

The example was just to demonstrate that just because no charges were filed or a police report taken, that doesn't mean this wasn't pursued by the kid.

Let me refresh your memory, I am here simply for the sheer amusement of listening to your rantings. I am not here to try and get you to change your position or convince you of anything otherwise. I am not a lawyer, neither are you. I DO know what a prosecuting attorney could do with this case, I also have a pretty good idea why it wasn't pursued. Do you and can you explain to all us "ignant necks and turds" why that is? I'll give you a hint, I mentioned it in one of my previous posts.

I'm gonna hit post and go eat me a sammich and get my law learn on by watching an episode of Law and Order. I be back in a few , A'ight?;)
"It's just skydiving..additional drama is not required"
Some people dream about flying, I live my dream

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If you like. He's a pretty good guy, and I've jumped with him, but I've never found myself bowing. But whatever floats your boat.

As I said, he has his life experiences, probably pretty interesting, I've had mine and many in the legal arena. Is my legal understanding, both codifed and actual more developed? Of course, but I'm not competing with him. The elements are there for criminal charges on both sides. You can't just go and track down people, threaten them and tape them to poles; I don't care if they allegedly killed someone you have to go thru the cops. The idea behind this is many, but primarily to keep the peace.


No you're not. You want to stir shit, and have done a good job at it.

No, I really want to invoke thought. Hell, another guy called me an idiot, you warned him, a guyh in this thread threw out some 1/2 assed effort to call me a pussy and what did I do? Nothing. Now I'm the shit-stirrer? I guess Quade is a shit-stirrer too since we have the same take on this. I'm not taking an opposing view for fun and then flip-flopping later on, I maintain the flag, any flag of any nation is a joke, it's a meaningless representation. But if someone owns that joke then they have the right to not have it burned. If you wanna burn a flag, then go buy one.

As for the sentiment behind this, it appears to me that that was an afterthought by Clem, but it still was his property/VFW's property and he had the right to be compensated if teh kid did burn it, but vigilante justice can hurt or kill innocent people and we have no need fo it. If the kid really did burn it I would rather see him prosecuted so we can have a record of him being a criminal and keep him out of various occupations, etc.


cause I started out on Usenet, which is ASCII only. Thus things like > signs to indicate a quote of a previous post and _underscores_ as a replacement for underlining. It's faster for me, but I don't think I'd call it "fashionable."

Fair enough, I've seen a lot of people use it lately.

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Those who are sworn to uphold and enforce the law, aka the police, have not filed any charges which they would be obligated to do, especially with the level of exposure this incident has garnered.

To use your term, you don't live in the real world. I have had cases refused to be written by high-level cops/detectives.

Here's a scenario from 20 years ago:

I was a civilian working at an Air Force Base in ND. I was dating a girl and there was a complicated love quadrangle that finally burst, it involved a set of twins of whom I had been with both and the BF of the other was pissed, volumes more info. Anyway, I was sitting in a Burger King on the AFB at lunch and the two nuts came in, he was pissed talking shit, standing above me as I sat eating. I ignored him and he then fired an uppercut and blew my face open. I then spun around in my chair, got up, grabbed the chair and launched it at him. He blocked it and it broke his arm. I grabbed another one and was gonna come over the top and be done with him, but I thought for a second and realized he had retreated and that was what I wanted, I put the 2nd chair down.

Cops come out, take the reports from the 30 guests in the restarant, arrest him and I get stitches. Go to talk to the prosecutor and she said she didn't want to prosecute, I said I would go to the AG, she then said she would put on some lame prosecution against him and really come after me. I said I wanted to see the witness statements she was huddled on top of. She said, "you will never see these."

WELCOME TO THE REAL WORLD, LOU BABY, TRY NOT TO GET IN THE WAY OF PEOPLE WHO KNOW HOW THE SYSTEM ACTUALLY WORKS. Just have another beer and post for fun. The alleged crime belongs to the state, they can take a report on it or refuse to, they can prosecute it or refuse to. I think the fact that the twins went to the prosecutor to lie their ass off had an impact as well as the fact that we were transient working temp in that area. However, if it weren't buttfuck ND, not unlike this BF town, I think there would be a prosecution.


Neither of the parties involved in this incident have filed charges against one another for anything that we know or do not know about what transpired.

LOU, once again telling us how much you don't know. CITIZENS CANNOT FILE CHARGES, THEY MUST MAKE A POLICE REPORT AND HOPE THE PROSECUTOR FILES THEM, whether a direct file or by a Grand Jury via a True Bill, of course the latter is used for more serious felonies. But of course you knew that.


Thats my world and based on my life experiences, I know it to be real as do others.

And I'm sure you have vast life experiences, just not in the legal arena.

AHHH, the plot gets thicker, this is really getting good dear readers. We have just seen more insight into the "why" of the misguided main characters penchant for finding fault with the system and his subsequent stance and insistence that an injustice occurred. His own demons blind him, yet he thinks his path is the righteous one. His kryptonite are the words "PROSECUTORIAL DISCRETION".One day, he will make an excellent prosecutor as he will prosecute every and all fractures of the letter of the law. (fade to black)

Your ornate language is undermined by your lack of understanding of the law, as in people can't file charges, just the government. Thx for posting nothing constructive.

The example was just to demonstrate that just because no charges were filed or a police report taken, that doesn't mean this wasn't pursued by the kid.

Let me refresh your memory, I am here simply for the sheer amusement of listening to your rantings. I am not here to try and get you to change your position or convince you of anything otherwise. I am not a lawyer, neither are you. I DO know what a prosecuting attorney could do with this case, I also have a pretty good idea why it wasn't pursued. Do you and can you explain to all us "ignant necks and turds" why that is? I'll give you a hint, I mentioned it in one of my previous posts.

I'm gonna hit post and go eat me a sammich and get my law learn on by watching an episode of Law and Order. I be back in a few , A'ight?;)

I know why you're here, you lost and now you're just here so as to make us think you didn't concede.


I am not a lawyer, neither are you.

I could easily run lower-end cases. I pro per's a case against 2 law firms (there were several defendants) and won a small judgment ($5k). I beat them in arbitration, 1 appealed, I motioned to let that appellant out and it it left the other in and I collected. Procedurally and strategically I could run lower-end cases. I've seen lawyers in court fuck up all over the place, so being a lwayer is like being a skydiver; ratings and jump #'s don't always means that much.


I DO know what a prosecuting attorney could do with this case, I also have a pretty good idea why it wasn't pursued.

Then why did you state that the kid didn't file charges? I as well have a good idea why it wasn't pursued.

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>You can't just go and track down people, threaten them and tape them to poles . . .

Actually you can, as proven here.

>No, I really want to invoke thought.

Not from my perspective. You're just stirring shit because you enjoy it. When people disagree with you, you mock and belittle them while bragging about your superior intellect:

"Your ornate language is undermined by your lack of understanding of the law"
" You guys are desperate. "
" I've obviously dviated from the DZ.COM good ole boy club"
" If we took a legal IQ test I would tripple most people here"
" My legal understanding dwarfs yours."
"Apparently you stop *trying* to direct your posts at fact when you drink."

Which is fine; that's what this forum is for.

>I guess Quade is a shit-stirrer too since we have the same take on this.

Well, if he had posted 120 times in this thread I'd think he was more of a shit stirrer, yes.

>If the kid really did burn it I would rather see him prosecuted so we can have a
>record of him being a criminal and keep him out of various occupations, etc.

I'd rather he just learned his lesson and got on with his life, myself.

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Actually you can, as proven here.

Let me restate: You shouldn't because guns can come into play here.


Not from my perspective. You're just stirring shit because you enjoy it.

I can't tell you what your opinion s/b, but I like thought-provoking conversation. Notice how people run from definitions, data and other objective source? People have set opinions and they look for othe rpeople who support these opinions rather than other information. Just as I used to group GHWB with Reagan and GWB, it is a fashionable thing to do to group all of teh opposing party together and hate em all. GHWB, based upon data and history wasn't a neo-con, hence OBJECTIVELY I don't group him in even tho some of my fellow Dems do.


When people disagree with you, you mock and belittle them while bragging about your superior intellect:


Your ornate language is undermined by your lack of understanding of the law"

He's here making some fairly bold statements as to how the law works and he is wrong. He is extremely flamboyant about it, making sarcastic remarks so I gave some back via telling him he doesn't understand the law.



After he told me a couple times I don't understand the real world. His was initial, mine was in response.


" You guys are desperate. "

Yea, when ya move from the issue to me and make me the issue. Absolutely.


" I've obviously dviated from the DZ.COM good ole boy club"

Yep, is that a mystery? You've jumped with Lou and others, it is a tight-knit community with a pecking order. If anyone thinks there isn't a DZCOM clique and a clique at every DZ or any group of people I will pretty much disregard anything that person says; it's human nature to establish an order.

" If we took a legal IQ test I would tripple most people here"

In reagrd to legal understanding. If you're gonna quote me, at least make it a complete quote.

" My legal understanding dwarfs yours."

Was that after Lou thought it odd that the kid or anyone not the government didn't file charges? Then he demanded my legal knowledge was nothing. You are a computer guru and an engineer I believe, I have my specialties, Lou has his, etc. I won't try to tell you yours, don't try to tell me mine.

***"Apparently you stop *trying* to direct your posts at fact when you drink."

In response to Lou repeatedly sarcastically saying he was going to get another beer, that was not unsolicited.

None of those were belittling in their context.


Well, if he had posted 120 times in this thread I'd think he was more of a shit stirrer, yes.

I just respond when addressed. So does volume establish stirring shit or can it be done with 1 post? I don't think shit-stirring is a volumetric measure, but a qualitative measure.


I'd rather he just learned his lesson and got on with his life, myself.

Part of the law is to create a record, from this record we can determine a person's fitness to hold certain licenses. It would do society a big favor if the people, the courts, the system would record people's actions so we know who to avoid in certain occupations.

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Everybody take note: If a robber breaks into your house you have to let him rob you. According to Lucky's Logic if you hold them at gunpoint until the cops show up you are guilty of kidnapping, amongst other crimes. After all, you would have insinuated violence against them if they resist and they have not been convicted and therefore have commited no crime.
I wish I had watched thousands of hours of Matlock and The Hardy Boys so I would know the law.
Originally employed as a weapon of war, the hammer nowadays is used as a
kind of divining rod to locate the most expensive parts adjacent the
object we are trying to hit.

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Everybody take note: If a robber breaks into your house you have to let him rob you. According to Lucky's Logic if you hold them at gunpoint until the cops show up you are guilty of kidnapping, amongst other crimes.

And there shows more naiveté; kidnapping usually requires you move a person so many feet. What you're trying to say is that you could be charged with illegal or wrongful detention. I wouldn't worry about that, but using your example I wouldn't shoot him in the back as he's fleeing.


After all, you would have insinuated violence against them if they resist and they have not been convicted and therefore have commited no crime.

The difference is that the alleged flag burner was at home, so your example is jokingly invalid.

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>If a robber breaks into your house you have to let him rob you.

Well, you could give him the option of leaving, trying to get past you to the rest of the house or waiting until the police arrive.

Oh, wait, that won't work either - you could go to jail for COERCION.

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>If a robber breaks into your house you have to let him rob you.

Well, you could give him the option of leaving, trying to get past you to the rest of the house or waiting until the police arrive.

Oh, wait, that won't work either - you could go to jail for COERCION.

Ok I get it, you guy got stuck with the def of coercion, so you have to make a joke out of it.

If I was faced with that I would hold him at gunpoint and if he wanted to leave he would. You cannot use deadly force unless there is imminent danger to persons.

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>You shouldn't because guns can come into play here.

True! So could religion. Add an Obama reference and you have the Speaker's Corner trifecta.

>So does volume establish stirring shit or can it be done with 1 post?

Oh, it can be done with one post. You have mastered the art of pure volume, though. Hope you're having fun!

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True! So could religion. Add an Obama reference and you have the Speaker's Corner trifecta.

And of course, true, but I was commenting on not tracking people downa nd yanking them out of their houses because guns could come into play.


Oh, it can be done with one post. You have mastered the art of pure volume, though. Hope you're having fun!

Actually I'm really not. I would rather discuss elements of issues using defintions and data rather than the typical side A / side B politicing. These emotional issues rarely get anywhere, I just try not to attack anyone and keep it on track as much as I can. I can't see the beauty in a flag and others can't see how a flag is anything but beautiful. To me this was a case of vandalism and the violator, whoever it was, should have been tried, convicted and made to pay restitution in addition to any jail time.

Oh and VN vets, I actually think more of them than I do WWII vets strictly due to teh fact that VN vets knew what they were forced into doing was a mess, as opposed to WWII soldiers knew they doing something important and they would be loved when it was done. But these people are certainly the best Americans as well as any other war vet or even non-war vets like me.

I think military service s/b compulsory, we all have a duty to out country, not some silly piece of cloth that was probably sewn in Mexico.

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Everybody take note: If a robber breaks into your house you have to let him rob you. According to Lucky's Logic if you hold them at gunpoint until the cops show up you are guilty of kidnapping, amongst other crimes.

And there shows more naiveté; kidnapping usually requires you move a person so many feet. What you're trying to say is that you could be charged with illegal or wrongful detention. I wouldn't worry about that, but using your example I wouldn't shoot him in the back as he's fleeing.


After all, you would have insinuated violence against them if they resist and they have not been convicted and therefore have commited no crime.

The difference is that the alleged flag burner was at home, so your example is jokingly invalid.

You see there...another example of why I should have watched more crime shows on TV.

I think there are several people here...myself included...waiting for you to post where the vets actually made a threat against the kid. Or are you just assuming that from what they said?
Originally employed as a weapon of war, the hammer nowadays is used as a
kind of divining rod to locate the most expensive parts adjacent the
object we are trying to hit.

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>Actually I'm really not.

Dude, if you're not having fun, do something else. This is the freaking internet - and this particular forum is a political discussion board on a skydiving website. Do not labor under the delusion that you are saving the world, dispensing justice, educating the ignorant masses or bringing clarity to the situation. This forum was created so that people could have pointless arguments without affecting the rest of DZ.com, which occasionally has useful information posted to it.

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