
Van Jones, Obama's Radical Czar

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the white racists get their way - again :)

In a world where a talk to kids about staying in school and getting good grades gets warped by the right-wing talking heads into some socialist indoctrination program, this guy didn't stand a chance of ever having said anything if it was ever on tape.
Well, he did say "something" and a tape did emerge. In the best interest of lowering the temperature, he resigned.
Actually more noble than a lot of cronies in previous administrations, where no matter how bad of a thing they did, they never fessed up and resigned.

and the 'thing' that mustn't be mentioned is the obvious racism from the majority white population.

VP of the United States can tell people that criticizes him to "go fuck yourself" and that's ok.
Not-quite-cabinet position guy makes a joke and calls Republicans that block environmental laws "assholes" and has to resign.

Yeah, it's a perfect world.

So, anyway, here's the "offending" clip.

Oh my word . . . he was so mean and racist!
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Well Quade, Cheney never said all Negros are responsible for causing poverty to Latinos.....

Besides, it's over anyway. Van Jones RESIGNED!!!!!!!:)

Does anyone else find it funny that we made a SPORT out of an EMERGENCY PROCEDURE?!?!

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In a world where a talk to kids about staying in school and getting good grades gets warped by the right-wing talking heads into some socialist indoctrination program, this guy didn't stand a chance of ever having said anything if it was ever on tape.

I guess you see no problem, with shoving legislation through, unread and undebated, on a premise that the world will end, if it's not done, or doing everything, through the backdoor, hoping that no one will notice...Isn't it amazing, that words,conveniently, got changed, as soon as the speech came to light? There seems to be a pattern here.
Mommy, I was just checking, to be sure no one stole any of your cookies.

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Look, this guy supports cop killers, supports the 9-11 truthers, blames whitey for everything that has gone wrong in his life, is not just a socialist but an card carrying communist. Does anyone want this guy in Obama's administration?

Obama himself said judge him by the company he keeps. It speaks volumes that the guy quit and Obama did not fire him.

It also speaks volumes about the Czar vetting process.:$

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Here's the text of his resignation letter.

"I am resigning my post at the Council on Environmental Quality, effective today.

On the eve of historic fights for health care and clean energy, opponents of reform have mounted a vicious smear campaign against me. They are using lies and distortions to distract and divide.

I have been inundated with calls - from across the political spectrum - urging me to "stay and fight."

But I came here to fight for others, not for myself. I cannot in good conscience ask my colleagues to expend precious time and energy defending or explaining my past. We need all hands on deck, fighting for the future.

It has been a great honor to serve my country and my President in this capacity. I thank everyone who has offered support and encouragement. I am proud to have been able to make a contribution to the clean energy future. I will continue to do so, in the months and years ahead."

This is a sad day for all of America. :( Poor, downtrodden little communist.

The forecast is mostly sunny with occasional beer.

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opponents of reform have mounted a vicious smear campaign against me. They are using lies and distortions to distract and divide.

You're right Tank... what will this country ever do without him?? LOL Innocent people don't resign. Good riddance!

Does anyone else find it funny that we made a SPORT out of an EMERGENCY PROCEDURE?!?!

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opponents of reform have mounted a vicious smear campaign against me. They are using lies and distortions to distract and divide.

You're right Tank... what will this country ever do without him?? LOL Innocent people don't resign. Good riddance!

Yeah, and I'm sure he didn't just resign. More like Obama said, "dude, sorry we tried but got caught. You're becoming a liability now so resign or end up under the bus like my man Wright!"
The forecast is mostly sunny with occasional beer.

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opponents of reform have mounted a vicious smear campaign against me. They are using lies and distortions to distract and divide.

You're right Tank... what will this country ever do without him?? LOL Innocent people don't resign. Good riddance!

Yeah, and I'm sure he didn't just resign. More like Obama said, "dude, sorry we tried but got caught. You're becoming a liability now so resign or end up under the bus like my man Wright!"

Oh yeah....... Jeremiah Wright. Who could forget Obama jettisoning him out at see?!?! Was that before or after the "Barrack HUSSEIN Obama... Barrack HUSSEIN Obama" speech???

Does anyone else find it funny that we made a SPORT out of an EMERGENCY PROCEDURE?!?!

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I hate to say it.....but having traveled around the world a bit I will have to agree with him.
Some of the cleanest water and cleanest air i have ever had to pleasure of drinking and breathing were in upper class neighborhoods.
Which for some odd reason seem to be 90% white.
As for some of the most polluted air and water.....well all the people seemed to have a tan! WTF is up with that!
And it gets better, the very nice white people in the upper class neighborhoods fight tooth and nail to keep any and all forms of pollution out. Be it sound, or even light!
The man is right. Yeah it's not right as to what has happened but he's right. And we need to force these companies to clean up and bring about green jobs. But hay who needs jobs and clean air and water! Well if god wanted you to breath he would have made you rich and white.
Life through good thoughts, good words, and good deeds is necessary to ensure happiness and to keep chaos at bay.

The only thing that falls from the sky is birdshit and fools!

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Here in the US, under the current czar system, our cities pump the same water into the poor neighborhoods as the affluent ones. Van Jones followed the same pattern as Obama's other mentors and friends. Instead of being a healer, as promised, the success of his radical agenda depends on continuing to put out rhetoric like this that widens the divide.
The forecast is mostly sunny with occasional beer.

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And it gets better, the very nice white people in the upper class neighborhoods fight tooth and nail to keep any and all forms of pollution out. Be it sound, or even light!

Ummm...how dare they?
Provoking a reaction isn't the same thing as saying something meaningful.

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Van Jones has resigned, and the Obama administration has accepted his resignation. It's an extraordinary moment. Van was not accused of breaking the law, flouting the Constitution of the United States, accepting bribes, condoning torture or other violations of international law, or going on tax-payer funded junkets to conduct adulterous affairs. No, Van was brought down for a couple of things he later regretted saying over the course of an otherwise remarkable career.

Were the attacks really about the Color of Change petition to get advertisers to stop sponsoring Glenn Beck's program on Fox? Was it a case of taking down a rising star who had the audacity to lead while black? Or was it the opening round of the battle to come over clean energy/climate legislation? In any case, it's a sad day for America and for the Obama administration.

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One might wonder why Obama did not do more to protect Van Jones. But when Jones referred to Republicans as “assholes” as a euphemism for ruthless, he was beyond protecting. It didn’t matter that Jones said he would have to become an asshole himself to fight for his policies. The soundbite was history. Nothing to do but cut him loose. But the deeper reason he had to be cut loose was that Obama would have had to tell the truth to protect him: yes, Van Jones is for economic justice; he is for conservation and alternative energy; he’s for prison reform; he’s for a re-structured economy based in sustainability, not exploitation and profit; he’s for a serious investigation of 9/11; he believes that ‘clean coal’ is absurd, etc. Obama could not protect him, because to do so he would have had to endorse Van Jones’ beliefs. He was not about to do that.

stay away from moving propellers - they bite
blue skies from thai sky adventures
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In any case, it's a sad day for America and for the Obama administration.

So Sarah, you and I agree!:o:D

Definitely a sad day for the Obama administration. Notice that Glenn Beck has NOT resigned. And if it's that easy to take down the Obama administration, we need to get to work!
The forecast is mostly sunny with occasional beer.

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In any case, it's a sad day for America and for the Obama administration.

So Sarah, you and I agree!:o:D

Definitely a sad day for the Obama administration. Notice that Glenn Beck has NOT resigned. And if it's that easy to take down the Obama administration, we need to get to work!

I'm sure Newt Gingrich is already planning

Does anyone else find it funny that we made a SPORT out of an EMERGENCY PROCEDURE?!?!

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One might wonder why Obama did not do more to protect Van Jones. But when Jones referred to Republicans as “assholes” as a euphemism for ruthless, he was beyond protecting. It didn’t matter that Jones said he would have to become an asshole himself to fight for his policies. The soundbite was history. Nothing to do but cut him loose. But the deeper reason he had to be cut loose was that Obama would have had to tell the truth to protect him: yes, Van Jones is for economic justice; he is for conservation and alternative energy; he’s for prison reform; he’s for a re-structured economy based in sustainability, not exploitation and profit; he’s for a serious investigation of 9/11; he believes that ‘clean coal’ is absurd, etc. Obama could not protect him, because to do so he would have had to endorse Van Jones’ beliefs. He was not about to do that.

Obama is like the coach, who doesn't mind having a cheater on his team, and actually encourages it.
The problem is, those watching the game, and the referees, saw some elbows being thrown, without being accounted for..Now, that he has been found out, the coach is going to act incensed, in order to cover his own butt.

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Make no mistake: Van Jones' resignation from the White House was the work of the very same forces that brought you the rage of August's town-hall meetings, where a rude and sometimes violent minority, using the tactics of thugs, convinced mainstream media that the American people rejected efforts by Obama and congressional Democrats to reform health care. (Played over and over, that theme began to convinced even Americans who thought they had wanted health-care reform began to doubt themselves, thanks to the lies advanced by the town-hall screamers.)

Though these forces are most recognizably felt in the health-care debate, stopping health-care reform is likely a means to a greater end. It's far easier to upset people over their personal health care than it is to get them ginned up over something as esoteric as cap-and-trade or net neutrality (also targeted for legislative defeat by Americans for Prosperity). But once you've used health-care reform to convince the frightened and paranoid that the president is a white-people-hating socialist (or fascist, depending on the day) who wants to kill off Grandma, it's a lot easier to get them to oppose just about anything he might propose.

A very powerful alliance, designed to motivate various iterations of the grass roots of the right wing, is taking shape, and its players are determined to win by any means necessary -- be they racism, red-baiting, violence or lies. Americans for Prosperity, Grassfire, Freedom Works (the Astroturf group led by former House Majority Leader Dick Armey) and the Murdoch empire -- especially as represented by Glenn Beck -- have teamed up to keep the air dirty, the poor in their place and more people dying every day for lack of health care. But more than anything, they've joined hands to keep the preponderance of the earth's riches in the hands of a very few -- the rest of us be damned. They're determined to die with the most toys, leaving a poisoned and impoverished planet as their legacy.

stay away from moving propellers - they bite
blue skies from thai sky adventures
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