
The Ugly Racism of the Right Will Be Their Undoing

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Are you the third kallend ID on this site?

No, not the inflatable one......

Your stalking is getting creepy.

All he has to do is come clean and it will end:|

said the waterboarder to the victim.

What ever it takes I guess:D
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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>Democrats tell people they are helpless and that they'll make sure someone else pays for it.

Link this in the democratic platform files, then.[Reply]

See the sections on housing, employment and health care. Things about 1 in 8 living in poverty, even though welfare programs really hit their stride 40 years ago.

And there are more poor now than in 65. How about that?

[Reply]>We could learn so much from kids.

Uh huh. They also had a whole lot of assistance from Mommy and Daddy, didn't they? You didn't just stand around and tell them to feed themselves until they finally did, now did you? You didn't just tell them that their problems were a result of mommy and daddy trying to help them too much, either.

Sure. I encouraged them. I helped them. I guided them and rewarded them. Of course they got help.

Here's the thing - from me.
Here's another point - they aren't kids.
Yet another point - nobody was forced to help them.
In addition, both were trained differently, at different times. They boy was far more proficient and at an earlier age than the girl. She was busier developing verbal skills.

It wasn't a policy that predetermined that he was walking at 8 months while she was putting words together.

The big point - treating an adult like a kid is generally a bad idea. Treating kids like kids? Great. Treat an adult like a kid?

Do you see the difference?

[Reply] It seems like were stuck with an ecclectic approach - help people, but also give them room to breathe. You assume that democrats only want to help them, not give them the opportunity to work it out on their own.

40 plus years of the welfare state demonstrates that my theory has some merit. Otherwise we'd be focusing on maintenance of non-poverty instead of trying to get 40 million people out of it.

Admit it - welfare has failed. Try something else.

[Reply]> roundly hated on Palin

She thinks for herself? Have you ever listened to the woman speak? She hasn't thought about ANY PART of what she says. She can't even remember what newspapers she uses as sources of information!

Not what I said. I said that pro-women groups reviled her. Frankly, I think McCain's biggest mistake was trying to change her into a round peg. She should have simply said, "I don't read many. I have advisors who tell me what's up. I'd like to read them but I've got a job and a family. Sorry."

Her mistake. And she was disingenuous. It rightfully caught her.

My point - no, she was thoughtless with those. But I believe she and McCain's staff battled because sje did think for herself. And they didn't want her to.

So a sidepoint wherein you have a valid point that I just see differently.

[Reply]>He does. So do Clarence Thomas, Walter Williams, Thomas Sowell.

Just like Dennis Kucinich does from the democrat party.

White men are allowed to think for themselves. It's why Janice Rogers Brown could be villified for an opinion in a case while Justice Mosk gets away scott free for joining it.

[Reply]>IT isn't. The democratic party and the Republican party are evil. Both seek to destroy individual wealth.

Yes it is. You just so happened to include Republicans in your statement this time around.

I believe that I have been quite outspoken against both. It's been too long since the Dems have the Presidency and both of the chambers of Congress I think it appropriate to target them a lot more often.

For example, when the President says that the insurance companies are manufacturing fear of health care reform, I myself say "fuck you" because I haven't needed any help from anybody in being afraid of what the proposals will cost me.

[Reply]>the GOP has demonstrated it is more than willing to take peoples' money, as well

Yep. They just use it to fund things like war. The democrats are fucking evil, in comparison to that, right?

You look at ends. I look at means. They both took my money and spent it on what they wanted to spend it on.

The taking and spending is the part I have the most trouble with.

[Reply]"Well a little bit of socialism adds up and eventually becomes a major form of it, Chasteh"

Maybe. That seems pretty debatable at this point.

Sure. What's a little socialism and what's a lot? Is Mount Everest as high as the Nile is long?

[Reply]>It is actually the fault of some other group that has all the money and resources and shits on them.

And instead we will just blame the government for taking all of our money and resources and giving it to other people! Thats so different!

It is and isn't different. For example, I can look at my paycheck and see what was withheld. I can do my taxes and figure out what was taken. And boy, I can sure see EXACTLY where that money went.
So if I say that someone is taking money from me, I can get a damned good idea of who is taking it.

Revelution against a government is one thing. Class warfare is another. So is racial warfare.

[Reply] Libertarians don't blame anybody for their issues. *Choke*

Sure we do. And for some reason, nobody with any credibility would dare say, "the government doesn't tax away money! Even if taxing was stopped altogether you still wouldn't have any more money than you have now."

[Reply]>The best way to get people behind you is to lead to the perception of some enemy that it out there holding them down. It is far easier to get someone to hate someone else than to like you.

That makes sense, because you frequently use this as a defense of the free-market.

Funny that you should call it a defense of the free market. It is and has been under attack.

I know where you are going. And yes, I use the tactics myself. I just fall under the belief that insurance companies are actually evil. I tend to believe that the government (a $3-4 trillion per year business that runs persistently in the red) is a larger player. A much bigger threat.

And as the dominant force, the dominant causative force of these problems that have never left.

My wife is hotter than your wife.