
The Ugly Racism of the Right Will Be Their Undoing

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Every single thread I've read recently has included at least one post from Rush (often more than one) regarding Kallend's supposed use of more than one user name. It's not only creepy, it's fucking annoying.

I haven't seen anything of the sort from Kallend or chasteh.

The post in this thread was completely out of the blue. Like I said: creepy.

- Dan G

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Kallend's supposed use of more than one user name.

Except that it's true - fixed that for you. I've seen several posts where mods have gotten on someone for multiple logins, so I guess it's more common than it would seem from a casual glance.


It's not only creepy, it's fucking annoying.

And you think that complaining about it is going to do....what?
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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From. Pm's I have received and sent I have no doubt that chasteh is not kallend. They think differently and have different syntax. Chasteh has more patience than kallend and has broken down thoughts and ideas differetly from what I've ever seen from kallend.

I'm not saying either are better than the other. I respect both of them. Jeez - I actually personally LIKE both of them.

And since kallend is recently married we know he isn't chaste. That'll happen next year.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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>You obviously missed the part where I said I've never listened to him.

As if my comments depended on your listening to him.

>What was that bit about a 'rhetorical fallacy used to paint an entire political party", again? Besides hypocrisy, that is...

Not applicable to my post, thats what it was. Try harder, please. Thanks.

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Kinda sad, huh? There are very few these days who actually care about the interests of the U.S. and its constitution. Unfortunately, they don't stay in the spotlight long enough for people to even grasp what their message is. Well... scratch that... it would be difficult for that message to be heard anyways.

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>Um, yes. Can they do it themselves? Then they don't need your help and it should thus be provided to those who need it

You, and mntealtx, and everyone else who claims the Dems say "You cannot do it without our help, you need us" paints the picture differently than it actually is. You make it seem like the democrats are actually telling people that they are helpless and must for vote big uncle sam's help. That is false, and you know it.

>"No thank you. I tripped. But I can get myself up."
"No you can't. Let us show you how. Gravity is set up to make it difficult."

You are painting the picture to favor your position.

>That fucking guy should think the way he's told.

Yea. Like the one black guy in the republican party should do. Again, you've assumed that you and the republican party are not guilty as such - th us it is easier for you to paint them all (edit: the dems) as controlling and authoritarian. Aren't you a lawyer? Ya might work a little bit harder here - maybe use, you know... compelling means to convince us that the democratic party is comprised only of people who are 1) targeting black voters, 2) targeting poor people, 3) telling them that they cannot do anything without the government's help.

If your position wasn't littered with "let's protect our wealth and convince everyone the democratic party is evil" then I might be more convinced of your position. Cmon lawrocket, I would have expected you to be less bigoted. What have yo done with the real lawrocket? This one is not him. Where is he? Have you taken his soul? (Assuming he had one, of course - do lawyers have souls?)

>As opposed to just caring about people. Why care about people? There's no racial identity in it.

Instead let's just lie to them and tell them that fulfilling our self interest will actually benefit them by providing them jobs. Those fools, they have no fucking clue that were actually using our position as a ploy to move more of the pot in our direction - legally, of course. What better method is there of controlling the masses than convincing them that they are free to act and choose in any way they please - only if they get a job, buy my products, and and fit in like all the other pawns that keep me going!

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I have never met Kallend before, and I do not know who kallend is. I will admit, however, as billvon knows, I have used other screen names in the past to get around a ban. Oh man it was quite a fu nny escapade. I think bill actually enjoyed it, anyways. They were genius names, too.





brilliant, right?

Oh, and there have been occasions where kallend has disagreed with me... I think it was in thee... oohhh what thread..... I think it was one of the religion threads. Can't remember.

Oh yea, I actually think your responses are pretty bright myself. Well, you know, unless you 1) contradicted yourself or 2) posted based on a hasty generalization. (This one)

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If it is indeed a rock,

From Wendy's post (I'm sure you've read it, since you used the term so much since then):

If you find yourself typing "Guess again" about your posts to others frequently, you might want to consider if you're playing "rock."

From your post, above:

Try harder, please. Thanks.

Looks like the functional equivalent of "Guess again".


where in those posts did I paint the entire republican party?

Well, if by -

As if my comments depended on your listening to him (from your post, above)

- you did NOT mean that you weren't talking about me, but rather about some unknown, supposedly-conservative group, then you might want to tone down the semantics game just a touch because the only person you're making sense to is YOU.

Not that there's anything wrong with that.


Hmm? Got it yet?

Pretty sure I have, yeah.
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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>From Wendy's post (I'm sure you've read it, since you used the term so much since then

Yep. And it is only valid if you do not provide justification for saying it. Remember, the idea is preserving the reason why you disagreed, not simply disagreeing. Your evaluation of my post (a hasty generalization of republicans - as you claim) is not on my post. That is why you need to "try again." Thanks.

>the only person you're making sense to is YOU.

How do yo know that? You don't.

Were you going to show how my post depended on your listening or not listening to Rush Limbaugh, or were you just looking to spill some blood? Thanks.


I did slam your slack-jawed friends though. Fuckin hilarious. I didn't, however, say "The entire conservative/republican party," now did I?

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Hey, kallend, can I have your wingsuit? Spectre 135? Bring it. With my rig on I weigh 260 pounds. My slowest fall rate (outside of a track-dive, of course) has been 150 mph. When was the last time you went 150 during deployment?

Also, I am under a Nav 260 as my only main. PDR 253 as reserve. I have never jumped and landed at an elevation lower than 5,000 feet. I'm totally ready for a 135! Especially landing at a 9,000 foot density altitude!

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I find it hilarious that there's this obsession about kallend going on in the threads lately. As I said in another thread: gosh, he must really intimidate some people.

Yes, we do.

And so do we.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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>Um, yes. Can they do it themselves? Then they don't need your help and it should thus be provided to those who need it

You, and mntealtx, and everyone else who claims the Dems say "You cannot do it without our help, you need us" paints the picture differently than it actually is. You make it seem like the democrats are actually telling people that they are helpless and must for vote big uncle sam's help. That is false, and you know it.

You are somewhat correct. Democrats tell people they are helpless and that they'll make sure someone else pays for it.


>"No thank you. I tripped. But I can get myself up."
"No you can't. Let us show you how. Gravity is set up to make it difficult."

You are painting the picture to favor your position.

Of course I am. When my son and daughter were learning to walk they fell on their faces constantly. And they got up and tried again and again. I didn't get them a new stroller. I didn't point out how unfair it was that I could walk and they could not.

We could learn so much from kids.


Yea. Like the one black guy in the republican party should do.

He does. So do Clarence Thomas, Walter Williams, Thomas Sowell. They think for themselves. Much like women's groups - whom one would think would actually support a woman being in a position of political power - roundly hated on Palin.

(Of course, "sell out" isn't used that often anymore).


easier for you to paint them all (edit: the dems) as controlling and authoritarian.

Well, yes. Both sides exert their authority. Both are authoritarian. The GOP likes police authority and teh Dems like the authority to take people's money. Of course, the GOP has demonstrated it is more than willing to take peoples' money, as well. And now that the Dems are in power, they also have done nothing to scale back the police state. Quite the contrary.


compelling means to convince us that the democratic party is comprised only of people who are 1) targeting black voters, 2) targeting poor people, 3) telling them that they cannot do anything without the government's help.

What sort of evidence do you find to be "compelling?"

Like this? http://www.demconvention.com/assets/downloads/2008-Democratic-Platform-by-Cmte-08-13-08.pdf

Or this?


If your position wasn't littered with "let's protect our wealth and convince everyone the democratic party is evil" then I might be more convinced of your position.

IT isn't. The democratic party and the Republican party are evil. Both seek to destroy individual wealth.


What better method is there of controlling the masses than convincing them that they are free to act and choose in any way they please - only if they get a job, buy my products, and and fit in like all the other pawns that keep me going!

There's a much better way. Convince the people that what's going on is not their fault. It is actually the fault of some other group that has all the money and resources and shits on them. This could be: (1) Jews; (2) Bourgeoisie; (3) Corporations; (4) the wealthy; (5) Whitey; (6) Etc...

The best way to get people behind you is to lead to the perception of some enemy that it out there holding them down. It is far easier to get someone to hate someone else than to like you.

Hence, we see insurance companies under attack for what they do to the insurance industry. And we saw in the original posting that racism is the reason people are against national health care.

I find that to be racial pandering and poverty pimping.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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>Democrats tell people they are helpless and that they'll make sure someone else pays for it.

Link this in the democratic platform files, then.

>We could learn so much from kids.

Uh huh. They also had a whole lot of assistance from Mommy and Daddy, didn't they? You didn't just stand around and tell them to feed themselves until they finally did, now did you? You didn't just tell them that their problems were a result of mommy and daddy trying to help them too much, either. It seems like were stuck with an ecclectic approach - help people, but also give them room to breathe. You assume that democrats only want to help them, not give them the opportunity to work it out on their own.

> roundly hated on Palin

She thinks for herself? Have you ever listened to the woman speak? She hasn't thought about ANY PART of what she says. She can't even remember what newspapers she uses as sources of information!

>He does. So do Clarence Thomas, Walter Williams, Thomas Sowell.

Just like Dennis Kucinich does from the democrat party. Yet you are not ready to criticize him for not thinking, now are you? (Oh yea, he and Ron Paul are good friends - they both just so happen to be amongst the only politicians with brain matter remaining)

>IT isn't. The democratic party and the Republican party are evil. Both seek to destroy individual wealth.

Yes it is. You just so happened to include Republicans in your statement this time around.

>the GOP has demonstrated it is more than willing to take peoples' money, as well

Yep. They just use it to fund things like war. The democrats are fucking evil, in comparison to that, right?

"Well a little bit of socialism adds up and eventually becomes a major form of it, Chasteh"

Maybe. That seems pretty debatable at this point.

>It is actually the fault of some other group that has all the money and resources and shits on them.

And instead we will just blame the government for taking all of our money and resources and giving it to other people! Thats so different! Libertarians don't blame anybody for their issues. *Choke*

>The best way to get people behind you is to lead to the perception of some enemy that it out there holding them down. It is far easier to get someone to hate someone else than to like you.

That makes sense, because you frequently use this as a defense of the free-market.

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Every single thread I've read recently has included at least one post from Rush (often more than one) regarding Kallend's supposed use of more than one user name. It's not only creepy, it's fucking annoying.

I haven't seen anything of the sort from Kallend or chasteh.

The post in this thread was completely out of the blue. Like I said: creepy.

That's funny - because the first time I saw it posted, it was from a Moderator . . . Kinda gives it some weight does it not?
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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Are you the third kallend ID on this site?

No, not the inflatable one......

Your stalking is getting creepy.

All he has to do is come clean and it will end:|
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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Stalking RushMC? He and I had a fairly lengthy quarrel over PMs recently.

Oh yea, and just to add:

I said on my very second post, on my very first thread - that I had been stalking all of you for years.

and it was a good friendly exchange but he will not let me pack his reserve yet;)
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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Are you the third kallend ID on this site?

No, not the inflatable one......

Your stalking is getting creepy.

All he has to do is come clean and it will end:|

Come to think of it... why hasn't he posted his birth certificate. What is he hiding, hm?

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Are you the third kallend ID on this site?

No, not the inflatable one......

Your stalking is getting creepy.

All he has to do is come clean and it will end:|

said the waterboarder to the victim.
stay away from moving propellers - they bite
blue skies from thai sky adventures
good solid response-provoking keyboarding

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