
I thought math was always logical?

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Here's a fun little one to puzzle over.

Well for one the slope of the hypotenuse of the green triangle is not the same as the slope of the hypotenuse of the red triangle, so the two large triangles are not identical.

So the big "triangle" in the top picture is not really a triangle at all, since its "hypotenuse" is not a straight line.

Neither big "triangle", top or bottom, is a triangle for that same reason.

" . . . the lust for power can be just as completely satisfied by suggesting people into loving their servitude as by flogging them and kicking them into obedience." -- Aldous Huxley

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So why is 0! = 1 ?

Don't feel bad - two years ago, my 5th grade daughter came home from school, she was in trouble with her teacher because she answered the question -

2/0 = "undefined" (we had discussed limits and how that type of thing approaches infinity, so I advised her that she should just answer something like that with undefined or whatever until the school caught up.

The teacher was angry about that and insisted that any number divided by zero was ZERO - her calculater told her so. I e-mailed the teacher and she said they were teaching a tool called 'number lines' and this was what the tool output - when I pointed out this was a great teaching opportunity to show that tools are not perfect, she got angry again and said if any kid didn't answer zero - they'd get that type of question counted as WRONG.

Rebecca humored her and answered as expected, but she understood the limit concept and knew the correct answer in truth. It was a good lesson for her to be skeptical.

I don't consider her a 'teacher' in any way, shape or form. For a few other similar reasons as well. Including recommending that more kids in her class take ADHD medicine (relative to any other teacher), and etc...

(funny thing when you take a simple calculator and take a number and divide by zero - it does show the answer as "0 err" - they seem to miss the 'e' or 'err' note :P

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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btw, religion and mathematics (particularly set theory of cardinalities greater than aleph0) do have something in common. Studying either in great detail can lead you to believe you've unlocked deep and meaningful secrets of the universe when all you've really done is wrapped yourself around the axle of a construct created by man as a means to communicate ideas.

Physics on the other hand...

Interestingly enough... studying the act of getting wrapped around the axle in the persuit of deep and meaningful secrets of the universe may actually yield deep and meaningful secrets of the universe.

...in contrast to having a conversation with yourself on an online forum.

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I just ran that equation on my 60MHz Intel Pentium, and it is indeed equal.Wink

Should've coughed up the extra $500 for the 66 MHZ, then you wouldn't have that problem :D $83 for each additional megahertz - back in the day when one megahertz sounded really fast.

We had to replace the motherboards in about 4 of our lab PCs, because they were doing orbital calculations, and they actually needed that degree of precision to get the trajectory right.
Trapped on the surface of a sphere. XKCD

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