
Obama's Plan to Legalize Illegal Immigrants

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These little stories don't make front page news, but the cat is out of the bag for those who deny he will try to push amnesty. Yahoo.

President Barack Obama said Friday he is committed to a comprehensive immigration overhaul that includes a way for illegal immigrants to become U.S. citizens.AP via Yahoo! News - Jun 19 12:56 PMPresident Obama committed to immigration reform

The News WASHINGTON: President Barack Obama on Friday said he was committed to comprehensive immigration reform, amid rising calls by Hispanic supporters for a path to citizenship for 12 million illegal immigrants.Pakistani Newspaper - Jun 20

Immigration ticklish for Obama
For the first time since taking office, President Obama is diving into the thorny details of the country's long-running immigration battles, summoning lawmakers to the White House this week for what aides say will be an "honest discussion of the issues" to "identify areas of agreement, and areas where we still have work to do."Honolulu Advertiser - Jun 21 5:46 AM
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These little stories don't make front page news, but the cat is out of the bag for those who deny he will try to push amnesty. Yahoo.

Who denied it? Even GWB tried (and failed) to do it. It's far cheaper than any alternative, such as mass arrests and deportations.

Trouble is too many ignorant yahoos who just want to punish the illegals without having any idea of the costs of doing so.
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These little stories don't make front page news, but the cat is out of the bag for those who deny he will try to push amnesty. Yahoo.

Who denied it? Even GWB tried (and failed) to do it. It's far cheaper than any alternative, such as mass arrests and deportations.

Trouble is too many ignorant yahoos who just want to punish the illegals without having any idea of the costs of doing so.

Bush certainly tried. Too many ignorant yahoos want them to get in line and go through the legal process like other legal immigrants. They keep saying 12 million and I've heard it is as high as twenty. When amnesty has been announced before, it just encouraged more to come. Maybe we should learn to secure our borders from the North Koreans. Shame on us and shame on both political parties.
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That's a huge political cherry waiting to be picked--20 million new voters to reward the best panderers.

I think that's what it's all about. If BHO can do this and shove unions, he will have it wrapped up for awhile. I will probably be dead before the democrats leave. Good news for some on both accounts.
Do your part for global warming: ban beans and hold all popcorn farts.

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That's a huge political cherry waiting to be picked--20 million new voters to reward the best panderers.

As I recall, didn't Cali try something sort of like that via the back door of 'licenses for illegals' and 'motor-voter'?
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Who denied it? Even GWB tried (and failed) to do it. It's far cheaper than any alternative, such as mass arrests and deportations.

Trouble is too many ignorant yahoos who just want to punish the illegals without having any idea of the costs of doing so.

I believe the solution of choice among the more thoughtful of the anti-legalization folks is attrition through enforcement via the use of E-Verify. E-Verify already exists so the additional cost is minimal--eliminate the jobs magnet through mandatory checking of employees' credentials to work in the USA and many illegal immigrants will end up self deporting.

The very way in which the term 'amnesty' is being used here--by both sides of the debate--shows how lenient and compassionate the USA has traditionally been towards illegal immigrants. In other countries, when the term 'amnesty' is used re illegal immigrants, it doesn't mean they get to stay--it means get out NOW and we'll let you leave with further penalty--try to stay and there will be criminal charges and jail time on top of deportation.
"It's hard to have fun at 4-way unless your whole team gets down to the ground safely to do it again!"--Northern California Skydiving League re USPA Safety Day, March 8, 2014

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These little stories don't make front page news, but the cat is out of the bag for those who deny he will try to push amnesty. Yahoo.

Who denied it? Even GWB tried (and failed) to do it. It's far cheaper than any alternative, such as mass arrests and deportations.

Trouble is too many ignorant yahoos who just want to punish the illegals without having any idea of the costs of doing so.

And ignorant yahoos?

You may want to research your biggoted statements before you post. When the Bush plan failed and the laws were being enforced, it was reported that 1) the money being sent to Mexico had become much smaller and 2) they were leaving in droves..

So much for ignorant yahoos huh? (well, I guess there may still be some posting here)
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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You may want to research your biggoted statements before you post. When the Bush plan failed and the laws were being enforced, it was reported that 1) the money being sent to Mexico had become much smaller and 2) they were leaving in droves..

The biggest recession in 70 years - Bush's way of sending illegal immigrants home;)
If you can't fix it with a hammer, the problem's electrical.

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The biggest recession in 70 years - Bush's way of sending illegal immigrants home;)

Yes--although I read one interview with an illegal who said that ironically a US recession tends to bring illegal workers to the US. This is because a recession usually hits Mexico, etc, harder than it does the US. Illegals do a lot of routine maintenance work that has to get done even in difficult times--whereas good jobs in Mexico are very dependent on expanding corporate prospects for US firms doing business in Mexico--which doesn't happen in rough times.
"It's hard to have fun at 4-way unless your whole team gets down to the ground safely to do it again!"--Northern California Skydiving League re USPA Safety Day, March 8, 2014

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Well if you legalize them they won't be illegal anymore. Problem solved.

In the long run it would probably be cheaper to build a wall an put them up against it.
an illegal is an illegal which ever way you look at it.

Gone fishing

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Well if you legalize them they won't be illegal anymore. Problem solved.

In the long run it would probably be cheaper to build a wall an put them up against it.
an illegal is an illegal which ever way you look at it.

Does that include the President's auntie from Kenya? She was to be deported before the election, but Bush shut down immigration enforcement proceedings to spare BHO embarrasment. She now has her own immigration lawyer.
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