
Politically-Correct Anti-Terrorism Police Work

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Terror law used to stop thousands 'just to balance racial statistics'

Thousands of people are being stopped and searched by the police under their counter-­terrorism powers – simply to ­provide a racial balance in official statistics, the government's official anti-terror law watchdog has revealed... He said there was little or no evidence that the use of section 44 stop and search powers by the police could prevent an act of terrorism...

"While arrests for other crime have ­followed searches under the section, none of the many thousands of searches has ever resulted in a conviction for a terrorism offence. Its utility has been questioned publicly and privately by senior Metropolitan police staff with wide experience of terrorism policing," said Carlile. He added that such searches were stopping between 8,000-10,000 people a month.

"I can well understand the concerns of the police that they should be free from allegations of prejudice," he said. "But it is not a good use of precious resources if they waste them on self-evidently unmerited searches..."
Source: http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2009/jun/17/stop-search-terror-law-met

Heck, I wouldn't want a terrorist to accuse me of being a racist!

"Hey, let's go search those blond chicks over there - it'll be fun, and then we'll have credit to stop a muslim man later on!"

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Heck, I wouldn't want a terrorist to accuse me of being a racist!

"Hey, let's go search those blond chicks over there - it'll be fun, and then we'll have credit to stop a muslim man later on!"

While that is quite funny, I think the correct question to be asked is not 'why are we randomly searching people who don't look like Muslims' but 'why are we randomly searching people'?
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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>"Hey, let's go search those blond chicks over there - it'll be fun, and
>then we'll have credit to stop a muslim man later on!"

Which is no better than "Hey, let's go search those Muslims over there, and give that clean-cut American guy with the van full of ANFO a free pass!"

Anti racial profiling is as bad as racial profiling.

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... the correct question to be asked is not 'why are we randomly searching people who don't look like Muslims' but 'why are we randomly searching people'?


It's insane to think: "well, it's ok to violate people's rights, as long as we violate everyone's rights equally..."
-- Tom Aiello

[email protected]

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