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Actually I think 150 hrs and TWO institutions is too small a sample size. My experience has been quite different...

That would be over 150 hours, and three institutions. It is a small sample size, as I previously stated. It is, however, beyond anecdotal example.

No, it's anecdotal

an·ec·dot·al (nk-dtl)

Based on casual observations or indications rather than rigorous or scientific analysis

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No, it's anecdotal

It's a small sample, not merely an anecdotal observation. Had I made the claim based on a single class, or a single professor, that would have been anecdotal. However, with a sample of several dozen classes/professors taken without the question in mind, it's a small sample.

Is the sample large enough to determine what percentage of professors are liberal versus conservative, or what percentage of professors attempt to push their own political ideology on students? No. Is the sample size large enough to reject a null hypothesis of college classes being taught primarily by liberal professors attempting to indoctrinate students in their liberal ways? Yes. Did I do such a study? Not formally. However, even informally, I can easily see that the null hypothesis is inconsistent with observations.

Claiming such a collection of observations are merely anecdotal is like saying that experience counts for nothing unless it is done as part of scholarly research. For example, someone who has worked several years as an auto mechanic could be justified claiming that one make of automobile tends to be more reliable than another make, based on his experience of seeing far fewer of them in the shop for unscheduled maintenance, even though their rates of ownership and pricing are similar. That same mechanic would not be justified claiming that make A is 89.742% more reliable than make B based on those same observations.
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It's a small sample, not merely an anecdotal observation. Had I made the claim based on a single class, or a single professor, that would have been anecdotal. However, with a sample of several dozen classes/professors taken without the question in mind, it's a small sample.

It's a sample of one - you. Just like any one person's individual observations on a given subject. There's nothing remotely scientific about it.

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If you're claiming the observations are strictly anecdotal, that would be incorrect.

well, as pointed out to you, if you're going to hold that claim, than you can't go spouting off in other threads about other people's personal opinions being merely anecdotal.

It's eat your pie or keep it, not both.

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If you're claiming the observations are strictly anecdotal, that would be incorrect.

well, as pointed out to you, if you're going to hold that claim, than you can't go spouting off in other threads about other people's personal opinions being merely anecdotal.

You seem to be having trouble understanding what sample means in comparison to anecdote.
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at least I haven't forgotten the difference between data and datum.

Your contributions to this thread certainly haven't demonstrated your ability to differentiate between the two terms.
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Your insistence on the last word isn't going to make your false claims true, you know.

Nor does your inability to understand the concept of sample size make the claim false. Hint: the sample size is not one, as you have claimed.
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like I said, if you want to count yourself as more than one person, you lose the ability to use that argument against others who do the same.

Pssst … I'm not the sample in the example.
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