
Nice try by Norm Coleman

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Norm Coleman put a website up to "help people learn who Al Franken is trying to disenfranchise." He then issued a press release claiming that the site was so very popular that it crashed his website. His press release:


By Ryan Flynn | January 28, 2009

ST PAUL – Information recently added to the Coleman for Senate website, whereby people can find out which Minnesota voters the Franken campaign is trying to disenfranchise, has resulted in the website being inundated by tens of thousands of hits today – temporarily crashing the website.

“Minnesotans and folks across the country are fed up with Al Franken’s efforts to disenfranchise thousands of Minnesota voters, and the overwhelming response we received to making this information public is proof positive of that fact,” said Campaign Manager Cullen Sheehan. “The Franken campaign’s ongoing effort to quash votes is clearly not sitting well with Minnesotans, and we intend to continue fighting for each and every one of these voters who deserve to have their valid vote counted.”

Did you see that? I mean, it's clear that people are outraged! Look at all the hits he got - he got so many that the website crashed! That's proof that people want to know how Al Franken is stealing their votes.

Only problem is that Coleman doesn't have a very savvy IT department. To cause the "crash" of their website, they redirected all visitors to that page to the IP address - a null address that will not respond to web requests. This gives a "page load error" simulating an overloaded website.

On the other hand, they were savvy enough to set the "time to live" (TTL) for that name association to 600 seconds, so that when they re-enabled the website, nameservers would rediscover the correct Norm Coleman website within 10 minutes. It's a common trick used by IT professionals when they know a website is about to be moved.

All in all, a valiant try by the Coleman campaign. And since most people are in fact pretty ignorant of the web, it might even work!

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Nice try indeed ... he's finally conceded, nearly 8 months post-election.


Of course, he conceded because the state supreme court finally ruled in favor of his opponent.

Which leads to my other point. Election-dispute litigation happens from time to time; it's part of our landscape. The citizens of Minnesota deserved to have this case placed on as fast a track as humanly possible, so that they could have full representation in the Senate without delay. Fast-tracking was done rapidly, for example, in Bush v. Gore in 2000, and it's done rapidly in many other states, too. Allowing this case to languish 8 months without a final decision is shameful and inexcusable.

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Nice try indeed ... he's finally conceded, nearly 8 months post-election.


Of course, he conceded because the state supreme court finally ruled in favor of his opponent.


I believe the state GOP also applied pressure 'cos it was getting concerned that the 2010 election season is fast approaching and Coleman is making them look bad.
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Fast-tracking was done rapidly, for example, in Bush v. Gore in 2000, and it's done rapidly in many other states, too. Allowing this case to languish 8 months without a final decision is shameful and inexcusable.

So what's the proper response? Many Democrats still claim that the Supreme Court gave the election to Bush, even though the eventual recount supported the Florida win for him. But there was a case where the court stopped the count, and then determined it was too late to restart in time, though if it had been allowed to run throughout, we would have know immediately.

In this case, it's the end of June, which is even more ridiculous.

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nobody should fight it when you loose when more votes are counted than the number of people who regestered at the polls.

"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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How long would you want the recount to go on? A year? Two? Until Coleman won, then stop?

Was that my point?

I guess if you dont care if an election is acurate then it can end when ever you say it should.
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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>I guess if you dont care if an election is acurate then it can end when ever you
>say it should.

I think it's hilarious how the same GOPers who ridiculed the Floridians for not being able to vote - and who fought tooth and nail to end any recounts - are now weeping over the horrible injustices in Minnesota.

The state's highest court said the election results are valid. I tend to believe them over some Internet talking head. How about you?

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>I guess if you dont care if an election is acurate then it can end when ever you
>say it should.

I think it's hilarious how the same GOPers who ridiculed the Floridians for not being able to vote - and who fought tooth and nail to end any recounts - are now weeping over the horrible injustices in Minnesota.

The state's highest court said the election results are valid. I tend to believe them over some Internet talking head. How about you?

Again, was that my point?

And by the way. The R's in Florida said count em all. Gore wanted just a few counties which was against Florida law. nice try......

Also, I never condemed the MN ruling. You have made a bad assumption. Care to look at my op again?
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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I think it's hilarious how the same GOPers who ridiculed the Floridians for not being able to vote - and who fought tooth and nail to end any recounts - are now weeping over the horrible injustices in Minnesota.

But you're forgetting Bill, the Republic-holes think they OWN these elected offices, whether the Senate, or the White House, which they consider their private property. When they can't win an election, they'll sue and hope their daddy's appointed enough sympathetic and beholden judges to steal the election for them.

They should open a consulting off ice in Teheran and show the Mullahs how to steal an election without having to kill people in the streets (I will at least give them THAT much credit...).

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>And by the way. The R's in Florida said count em all.

GOP seeks injunction to stop Florida recount
Saturday, 11 November 2000 21:02 (ET)

TALLAHASSEE, Fla., Nov. 11 (UPI) -- The George W. Bush campaign said
Saturday it was seeking a federal injunction against manual recounts in as
many as four Florida counties, however the Democrats called on the GOP to
withdraw the suit.

Thanks for playing!

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>And by the way. The R's in Florida said count em all.

GOP seeks injunction to stop Florida recount
Saturday, 11 November 2000 21:02 (ET)

TALLAHASSEE, Fla., Nov. 11 (UPI) -- The George W. Bush campaign said
Saturday it was seeking a federal injunction against manual recounts in as
many as four Florida counties, however the Democrats called on the GOP to
withdraw the suit.

Thanks for playing!

Thanks for backing me up. 4 counties

Must be big ones to cover all of FL
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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>And by the way. The R's in Florida said count em all.

GOP seeks injunction to stop Florida recount
Saturday, 11 November 2000 21:02 (ET)

TALLAHASSEE, Fla., Nov. 11 (UPI) -- The George W. Bush campaign said
Saturday it was seeking a federal injunction against manual recounts in as
many as four Florida counties, however the Democrats called on the GOP to
withdraw the suit.

Thanks for playing!



Why did Gore go after the disqualified ballots?
Gore thought he could find new votes among the disqualified ballots and overcome Bush's victory. On Thursday, November 9, he submitted a request to the highest Democrat-voting counties (Miami Dade, Palm Beach, and Broward) for a manual recount.

You betcha :)
Check Mate!
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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When they can't win an election, they'll sue and hope their daddy's appointed enough sympathetic and beholden judges to steal the election for them.

Who was it that sued to get recount time extended, again? Oh, yeah... I think his name was "Gore".

Who was it that was found to be OBEYING the laws and constitution of Florida, again?

Oh, yeah... the 'republic-holes'.


They should open a consulting off ice in Teheran and show the Mullahs how to steal an election without having to kill people in the streets (I will at least give them THAT much credit...).

The Dems don't kill people in the streets in elections... they just ship them in from out of district and offer them cigarettes for it.
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Sounds like what the Lib's wanted to do with Gore in 2000. Different face same bullshit!

I hearby propose a full calendar year in between each election, so that we all have time to sort out the lawsuits over who really won. After a year of legal wrangling, the winner (by jury) will then begin his or her term, so that the first year isn't wasted on stupid litigation.

Now, can we all admit that Obama really is a U.S. citizen, he was never a Muslim, and he is the duly elected POTUS?

And Ahmadinejad is going to retain power in Iran, even though none of us like him, and it doesn't matter anyway, because the Supreme Leader of Iran makes the final decisions, not the President (or the people).

And every other contested election result ....
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