
Sockin' It to Hamas

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Do you demand the same terms compliance from Palestine?

You won't have peace until both sides admit their culpability and take serious efforts to stabilize the situation. And the effort has to be serious enough to not let minor acts of violence from either side to derail the process, because that's going to happen. The reason that I put the onus on Israel, and the US for that matter, is that they/we are the most powerful participants.
Of course today's events did nothing to help. The UN holds a vote on a cease fire agreement. The vote is in favor 14:0, with the US abstaining, even though Rice said the US fully supports it.[:/]

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Not right away. They're on the wrong side of an illegal blockade.

a blockade that had one goal only. stop the endless flow of explosives into Gaza. there is nothing illegal about it. the government in Gaza is in a state of war with Israel. most countries would have cut power and supplies completely (war, remember?) but Israel didn't.


The border was breached so that people (more aptly "prisoners") could get food and supplies

and many many rockets and tons of explosives.


correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't the extent of peacekeeper presence in the form of remote video monitoring by the UN and Israel?

I believe the deal was for the crossings to be under PA and EU supervision on the ground and Israeli monitoring remotely. both PA and EU people fled when Hamas took power.
it is actually the egyptians who closed the border on their side (until it was breached) but there are still hundreds of tunnels smuggling anything and everything.


"living side by side in peace"

actions speak louder than words. let's start with accepting previous treaties and not blowing up the same border crossings you want Israel to open (which they have several times)
Israel has talked with (arguably) ex-terrorists like the PLO.


And the difference between Hamas and Gazans needs to be recognized as well

Hamas is the government in Gaza. the people in Gaza suffer because of their leaders' choices.


IMO Arafat's leadership was a mixed bag.

Indeed, he kept terror and violence as a valid option alongside negotiations. this doesn't work in the long run either.
"Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero."

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Indeed, he kept terror and violence as a valid option alongside negotiations.

So good to see the Israelis never use Terror and violence. They use bombs and missals in such a nice way.:S:S
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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You won't have peace until both sides admit their culpability

I think that without realizing it, you've nailed the problem.
there are no longer TWO sides, there are three.
Israel and the PA are talking, its not easy, it may not work, but they have been talking for a long time.

Hamas is a third player, it is not the PA and refuses to accept the treaties signed. THAT is the problem.


Of course today's events did nothing to help. The UN holds a vote on a cease fire agreement. The vote is in favor 14:0

again showing how useless the UN is. a resolution that does not mention Hamas even once. just play nice and call for a cease fire without addressing the causes of it all...
"Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero."

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a blockade that had one goal only. stop the endless flow of explosives into Gaza. there is nothing illegal about it. the government in Gaza is in a state of war with Israel. most countries would have cut power and supplies completely (war, remember?) but Israel didn't.

Once more, collective punishment violates international law


The border was breached so that people (more aptly "prisoners") could get food and supplies

and many many rockets and tons of explosives.

I dont' know.


it is actually the egyptians who closed the border on their side (until it was breached) but there are still hundreds of tunnels smuggling anything and everything.

I don't know the specifics of the relationship between our administration, Israel, Fatah and Egypt with regard to Rafah. I know they brokered the deal and that EUBAM (European Union Border Assistance Mission Rafah) pulled out when Hamas took over and their isolation began. My guess is that the US and Israel's influence on Egypt plays a strong role in the status of that crossing. But it sounds like Egypt is getting a lot of pressure.


"living side by side in peace"

actions speak louder than words. let's start with accepting previous treaties and not blowing up the same border crossings you want Israel to open (which they have several times)
Israel has talked with (arguably) ex-terrorists like the PLO.

This basically amounts to "it's never worked before so why try?". That approach is guaranteed to get you nowhere. The idea of halting aid to Israel is to force the parties to talk to each other. If you really want peace, you take every opportunity to work towards it. If you're not finished grabbing land, then you use every excuse to miss those opportunities.


Hamas is the government in Gaza. the people in Gaza suffer because of their leaders' choices.

Collective punishment violates international law.

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This basically amounts to "it's never worked before so why try?"

no, it amounts to : every time we've tried, they tried to blow up the border crossings. simple as that.
what reason do they have to blow up the crossings that supply food to Gaza?


Collective punishment violates international law

having a rough time is a result of war, that is not collective punishment.
civilians getting hurt because rockets are fired from their back yards is a violation of international law. by those who use them as human shields.
"Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero."

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having a rough time is a result of war, that is not collective punishment.

How can it be viewed as war and not a massacre?

That’s like calling a fight between a 2 yearold and Mike Tyson a boxing match.

There are also rules for war, that’s why in WWII the Nazi party was help responsible because they had broken the rules of war not to mention the rules for humanity. You can not simply excuse all cruel action by saying it’s a war.
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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That’s like calling a fight between a 2 yearold and Mike Tyson a boxing match.

no, its more like Mike Tyson Vs. Holyfield when one is holding a 2 year old to take the punched for him...


There are also rules for war

you mean such as not hiding behind civilians and then saying the other side hits them?
"Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero."

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no, its more like Mike Tyson Vs. Holyfield when one is holding a 2 year old to take the punched for him...

You really think Hamas is as powerful as the IDF, but is just hiding behind civilians?


you mean such as not hiding behind civilians and then saying the other side hits them?

Yes That’s a rule of war as well. And you’re right they’re braking it. How about looking at Israel with the same disgust as you do HAMAS when Israel brakes the rules of war?

That’s the problem I have with most of you who I argue with. You excuse Israel but want to hold HAMAs accountable. This is all when every one with a working brain knows who the more capable parties are.
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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Yes That’s a rule of war as well. And you’re right they’re braking it. How about looking at Israel with the same disgust as you do HAMAS when Israel brakes the rules of war?

That’s the problem I have with most of you who I argue with. You excuse Israel but want to hold HAMAs accountable. This is all when every one with a working brain knows who the more capable parties are.

Hip waders.....CHECK

BIG shovel....CHECK

stank respirator...CHECK

You seem to completely gloss over the FACT.. that if the morons in Hamasistan stopped attacking.. peace would BREAK out, The Israelis would have no reason to launch a missile at a leader who cajoles his people into continuing the stupidity for his own power. IF the power equation was reversed you buddies would have obliterated every Jew in sight. Perhaps you might want to read about some of the fun stuff that occurred after the British pulled out as the Arab's tried to do just that with far superior forces.

The Israeli’s protected their people and always have since the creation of the state of Israel. The history is fairly plain on who keeps perpetuating this war.

Your assertion of genocide etc is so completely LUDICROUS as to be laughable Darius.
The situation is tragic and will continue until there is a huge change in the attitude of the leadership of Hamasistan.

Most little boys learn not to kick the big kid in the shins at a fairly early age... he finds out there are consequences to being fucking stupid.

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Your assertion of genocide etc is so completely LUDICROUS as to be laughable Darius.

That shows you know nothing of the condition in Gaza

Trust me if your laughing at me that probably means I have said something real or true as your posts have shown you tend to do nothing other then show hate for anything Muslim or yo just like to start shit. You your self have said before lets kill them all. I simply can not argue with that kind of blind ignorance.

When you learn to look at the other side and actually maybe once consider cause and effect then maybe you will be able to see more. Unfortunately you are not very knowledgeable on the subject but you are sure that you are right about every thing at the same time. So I don’t see you ever seeing any thing or learning any thing new. When you say all Iranians are Jew haters or simpelfy the problem in such a manner that if you disagree with Israel you are a Jew hater there is no point in me continuing this conversation with you.
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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This basically amounts to "it's never worked before so why try?"

no, it amounts to : every time we've tried, they tried to blow up the border crossings. simple as that.
what reason do they have to blow up the crossings that supply food to Gaza?


Collective punishment violates international law

having a rough time is a result of war, that is not collective punishment.
civilians getting hurt because rockets are fired from their back yards is a violation of international law. by those who use them as human shields.

The conversation is regressing. Any reply would be to rehash the rehashed.
Good luck.
They reap what they sow.
You reap what you sow.

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As long Israel want and need to expand their borders, and believe they can just take what they believe is given right from the bible to land, and far more, then they have a problem! Just admit if the native people in USA got a state, and then wanted to expand after all native lap, eskimos etc moved in! Just imagine if they even got a heavy war machine on the top! You guys would try to bomb the shit out of them before they even could lift one arm!

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When you learn to look at the other side and actually maybe once consider cause and effect then maybe you will be able to see more. Unfortunately you are not very knowledgeable on the subject but you are sure that you are right about every thing at the same time. So I don’t see you ever seeing any thing or learning any thing new. When you say all Iranians are Jew haters or simpelfy the problem in such a manner that if you disagree with Israel you are a Jew hater there is no point in me continuing this conversation with you.

Yep your side sounds REAL PEACEFUL there Darius .. right from the mouth of the leadership.

This is your position.. its the position of the leadership in Hamasistan.... and across the muslim world.



PUTRAJAYA, Malaysia -- Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Thursday the solution to the Middle East crisis is to destroy Israel. In a speech during an emergency meeting of Muslim leaders, Ahmadinejad also called for an immediate halt to fighting in Lebanon between Israel and the Iranian-backed militant group Hezbollah.

"Although the main solution is for the elimination of the Zionist regime, at this stage an immediate cease-fire must be implemented," he said.

Ahmadinejad, who has drawn international condemnation with previous calls for Israel to be wiped off the map, said the Middle East would be better off "without the existence of the Zionist regime."

Israel "is an illegitimate regime, there is no legal basis for its existence," he said.

Oh and I love this LOVE AND LIGHT from Teheran:S:S:S



TEHRAN 14 Dec. (IPS) One of Iran’s most influential ruling cleric called Friday on the Muslim states to use nuclear weapon against Israel, assuring them that while such an attack would annihilate Israel, it would cost them "damages only".

"If a day comes when the world of Islam is duly equipped with the arms Israel has in possession, the strategy of colonialism would face a stalemate because application of an atomic bomb would not leave any thing in Israel but the same thing would just produce damages in the Muslim world", Ayatollah Ali Akbar Hashemi-Rafsanjani told the crowd at the traditional Friday prayers in Tehran.

Yeah... sounds like a peacefull nation to me:S:S

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>?that if the morons in Hamasistan stopped attacking.. peace would BREAK out

If the morons on BOTH sides stopped attacking peace would break out. It takes effort on both sides.

>The Israelis would have no reason . . . .

The old "but they made me kill them!" rationale. It's bullshit when either side does it.

>The Israeli’s protected their people and always have since the creation
>of the state of Israel.

Yep. Both sides "protect their people." And both will continue doing so until both Hamas and Israel find better reasons to not kill than to kill.

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When you say all Iranians are Jew haters

I don't believe all of them are Jew haters, but what's your opinion of President Ahmadinejad and his crackhead comments toward Israel?
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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Yep. Both sides "protect their people." And both will continue doing so until both Hamas and Israel find better reasons to not kill than to kill.

I respect your opinion, but are you kidding me? Hamas "protects their people"? How are they doing that while launching rockets from civilian areas, mosques and schools, knowing full well, that IDF were going to respond to the source of the fire? :S

Protecting their people, my ass!
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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Same same your country protecting you by attacking Irak? It makes it a lot more safer now when a half country with 3 generations hating you + alot more in the whole Arab world? Do you really believe your country will be safer in the future when the canons going silent?

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There are also rules for war, that’s why in WWII the Nazi party was help responsible because they had broken the rules of war not to mention the rules for humanity. You can not simply excuse all cruel action by saying it’s a war.

Worked for Stalin, didn't it? He even pinned the blame for some of his massacres on the Germans. Winners don't face war trials.

In a tit for tat game, the weaker side should stop with the tit, because they're losing heavily when the IDF responds with the tat.

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