
South Park - holy crap that was fast

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They had a 14 sec preview clip on SouthParkStudios.com last night - probably had two different versions ready pending results to run Wednesday night. I remember when they put Sadam as the Wizard of Oz just four days after he was found several years ago. That was pretty amazing.

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On one of the South Park DVDs Trey and Matt talk about how they create an episode using MAYA. They said they can have something in a day or two with a finished product in 3 days. One episode was finished the day it aired (I don't recall which one).

To contrast that, their first episode (the one that used paper cutouts) took over 2 months to make.

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They did the same thing a while back when Saddam was captured.

The usual suspects travelled to save Stan's Kyle's little brother Ike from Cananda. The whole episode was a Wizard of Oz theme. In the end the "little man behind the curtain" was Saddam ("GOTCHA!"). It aired something like 2 days after Saddam was captured.

Funny stuff.

edit for correction.


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that was such bullshit, there's no way garrison would be a mccain supporter.;)

lol, it think they did that on purpose since his character and everything he does is a walking contradiction.
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They had a 14 sec preview clip on SouthParkStudios.com last night - probably had two different versions ready pending results to run Wednesday night. I remember when they put Sadam as the Wizard of Oz just four days after he was found several years ago. That was pretty amazing.

I would say that maybe 70% of the episode would have been able to be used for either candidate winning.

That said, the scenes based on the Obama acceptance speech and a number of others that had happened within the preceding 24 hours are the ones I'm talking about. For instance, there is no way could have possibly known the color of Cindy McCain's dress or the exact wording of Obama's acceptance speech.
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For instance, there is no way could have possibly known the color of Cindy McCain's dress or the exact wording of Obama's acceptance speech.

Or could they have known ... :|

PS: Anyone else enjoying the new camera angles, camera movements, special effects, etc...
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The writing was on the wall after his speech at the previous DNC. I told several people the next day I would take bets that he'd be our next Dem president. No takers.

Once the race officially opened, it was a juggernaut that could have only been stopped by making it's own big mistakes. They made none.

And it was all over but the shouting weeks ago. Watching the TV coverages try to make it seem interesting (close) was a hoot.

It was a total shellacing that has been on perfect track for over 4 years.
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that was such bullshit, there's no way garrison would be a mccain supporter.;)

Garrison has been pretty right wing at times. In particular, remember that he lead the charge to get rid of the richers, and in particular recall the closing line of that episode: "at least we got rid of all the damn negr [cut to credits]."

I suspect most of this episode was done in advance with the expectation of the Obama win. If McCain had pulled off the miracle win, they probably had a second episode (next's weeks?) on hand as plan B. Then they merely needed to add some dialogue from the victory speeches.

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