
The Situation Thread

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Besides the candidates names, most overused phrases:

"Maverick" ~ Palin
"Exxon Mobile" ~ Biden
"My energy producting state" ~ Palin


I disagree . . . "you bet cha!"

I also wanna go back and do a count of the condescending wink and "soccer mom".

BTW, if McCain is Maverick, does that make her . . . Goose?

LOL, true. And the gosh-darnit just had me in hysterics. I'm sorry, but it's VERY hard to take her seriously.

Performance Designs Factory Team

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LOL, true. And the gosh-darnit just had me in hysterics. I'm sorry, but it's VERY hard to take her seriously.

I need to write a sketch with McCain and Palin in the Oval. The situation is dire. McCain is swearing like a sailor and Palin can pretty much only say "gosh darn."
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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I liked it when she called her opponent "Senator O'Biden" that was cute.

I lived in Alaska for a few months in '84 while I was trying to get in on their land lottery and even spent some time in Susitna and Wasilla as a construction worker- I helped build Valley Bowling Center there (the gold panning did not pay off) that town was so friggin small at the time the only place to buy food was a frontier general store with a few canned goods, some fishing lures, and a broken screen door & I can tell you I never heard anyone speak with that kooky accent of hers, is she from Minnesota or what?:D

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Anyone have something interesting to say?

An analyst on CNN summed it up nicely, I think. He said Biden needed to go after McCain and attach him to the status quo and he did that. Palin needed to prove herself as something more than a gaffe deer in the headlights and she also accomplished that.

Republicans will think Palin did great. Dems will think Biden did the same. Except dems on here. They'll make some sad attempts at jokes about her smile and accent.

Stay positive and love your life.

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An analyst on CNN summed it up nicely, I think. He said Biden needed to go after McCain and attach him to the status quo and he did that. Palin needed to prove herself as something more than a gaffe deer in the headlights and she also accomplished that.

I sort of agree there. Palin did NOT make a fool of herself. That said, she did an absolutely PISS POOR job of doin anything other than reciting the same thing over and over again. I can't recall a single question she actually answered before going off on her same story again (besides the question about ever having changed their opinion on something they held strongly at some point).

On more than one occasion she actually had me second guessing myself if I heard the question correctly, because I had no idea what she was babbling on about.
Performance Designs Factory Team

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Anyone have something interesting to say?

I did think Biden was going to lose it at about the 1:15 point. He started to get worked up and I was thinking to myself, "Ok, here we go. This is where he blows it." However, he pulled it back and finished strong.

There's a point about 1:00 into it where Palin is just babbling like a moron. Sorry, but she really got off the rails and just didn't make any sense whatsoever. She too pulled it back on course and finished strong.

Among my issues with Palin is, as said before by others, it's incredibly difficult to take the "schoolmarm," "oh so sweet" attitude; seriously. I have actually worked for people like that and, maybe it's just me, but I find it very annoying because you know it's a put on. Essentially, I really can't trust anyone that finds it necessary to constantly speak in glowing, smiling, euphemisms. Either that or they really are simpletons. I really don't know Palin well enough to know for certain which it is. Do you?

Anyway, that's a public persona issue. Maybe she does have it together but she hides it very well.

I still felt as if she said nothing of actual substance.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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right on dialect then..

just sounds plain ignorant to me though

the word is N U C L E A R there is only one U in that word is there not???

so if we can agree on that fact, then you must surely see the ignorance in not pronouncing the word correctly.

unless you say nucular too, then it's OK i guess. still it's ignorant regardless
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Perry Farrell

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"Ignorant?". Actually, I have anothjer term for it - "dialect."

After all the grief GWB has gotten for pronouncing it that way . . . yes, it's ignorant not to nip that in the bud.

Nip it!
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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I did think Biden was going to lose it at about the 1:15 point. He started to get worked up and I was thinking to myself, "Ok, here we go. This is where he blows it." However, he pulled it back and finished strong.

I saw that, too. I was excited to see the explosion but he did well to contain it.


There's a point about 1:00 into it where Palin is just babbling like a moron. Sorry, but she really got off the rails and just didn't make any sense whatsoever. She too pulled it back on course and finished strong.

Yeah, she definitely rambled several times but finished the full 90 minutes without falling apart. Agreed 2 for 2 so far.


Among my issues with Palin is, as said before by others, it's incredibly difficult to take the "schoolmarm," "oh so sweet" attitude; seriously. I have actually worked for people like that and, maybe it's just me, but I find it very annoying because you know it's a put on. Essentially, I really can't trust anyone that finds it necessary to constantly speak in glowing, smiling, euphemisms. Either that or they really are simpletons. I really don't know Palin well enough to know for certain which it is. Do you?

Of course not. And I can definitely picture the people you're talking about. You just want to slap them to see if they'll cry or smile. However, I don't get that feeling from Palin and I think it's funny how a seemingly happy person from a fairly typical family raises eyebrows. That's not a shot at you, the pundits have hinted at that too. With all the stereotypical Washington old dudes saying the same thing day in and day out, people feel uncomfortable with the soccer-mom. It's interesting.

Stay positive and love your life.

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