
Just you watch. NOLA evacuees

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How much you wanna bet that when the NOLA evacuees return, they're gonna try to hit FEMA up for covering the costs of them clearing out of the way of a storm that didn't devastate their city the way everyone thought it would? :D

"Waaahh, it cost me gas money! Waaahh, I lost time off from work! BUSH OWES ME!! Waaahh!!" :S
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Are you really serious or is this just a bad troll?

I'm sure they are more concerned about getting the money owed to them from three years ago that still hasn't come in for everyone.
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Well, according to many Bush created global warming and therefore the hurricanes increased in intensity and forced the evacuation, so Bush does owe them in their very, very skewed view.



Vinny the Anvil
Post Traumatic Didn't Make The Lakers Syndrome is REAL

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Are you really serious or is this just a bad troll?

I'm sure they are more concerned about getting the money owed to them from three years ago that still hasn't come in for everyone.

That's the part that bothers me. Unless you're talking about the people who's "hurricane" insurance refused to pay for "flood" damage, who deserved money?

I don't agree with the OP. However, the gimme gimme gimme gets old.

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It will be fun to watch the groans of disappointment from some of the more extreme right wingers once they realize that New Orleans has not been devastated - and there are no victims to blame.

What the hell are you talking about? Are you that one sided that you actually spew that bullshit?>:(
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>What the hell are you talking about?

This very forum had a thread gleefully anticipating how the Gustav victims from New Orleans would immediately blame Bush. We even had one poster explain that you should ask any ambulatory NOLA victim "what the fuck did you do to help yourself?" Called them " lazy worthless FUCKS" if I recall.

They will be disappointed that Gustav did not provide the right level of disaster to make their political points, but I suspect they will get over it.

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It will be fun to watch the groans of disappointment from some of the more extreme right wingers once they realize that New Orleans has not been devastated - and there are no victims to blame.

I'll wager Chuteless had his fingers crossed.

. . =(_8^(1)

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The fellow who called them lazy worthless fucks is such a SEXY fucking bastard. Hot DAMN is he sexy. I mean just a sseeeeeeeeexy JACKASS

Here's the entire quote for the benefit of all:

"Do I feel sorry for the true victims - yes. And if everyone were as harsh as I about the non-victim lazy worthless FUCKS who made getting help and assistance to the helpless far more difficult, the world would be a much better place.

'the federal government didn't do enough!' - what crap. The first words out of anyone's mouth in response should be 'what the fuck did you do to help yourself?' to anybody who's fully ambulatory and got a free public education."

I feel sexier just hitting the control-v to paste it in there.


Vinny the Anvil
Post Traumatic Didn't Make The Lakers Syndrome is REAL

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Are you really serious or is this just a bad troll?

I'm feeding the perception that some people have developed that I am just an unremitting, unrepentant bigot. It's not a "troll," because I don't troll. I'm not here to screw with people or be a nuisance. You might be able to tell that based on how "at length" I go into detail about my views; I'm here to get into the nitty gritty details of why we feel the way we do about stuff, and arrive at understandings.

This thread was more or less a joke, yes.


I'm sure they are more concerned about getting the money owed to them from three years ago that still hasn't come in for everyone.

Heh, the money "owed them." That's a good one.
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It will be fun to watch the groans of disappointment from some of the more extreme right wingers once they realize that New Orleans has not been devastated - and there are no victims to blame.

I know! Now I'm probably gonna have to go out and beat some homeless dudes with my Louisville Slugger! :D
Spirits fly on dangerous missions
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