
Can I see your papers please. Wonder what Obama has to say about this>

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Yes, I see the point - any police officer that does a job that inconveniences you or that you don't like is a Nazi or a "pig". Any officer that does a job that doesn't inconvenience you or that you like (as in getting a warning instead of the ticket you deserved) is "officer".

Are you fuckin stupid or you just don't read? I PAID A FUCKING THOUSAND DOLLARS FOR THAT TICKET.. Reiterate. I didn't have my "PAPERS" w/ me. He let me slide by trusting me to be who I said I was rather than impoundinding my truck and taking me to jail. While I'm on it he did keep me half an hr. and told me he was cold and it was the end of his shift so maybe his selfishness helped me.:P
I hold it true, whate'er befall;
I feel it, when I sorrow most;
'Tis better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all.

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My apologies for mis-remembering your words.

You still only refer to officers in a good light when they do something to YOUR advantage - you have no credibility in that respect.
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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Don't confuse "YOUR advantage" with "the right thing to do".

Threatening someone because they question how you do your job is NOT "the right thing to do".

"Don't touch my fucking Easter eggs, I'll be back monday." ~JTFC

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Don't confuse "YOUR advantage" with "the right thing to do".

Threatening someone because they question how you do your job is NOT "the right thing to do".


I made no statement to that regard.
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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I made no statement to that regard.

You absolutely did. Akarunaway posted an experience in which the police acted in an inappropriate way, and called them names.

You defend them as if they were completely infallible, and then came to your own, and very wrong, conclusion.

"Don't touch my fucking Easter eggs, I'll be back monday." ~JTFC

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I made no statement to that regard.

You absolutely did. Akarunaway posted an experience in which the police acted in an inappropriate way, and called them names.

You defend them as if they were completely infallible, and then came to your own, and very wrong, conclusion.


Show where I say ANYTHING about cops being infallible, or where I say what they are doing is right OR wrong.
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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Funny how any cop that does something that you don't agree with is a "pig" or "Nazi", but the cop that let you out of a speeding ticket was "officer".

"Don't touch my fucking Easter eggs, I'll be back monday." ~JTFC

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I'm sure you have some sort of point here, but it's not very apparent.

Why don't you explain how my pointing out his bias is "proof" of anything in regards to the officers involved.
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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I have a 'right' as a motorist to a safe drive home. OVI checkpoints deter drunk driving. Period. When I sail through a checkpoint It takes a minute then I'm on my way. I don't want a smashed motorist to go left of center and smash me and I lose my legs and all feeling in one arm. If Akron U is having it's 'mayday' parties then there is going be lots of kids drinking (near my house). The OVI checkpoints deter lots of this activity and the stats prove it. The OP story residents have a 'right' to live in peace rather than a crime-ridden neighborhood.

Dude calling Police Officers 'pigs' is pretty ignorant. If my mother's home is broken into at 3am while she is sleeping and she calls the police... Wait, why would she call the police if they are pigs??

Sucks about your $1000+ ticket. I don't know the story but if the officer acted inappropriately take it up with that municipality.

If you ever need to call the police....don't. Because they are 'pigs' Ever see a cop directing traffic? They are being pigs.. Ever see a cop stop a drunk driver from swerving all over the road? ..pigs.

Guess what Aka, unlike China and Cuba, if you don't like this system of government you are free to leave to country.

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I have a 'right' as a motorist to a safe drive home. OVI checkpoints deter drunk driving. Period. When I sail through a checkpoint It takes a minute then I'm on my way. I don't want a smashed motorist to go left of center and smash me and I lose my legs and all feeling in one arm. If Akron U is having it's 'mayday' parties then there is going be lots of kids drinking (near my house). The OVI checkpoints deter lots of this activity and the stats prove it. The OP story residents have a 'right' to live in peace rather than a crime-ridden neighborhood.

Dude calling Police Officers 'pigs' is pretty ignorant. If my mother's home is broken into at 3am while she is sleeping and she calls the police... Wait, why would she call the police if they are pigs??

Sucks about your $1000+ ticket. I don't know the story but if the officer acted inappropriately take it up with that municipality.

If you ever need to call the police....don't. Because they are 'pigs' Ever see a cop directing traffic? They are being pigs.. Ever see a cop stop a drunk driver from swerving all over the road? ..pigs.

Guess what Aka, unlike China and Cuba, if you don't like this system of government you are free to leave to country.

Hey. Guess what. I someone breaks into my house the fuckin last thing I'm gonna do is waste my time callin a cop. I'd be dead for they got there. Guess what else. Break in MY HOUSE and YOU ARE DEAD.;) Usless I'm not there or you come well prepared and heavily armed. Try to carjack me and see what you get.;) Now, that said, I have no use for cops, pigs, officers or whatever you want to call them. I take care of myself. And if you are so worried about getting hurt I'd find another sport.:P Done w/ this thread.:P
I hold it true, whate'er befall;
I feel it, when I sorrow most;
'Tis better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all.

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OK. I couldn't resist. If your beloved cops are so worried about the crime in the hood why don't they get out of their cush patrol cars or donut shops and go walk the beat in the hood, make friends w/ the local law abiding citizens and combat crime, old school? Bunch of pussies if you ask me. Rather hide behind the gun or TAZE some college student. I come from old school son. B|

I hold it true, whate'er befall;
I feel it, when I sorrow most;
'Tis better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all.

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why don't they get out of their cush patrol cars or donut shops and go walk the beat in the hood, make friends w/ the local law abiding citizens and combat crime, old school? Bunch of pussies if you ask me


Because then they are sued and called oppressive nazi pigs by people like you:S.

This is so below me, I'm sone as well.

Going to go jumpB|

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Try to carjack me and see what you get. Now, that said, I have no use for cops, pigs, officers or whatever you want to call them. I take care of myself. And if you are so worried about getting hurt I'd find another sport.

Don't worry man, I'm not going to carjack you today :) so relax

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Try to carjack me and see what you get. Now, that said, I have no use for cops, pigs, officers or whatever you want to call them. I take care of myself. And if you are so worried about getting hurt I'd find another sport.

Don't worry man, I'm not going to carjack you today :) so relax
Yeah. 27 357. sigs might not fit you well. Have a nice day.;)
I hold it true, whate'er befall;
I feel it, when I sorrow most;
'Tis better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all.

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Shoulda been stopped at one of those Nazi checkpoints.

(from the bonfire post)

Dude do think over the past 20 years in all of the U.S. that at least ONE life has been spared from a checkpoint stop? Thank you.

Believe me I'm all about personal responsibilty and keeping the government OUT of our business -but- not everyone follows the rules and enforcement/deterrment is sometimes necessary.

If you disagree with that then you are better suited in a country where it's truly dog-eat-dog. Every man for himself. Anarchy man, no police. If your daughter is raped by 5 men then you get some friends, clubs, guns, and go after the offenders yourself.

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Dude do think over the past 20 years in all of the U.S. that at least ONE life has been spared from a checkpoint stop? Thank you.

Believe me I'm all about personal responsibilty and keeping the government OUT of our business -but- not everyone follows the rules and enforcement/deterrment is sometimes necessary.

If you disagree with that then you are better suited in a country where it's truly dog-eat-dog. Every man for himself. Anarchy man, no police. If your daughter is raped by 5 men then you get some friends, clubs, guns, and go after the offenders yourself.

By that same logic, you are suited to an orwellian country where you are not trusted to think for yourself, expected to protect yourself, or do anything that might endanger yourself or others.

Picking extremes sounds retarded, doesn't it, Lou?


Dude do think over the past 20 years in all of the U.S. that at least ONE life has been spared from a checkpoint stop? Thank you.

Do you think at least one piece of legitimate intel came while somebody got their finger cut off/Beaten to death/drowned? Thank you.

Still sounds like shitty logic, doesn't it, Lou?

"Don't touch my fucking Easter eggs, I'll be back monday." ~JTFC

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Dude calling Police Officers 'pigs' is pretty ignorant. If my mother's home is broken into at 3am while she is sleeping and she calls the police... Wait, why would she call the police if they are pigs??

Get a citation for a violation and there are too many cops, according to some. Not being able to instantly respond, with in seconds of 911 being dialed and officers aren't doing their jobs. Not being able to stop every crime at every point in a city and citizens are frustrated for the lack of police presence.

Pick one and we'll work on it.;)

Its an interesting job in which you can do everything right and still loose your job for upsetting someone. You can do everything by the letter and spirit of the law and still get sued. Hard-core criminals are getting probation for murder, yet an officer makes a single mistake after years on the job and they are crucified at the stake.

I challenge all who read this to contact their local PD or SO to conduct a ride along. Also see if there is a local citizen's police academy and attend it. The experience will be eye opening. Its not another episode of cops.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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I think this is a point which requires expansion.

I (and I suspect a reasonable amount of people) don't consider ALL or even MOST cops pigs, or any other name. I think that my demographic even expects that to some extent, mistakes can be made, everybody is human, and sometimes you screw up on the job.

I do believe, however, that a certain amount of people involved in law enforcement will use their position of higher authority to try to cover up mistakes, present a position of infallibility, and just generally attempt to bully people around who might question their procedures. I think these members of law enforcement are NOT entitled to our respect, and names such as pig are entirely appropriate.

People who bully (in Aka's initial post, some asshole saying "wait till we get you alone") do not deserve respect or employment within law enforcement.

"Don't touch my fucking Easter eggs, I'll be back monday." ~JTFC

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People who bully (in Aka's initial post, some asshole saying "wait till we get you alone") do not deserve respect or employment within law enforcement.

I whole heartedly agree.

Some departments have quality hiring processes that send those individuals back to their jobs working security for Dollar General. Some departments can't afford to pay officers enough to hire many quality officers and end up with seconds and thirds.

The unfortunate side is that the small percentage of non-professional (or even criminal) "officers" is what is focused on. That and those officers create a situation in which it not only complicates the job, it makes it nearly impossible at times. This is for no other reason but public perception.

There are thousands of people in law enforcement that put on the uniform every day and face the task of being a LEO in today's society. The same individuals that are acting in good faith towards the letter and spirit of the law. Individuals that aren't acting with racial or economic motives.

Either way, I still personally believe that Washington DC violates various rights of individuals every single day with its city ordnances. Everything from the 2nd to the 4th and a few more that would take many more pages of text to cover.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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Obama was a constitutional law professor, which suggests to me that he only cares about money....

there i fixed it for you livendive.

You'll have to flesh that one out a bit. Talk about a non sequitur. :S

(drink Mountain Dew)

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>You'll have to flesh that one out a bit. Talk about a non sequitur.

You know, he was a professor - the highest paid profession in the US, one that helps no one. Now, had he been an oil company executive, or a hollywood star (you know, the people who have to eat top ramen just to survive) then people could see him as a working-class hero out to help the little guy, someone who forsakes money for their fellow man. But everyone knows that teachers teach only for the money, and don't care at all about anyone else.

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