
Will you change your vote?

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I am curious if there is ANYTHING that the "other" candidates could do or say that would change your mind at this point in the primary/election? It seems that most people (about 10% are undecided) have decided who they favor and the media keeps digging up revelations and snippets of what they said or did and I wonder if it really matters when it comes time to vote. What would really change your mind and is all of the new news going to really make a difference to you??

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Probably not. The things that the media choose to talk about typically amount to inconsequential noise.
Case in point:

MATTHEWS: He's [Sen. Barack Obama] not that good at that -- handshaking in a diner.


MATTHEWS: Barack doesn't seem to know how to do that right.

SHUSTER: -- he doesn't do that well. But then you see him in front of 15,000 people in some of these college towns, and that's why, Chris, we've seen Chelsea Clinton and Bill Clinton in Bloomington and South Bend and Terre Haute. I mean --

MATTHEWS: What's so hard about doing a diner? I don't get it. Why doesn't he go in there and say, "Did you see the papers today? What do you think about that team? How did we do last night?" Just some regular connection?

SHUSTER: Well, here's the other thing that we saw on the tape, Chris, is that, when Obama went in, he was offered coffee, and he said, "I'll have orange juice."


SHUSTER: He did.

And it's just one of those sort of weird things. You know, when the owner of the diner says, "Here, have some coffee," you say, "Yes, thank you," and, "Oh, can I also please have some orange juice, in addition to this?" You don't just say, "No, I'll take orange juice," and then turn away and start shaking hands. That's what happens [unintelligible] --

MATTHEWS: You don't ask for a substitute on the menu.

SHUSTER: Exactly.

MATTHEWS: David, what a regular guy. You could do this. Anyway, thank you, David Shuster. I mean, go to the diners.

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I am curious if there is ANYTHING that the "other" candidates could do or say that would change your mind at this point in the primary/election? It seems that most people (about 10% are undecided) have decided who they favor and the media keeps digging up revelations and snippets of what they said or did and I wonder if it really matters when it comes time to vote. What would really change your mind and is all of the new news going to really make a difference to you??

I might. Right now, I lean toward McCain. But if he continues with his warmongering talk and continues to align himself with the extreme base of the Republican party (something he historically has NOT done, which is why I lean toward voting for him in the first place), I might just vote for Obama.

Under no circumstances will I vote for Hillary Clinton if she manages to get the nomination.

Similarly, under no circumstances will I vote for McCain if he chooses Condoleeza Rice (or some other prominent neo-con; let's hope that's just all talk though) as a running mate.

Be humble, ask questions, listen, learn, follow the golden rule, talk when necessary, and know when to shut the fuck up.

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My thinking is that most people have made up their mind and there is little that can be said that will make them change. In other words, if they hear that "their" candidate told a lie, and it is backed up with proof, then they justify their opinion by thinking that everyone lies! Seems many people have a hot button opinion, and all of the advertising and media hype, seems, is irrelevant.

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