
Mexico reconquers California?

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So it would be okay for Absolut to market some product to Islamic nations by showing a map of the Middle East with Israel merged with Syria?

I think we might be just a TAD friendlier with the Messicans than the Arabs are with the Jews. I'd think we could probably have a good laugh periodically with our friends who bring us good tequila and a daily mid-afternoon nap.

A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail

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>Maybe that's why Molson is still an unknown beer here in America.

Molson-Coors sells 70 million barrels of beer a year here in the US.

Now I see why you didn't post your source for that number - it includes sales of Coors & Coors Light, which is the large majority of that number.

Source: http://www.wikinvest.com/stock/Molson_Coors_Brewing_Company_(TAP)

Now try again for a number representing only Molson, which was the subject.

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> it includes sales of Coors & Coors Light, which is the large > majority of that number.

Right, because they are now the same company. Every time you buy a Coors in the US, you are supporting both Molson and Coors.

The original topic was the number of Americans drinking Molson beer. You are now trying to say that drinking Coors beer is the equivalent of drinking Molson. It's not. Just because the same company now markets both, does not mean that they are the same beers. You shouldn't be trying to pull the wool over people's eyes to fool them like that. You've been caught in a misrepresentation, and you ought to just admit it, rather than try to cover it up or explain it away. You been takin' lessons from Hillary and Obama?

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Mexico reconquers California? Absolut drinks to that!

The latest advertising campaign in Mexico from Swedish vodka maker Absolut promises to push all the right buttons south of the U.S. border, but it could ruffle a few feathers in El Norte.

The billboard and press campaign, now running in Mexico, is a colorful map depicting what the Americas might look like in an "Absolut" -- i.e., perfect -- world.

The U.S.-Mexico border lies where it was before the Mexican-American war of 1848 when California, as we now know it, was Mexican territory and known as Alta California...
Full story, with picture of map: L.A. Times

I will not be purchasing any Absolut vodka in the future.
Maybe Sweden should disband and return their land to Prussia.

Latest victim of "Thin Skin Syndrome"? I bet the Mexican/La Raza types would be offended if some Native American group published a picture of the Americas BEFORE the Spanish invasions.

"Talking of patriotism, what humbug it is; it is a word which always commemorates a robbery. There isn't a foot of land in the world which doesn't represent the ousting and re-ousting of a long line of successive owners." - Mark Twain

This reminds me of the whole "right to exist" conundrum. Since when did a country have any "rights"? A country exists for the same reason my dog licks his nuts--because he can. Period. :S But I could be wrong. :D
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I bet the Mexican/La Raza types would be offended if some Native American group published a picture of the Americas BEFORE the Spanish invasions.


The reason that Mexico's Santa Anna started giving away land in America to those new European immigrants was to let them foreigners figure out how to quell the Indians and make the land safe. Prior to that, very few Mexicans dared to enter the territory, because it was just too dangerous. Then once the white men had accomplished that task, he decided to take it all back for his own people. But the Texans weren't having none of that stuff, and the rest is history...

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Well Molson Canadian Beer ads have been making fun of Americans for years.

Maybe that's why Molson is still an unknown beer here in America.

If the Molson ads were a big deal to Americans, then it probably wouldn't be an "unknown" beer here, because we would all know about it from the media attention it would receive.

Much in the same way that I've now heard about Absolut vodka more in the past week than I ever have before.

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Well Molson Canadian Beer ads have been making fun of Americans for years.

Maybe that's why Molson is still an unknown beer here in America.

If the Molson ads were a big deal to Americans, then it probably wouldn't be an "unknown" beer here, because we would all know about it from the media attention it would receive.

Much in the same way that I've now heard about Absolut vodka more in the past week than I ever have before.

In keeping with the OT sidebar:
SKYY vodka (buy American) is as good or better than Absolut. In fact, a liquor rep once told me that in a blind taste test Smirnoff does better than most of the expensive imported stuff. You're paying for ego and ad dollars. And as for Molson . . . YUUUCCCH!
“Keep your elbow up!"

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In fact, a liquor rep once told me that in a blind taste test Smirnoff does better than most of the expensive imported stuff.

When I used to drink vodka more often, I preferred Smirnoff over Absolut (or any other brand). I always thought Absolut had a funny taste to it.


And as for Molson . . . YUUUCCCH!

And I'll agree with that. I've never actually tasted it, but it's beer, so there's a 99% chance that it tastes nasty. :P

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Smirnoff and Absolut are gonna' start making vodka!?! :o

Well, I'm certainly no vodka connoisseur. :P I probably prefer Smirnoff because it seems to have NO taste to it, which makes it go well in a Sloe Comfortable Screw, because it doesn't interfere with the other flavors. (That's about the only vodka drink that I like.)

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Well, I'm certainly no vodka connoisseur. :P I probably prefer Smirnoff because it seems to have NO taste to it, which makes it go well in a Sloe Comfortable Screw, because it doesn't interfere with the other flavors. (That's about the only vodka drink that I like.)

:)) but I can't get 'em, here. [:/]
"T'was ever thus."

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Well Molson Canadian Beer ads have been making fun of Americans for years. The Molson-Coors merger has not lead to an abatement of the ridicule, so add Coors to your boycott list; unpatriotic bastards!

Let's watch one, shall we? ;)

Damn Canadians! I say we start bombing em, take out a couple brewerys and arenas and they will fold!

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