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WASHINGTON - A top aide to Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton on Thursday compared rival Sen. Barack Obama to independent prosecutor Kenneth Starr.

Clinton spokesman Howard Wolfson said Obama's statement that he plans to be more critical of Clinton's record is reminiscent of the attacks the Clintons endured during the investigations in the 1990s.

So, anyone who is critical of her record is KS?
Good thing that HC isn't Jewish or BO would be Hitler now. :S


...and injecting Starr into the debate is one more way for Clinton to depict herself as a victim of enemies out to get her. She's already complained recently about the media being against her.

I believe that the position of president implies the ability to deal with attacks from political enemies, foreign and domestic. That is expected to happen.

I would be more interested in someone who does not present themselves as a victim.

But, of course, it's not just her opponents, it's the media too.

Of course, at this point, I agree with her.
The right wing, the REPs, the DEMs, the media, and every group/ethnicity/whatever is against her.

She and I agree. She is that unpopular. Everyone is in a conspiracy against her.


His campaign also has been attacking her for refusing to release her tax returns. The Clinton campaign said all the Clintons' returns since they left the White House will be made public around April 15.

Sweet! She is releasing information AFTER the voting.
Then we can find out who gave her husband millions of dollars this year for "speaking". Surely, that will not influence her judgment. :S

From Clinton spokesman Howard Wolfson:

He cited a memo from the Obama campaign that called on Clinton to release "her tax returns, the accompanying schedules, and attachments." The memo cited a Wall Street Journal editorial that said Bill Clinton released their tax returns from 1980 forward when he ran in 1992. "But they steadfastly refused to release their returns for prior years, and only later did we learn that 1978 and 1979 were the tax years when Mrs. Clinton reported her 10,000 percent cattle-futures trading profit," said the editorial excerpt included in the memo.

Well... gee, Howard. That does seem to be the case.
In the past, the tax returns were hidden until they are not useful for the voting public to review.

That is happening again. That pretty much is Obama's point. Thanks for pointing that out.

Just for review... Everyone is against Hillary, she is a victim, her staff agrees with Obama that she is doing the same stuff all over again.

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f you criticize her, you must be evil.

If you ask for information, you are horrible.

Don't forget you are sexist and a womanizer too. :P

Yes and no. To be truthful, I am probably a sexist and womanizer when time permits. It just doesn't apply to Hillary. :ph34r:
(I've got standards. They're low, but they exist.)

Besides, I criticize the First Husband also. :D

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if you criticize her, you must be evil.

If you ask for information, you are horrible.

And a negative campaigner.

Pretty much what we already have in office now.
you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me....
I WILL fly again.....

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She is such a vote whore. She'll say whatever she thinks will get a vote; extremely unprincipled.

Her tack over the last 2 to 3 weeks seems to be to put on the "tough broad" act.

If it doesn't work she'll probably cry again.
" . . . the lust for power can be just as completely satisfied by suggesting people into loving their servitude as by flogging them and kicking them into obedience." -- Aldous Huxley

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