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Don't you love how unions mess with everyone else whenever they feel they are entitled to a bigger slice of the pie and insist on going on strike. "American Axel and Manufacturer" can not produce their products since their unionized workforce is on strike and this is causing other businesses in the auto industry to lay off their unionized workforces since there are no axels available to build new cars with. Too frigging funny. Unions #ucking with the financial liveliness of other unionized workers and who's to blame? Certainly not the unions. ROFLMAO!!!

Is there any wonder why North American society is on the fast track to 3rd world status. What is even funnier is that the unions staffing the auto manufacturer businesses are asking governments to bail out their failing businesses. The North American auto industry will not survive under it's current ways. If you want to survive in an ever changing world, you must adapt. Governments should not be in the business of funding failed businesses. Failed businesses are failed businesses. Even large industries like the auto industry should not be artificially maintained.

So who feels they need unions to get them through life and who thinks unions are a joke.

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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There was time when Union were very much needed in this country. There were very few Labor Laws, Working conditions were horrible and Factories were unsafe. That time is long gone.

There are certainly still some examples of these things left but they are by far the exception and no longer the rule. We also now have laws in place to protect people.

Unions now serve only to enrich the Union Leaders, Stifle productivity to the point the Companies have no alternative but to shut down or relocate to remain competitive. Unions will soon strike themselves out of existance.

I spent my entire life working in Industrial Manufacturing. Worked in both Union and Non-Union Plants. there is no way I will EVER work in a Union Plant again. Union Rules make it impossible to be productive and get the job done. Also I know that I can negotiate a MUCH better deal for myself without having someone else negotiate an employment contract for me.

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I had no opinion on unions...until I worked at the General Dynamics F-16 plant in the late '80's.
I certainly have an opinion of them now.>:(

"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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Unions are ok as long as they restrict their influence to worker safety and wages. They have no business telling management how to run the place or where to buy supplies and parts.

The problem is that they inhibit production just by their stupid 'You're not authorized to do that' kind of rules, thus, driving up the cost of everything.

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Numero Uno: "The weekend" was invented by organized labor. Before unions, people worked six days a week. You like ?

I used to work at Boeing in the Seattle area and was a member of the Machinists' Union, the so called "Fighting Machinists", or as I preferred to think of them, the "Fucking Machinists" (I'd rather fuck than fight anyhow...). The Boeing Machinists were a bunch of corrupt, Neanderthal, neo-Stalinists, who I hated very much. BUT even so, Boeing management were the kind of fucktards who who were constantly even stupider than the union, so I was grateful to have the union, and wouldn't have worked for a fucktard company like Boeing without them.

Face it, this is not a perfect world. So as corrupt and fucked up as unions are, they still have their place in the food chain.

Your humble servant.....Professor Gravity !

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Unions are ok as long as they restrict their influence to worker safety and wages. They have no business telling management how to run the place or where to buy supplies and parts.

I have no respect for most Unions. My first run in with a Union was about 22 years ago. Working in a Utility Tunnel there were several Light Bulbs burned out and I made several request to have the bulbs replaced.

After two days working in the dark with a flash light, I replaced them myself, and within hours had a grevance filed by the Union against me to my employer.

The only differance between a Union Shop and the Non-Union Shop is the cost. Non-Union most times are faster, Cheaper, and have a higher quality of work.

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