
What does it take to Get Demoted in Rank?!?!

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I've been out for a while and I'm sure a lot has changed, since then. Back then, sexual harassment was the catch-all. Almost every guy I know, that was dating a military female and dumped her, got busted for sexual harassment.

As for civilian life, I offer this word of caution.....referring to the District Magistrate, as the "District Masturbate".....won't get you out of a anything. [:/]

"T'was ever thus."

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What does an officer need to do to get demoted?

The Service Secretary (SECAF, SECNAV, etc...) personally deciding that they did not serve satisfactorily serve in their last grade--is a retirement-level penalty. Otherwise they just get "Dismissed," the Officer's version of a dishonorable discharge.

Illinois needs a CCW Law. NOW.

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Overal this is nothing to worry about in the long run, it's a kick in the balls now but you can recover. I had one when I was young and I still made E7 in 7 years.

while this was once true the 'zero defect' mentality that has been prevalent for awhile means such a significant action (2 ranks and its more than company level i'll bet) will pretty much mean his career is over..

quite a few of our military heroes would have never advanced in the current climate due to 'ill advised actions' and bad assignments for to long of a time period..
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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wall-to-wall counseling..

heh I still have a copy of that unofficial FM... will have to look for an online example..

"Rocks and Shoals" ;)

From what I've seen (and heard about), NJP or minor Article 15 stuff *can* pretty much be a death knell of an officer vs. enlisted.
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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Minor offenses
Simple infractions can be dealt with quickly by a simple ass-beating. Soldiers appreciate this

:oMaybe in the US Army but not in the British Army (maybe the Navy):D


A raped soldier will have psychological scars for the rest of his or her life. A male soldier who is the victim of a homosexual rape is especially damaged, and many commit suicide rather than live with this burden immediate wall-to-wall counseling is required, and it must be so severe that bones are broken. Dimension lumber must be used during this session, and the minimum length of the session is three hours. If any part of the rapist's body has not been hit with the board, the session is not complete. At least one arm and one leg will be broken during the session and the testicles will be hit at least ten times.


WTF is going on in the US Army????
When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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