
Al Qa’eda ‘bling’ ?

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A colleague sent me an interesting observation from Adam Gadahn’s ("Azzam the American Al-Qa’eda") recently released
: Gadahn has sitting on the desk next to him a black coffee cup w/a gold emblazoned Al Qa’eda logo (!) [screen capture attached].

Can anyone else imagine John Stewart having one of those made up just to mock it? :D :P

Is this the next wave of “public relations” Al Qa’eda style?

Would love to have one those brought back … sit it right next to the Australia MNF-I “YESFORN” coffee mug and Bay Area Terrorism Working Group mousepad. B|


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Why doesn't someone photoshop a graven image of Allah or Muhammed on it and send it throughout the world?

Allah is invisible dude.:D
When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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At the Afghan-Pakistan border (Afghan side at least) you can buy Osama Bin Laden Kulfa Balls. They are little coconut flavored candy with pictures of Osama, rockets, planes, and other military crap. Believe it or not he is a hero in some parts of the world.

- Dan G

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At the Afghan-Pakistan border (Afghan side at least) you can buy Osama Bin Laden Kulfa Balls. They are little coconut flavored candy with pictures of Osama, rockets, planes, and other military crap. Believe it or not he is a hero in some parts of the world.

- Dan G

Probably lots of little Osamas running around too.
Do your part for global warming: ban beans and hold all popcorn farts.

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