
Here He Comes...

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I believe that Ron Paul may be indicative of a coming political realignment. There are plenty of people dissatisfied with both parties, and Ron Paul is a guy who believes most of what I believe. Half of what the Republican party does pisses me off. Half of what the Democrats do pisses me off. Ron Paul takes the parts I like about the GOP and the parts I like about the Dems and merges them.

Ron Paul has the potential to be an FDR type character with the changes in the system he can cause. Frankly, I hope he DOESN'T get the Republican nod, and gets the Libertarian nod instead. He'll cause more impact than Perot or Nader.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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Frankly, I hope he DOESN'T get the Republican nod, and gets the Libertarian nod instead. He'll cause more impact than Perot or Nader.

assuming a lot of others would feel like you

Instead of winning and hurting one party, he just really tanks out both of them but doesn't win?

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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Frankly, I hope he DOESN'T get the Republican nod, and gets the Libertarian nod instead. He'll cause more impact than Perot or Nader.

assuming a lot of others would feel like you

Instead of winning and hurting one party, he just really tanks out both of them but doesn't win?

On the plus side, both major parties would suddenly realize that there are a significant number of people favoring Libertarian ideals, and perhaps they would adjust their platforms to try and draw those people (back) into their folds.

(drink Mountain Dew)

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both major parties would suddenly realize that there are a significant number of people favoring Libertarian ideals,

that's cute -

they only hear what they want to hear and then tell their brainwashed nuts what to think

I don't see reality coming anywhere in the equation

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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both major parties would suddenly realize that there are a significant number of people favoring Libertarian ideals,

that's cute -

they only hear what they want to hear and then tell their brainwashed nuts what to think

I don't see reality coming anywhere in the equation

They talk to their nuts? Kinky!

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Exactly, dave. Are the Republicans and the dems going to shift their policies?

Also, the time is RIPE right now for a third party. The POTUS (Republican) has ATROCIOUS approval ratings. The Congress (Dems) have EVEN MORE ATROCIOUS approval ratings. Congress is at 19% approval, according to a recent WSJ poll.

SO when both parties are viewed with immense mistrust, it's ripe for a new candidate. Ron Paul is just the sort of cat to change the political landscape.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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You can have the best campaign in the world. You can have a good internet following. You can promise a "fresh change". But if your platform is described as this. . .


"The Texas libertarian's rise in the polls and in fundraising proves that a small but passionate number of Americans can be drawn to an advocate of unorthodox proposals such as returning to the gold standard and abolishing the income tax, CIA and Federal Reserve"

. . .your credibility is destroyed. You may not need to have any knowledge of the Bretton-woods act but you have to understand that the gold standard can't be challenged without more of a cursory glance at what it means.

Abolishing any organization because it is a beaurocracy, or you dont understand why it exists is a recipe for disaster. It will mean a big mess to clean up after he's fired.

I don't know if he actually thinks he can get any of this stuff passed or if he is only saying it to attract a small group of voters, but sometimes changing something up doesn't always means its a good thing. This one has yet to learn where he can use the philosophies "change is good" or "a new fresh start" in the right places of his campaign to gather major support. so far, his campaign has a "true believer" feel to it. Not a good thing to collect voters.

"The trouble with quotes on the internet is that you can never know if they are genuine" - Abraham Lincoln

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You can have the best campaign in the world. You can have a good internet following. You can promise a "fresh change". But if your platform is described as this. . .


"The Texas libertarian's rise in the polls and in fundraising proves that a small but passionate number of Americans can be drawn to an advocate of unorthodox proposals such as returning to the gold standard and abolishing the income tax, CIA and Federal Reserve"

. . .your credibility is destroyed. You may not need to have any knowledge of the Bretton-woods act but you have to understand that the gold standard can't be challenged without more of a cursory glance at what it means.

Abolishing any organization because it is a beaurocracy, or you dont understand why it exists is a recipe for disaster. It will mean a big mess to clean up after he's fired.

I don't know if he actually thinks he can get any of this stuff passed or if he is only saying it to attract a small group of voters, but sometimes changing something up doesn't always means its a good thing. This one has yet to learn where he can use the philosophies "change is good" or "a new fresh start" in the right places of his campaign to gather major support. so far, his campaign has a "true believer" feel to it. Not a good thing to collect voters.

I don't think his credibility is destroyed. I do think some of Dr. Paul's ideas are a bit far-fetched, especially regarding dissolution of the Fed and a return to the gold standard.

However, having a president with such ideas will bring the kind of balance we need in our government right now. Someone with his ideas (hopefully) will work to adjust the gross imbalance in our government we have now with both parties, neither of whom are representing the interest of the people who elect them.

Be humble, ask questions, listen, learn, follow the golden rule, talk when necessary, and know when to shut the fuck up.

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So I have a question:

If Ron Paul doesn't win in the Republican primaries, would he still run for President as a Libertarian?

That would be cool to see on election night: a 3rd party candidate FINALLY winning some states. What color would they use for Libertarian?

(oh and by the way: the mascot for the GOP is the elephant and the Democratic party is the donkey. Did you all know what the mascot for the Libertarian party is?? The porcupine!)
Speed Racer

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However, having a president with such ideas will bring the kind of balance we need in our government right now. Someone with his ideas (hopefully) will work to adjust the gross imbalance in our government we have now with both parties, neither of whom are representing the interest of the people who elect them.

I can relate to what you are trying to achieve with this candidate. I believe maybe that he would be better off meeting the other candidates with more thought out strategies. Maybe having more sound solutions to popular gripes of the People as the other does. Even if his platforms would be status-quo and generic as the others are, his percieved strenghts, honesty and historical successful legislation may be enough to stand out from the pack. He needs good marketing.

"The trouble with quotes on the internet is that you can never know if they are genuine" - Abraham Lincoln

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