
Reid Smear Letter Breaks $2 Million

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Serious question. Who do you credit for the good that came of the smear letter?

various answers:

Idrankwhat - Pelosi and Reid, of course, they wrote the letter, Rush was just the middleman
Billvon - Al Gore
Rushmc - Rush Limbaugh rocks
Lucky - Bill Clinton and the DNC, (4 pages of stuff pasted on the end for each line, preemptive defensive stance)
Kallend - We spent a lot more that $4M on an worthless war
NCClimber (reply to Kallend) - You WOULD say that
Anvil - Tequila is sexy
ExAFO - My cat's butt stinks
Amazon - Rush is constipated by idiotic oil money suppositories
Lawrocket - [[something serious and insightful, but it doesn't matter as the rest will just read one line and return to their pet projects]]
Rehmwa - [[doesn't matter, most people just skip over that guy's posts as habit by now]]

I'm hurt...I don't warrant a slot on this list?? :D

That list rocks...you could use variations of this list for any thread in SC...:ph34r::D

Hey Max I know how you feel, I guess he would just say that I would have opined on what weapon/caliber to use in order to eliminate the threat of the letter.

Let the FLAMEthrower begin!

get it? Paper/Flamethrower...:D

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So you now admitt Reid was the spinner and not Limbaugh! Great, at least that got straightened out



Nah, they're both spinning this. Rush was doing it to try to save face and Reid was doing it to either save face or because he just couldn't turn off his yackity yack implant on Friday. He bungled that one worse than a Dubya SCHIP veto justification.

Isn't it rather strange that when Rush was caught with unprescribed painkillers, the press couldn't shutup for weeks, but when he turns the tables on Asshat Reid, who is trying to shut the mouth of a private citizen, and raises 4.2 million for a military/law enforcement charity, not to mention setting an all time record for an E-Bay bid, not a word was uttered from the mainstream media? I watched ABC all weekend. Not a peep. Hmmmm.

Edited to add: An awful lot of silence from the left wingers on this board.

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So you now admitt Reid was the spinner and not Limbaugh! Great, at least that got straightened out



Nah, they're both spinning this. Rush was doing it to try to save face and Reid was doing it to either save face or because he just couldn't turn off his yackity yack implant on Friday. He bungled that one worse than a Dubya SCHIP veto justification.

Isn't it rather strange that when Rush was caught with unprescribed painkillers, the press couldn't shutup for weeks, but when he turns the tables on Asshat Reid, who is trying to shut the mouth of a private citizen, and raises 4.2 million for a military/law enforcement charity, not to mention setting an all time record for an E-Bay bid, not a word was uttered from the mainstream media? I watched ABC all weekend. Not a peep. Hmmmm.

Oooohhhh, nice perspective and point. Notice how the questiion I asked has now been ignored??

"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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Serious question. Who do you credit for the good that came of the smear letter?

various answers:

Idrankwhat - Pelosi and Reid, of course, they wrote the letter, Rush was just the middleman
Billvon - Al Gore
Rushmc - Rush Limbaugh rocks
Lucky - Bill Clinton and the DNC, (4 pages of stuff pasted on the end for each line, preemptive defensive stance)
Kallend - We spent a lot more that $4M on an worthless war
NCClimber (reply to Kallend) - You WOULD say that
Anvil - Tequila is sexy
ExAFO - My cat's butt stinks
Amazon - Rush is constipated by idiotic oil money suppositories
Lawrocket - [[something serious and insightful, but it doesn't matter as the rest will just read one line and return to their pet projects]]
Rehmwa - [[doesn't matter, most people just skip over that guy's posts as habit by now]]

Haha, very nice! Although you need to throw in randomly capitalized words into Amazon's line.
Provoking a reaction isn't the same thing as saying something meaningful.

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Isn't it rather strange that when Rush was caught with unprescribed painkillers, the press couldn't shutup for weeks, but when he turns the tables on Asshat Reid, who is trying to shut the mouth of a private citizen, and raises 4.2 million for a military/law enforcement charity, not to mention setting an all time record for an E-Bay bid, not a word was uttered from the mainstream media? I watched ABC all weekend. Not a peep. Hmmmm.

I heard/read the words. Mentioned it earlier. Sorry but ya gotta keep up.


Oooohhhh, nice perspective and point. Notice how the questiion I asked has now been ignored??

Was the question ignored or the answer;)

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Is that what they call liberal, open minded tolerance? Seems about right.

After all the crap aimed at me over the years :S:S.. why bother with being tolerant of the intolerant.:S:S:S

Yeah, You're just an innocent victim. It's not like you brought any of it on yourself.


Paulie: I don't like these people.
Rocky: You don't like em'? Well maybe they don't like you either Paulie.
Paulie: What'd I ever do to them?
Rocky Balboa: And they call ME "Punchy".

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Is that what they call liberal, open minded tolerance? Seems about right.



After all the crap aimed at me over the years .. why bother with being tolerant of the intolerant.

Because the left is supposed to be so much more like Jesus.:SOh, wait. They only use that concept if it gives them an emotional wedge, to take more of my money.

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Sorta hard to claim the victim status when you instigate things, isn't it?

Not at all, I can claim it at the drop of a hat.
I can't believe you are really throwing out such a blatant personal attack at me with that question.

:P - I know you don't need this, but some people do. They don't know who they are.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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Awwwww all this right wing angst......



So choked up.....

Choked up are you...That is what happens when you get under President Clinton's desk. ;)


The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help.

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I usually throw those in for emphasis for the IQ challenged here inSC who live in flyover land.

Watch out, rehmwa...she's putting your parody to shame.
Provoking a reaction isn't the same thing as saying something meaningful.

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Thanks for the links. Did you notice the names at the top of the letter?

What hypocrites and cowards. Liberals make me want to puke.

Of course the liberal media won't do a story on it.

Heck, I never even knew about it until I saw it HERE, and I read the headlines ever day.

"The mouse does not know life until it is in the mouth of the cat."

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Not surprising - how much did you see in the news about Michael Murphy's MOH ceremony?

Yup, that's what I thought, too...

Well, I found this gem:


"The posthumous award of the nation's highest battlefield honor to a Long Island war hero has become another black mark for the Gray Lady. The New York Times carried not a whisper of news yesterday about the bestowal of the Medal of Honor to Navy Lt. Michael Murphy of Patchogue -- the first time the honor has been given for action in Afghanistan."


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Not surprising - how much did you see in the news about Michael Murphy's MOH ceremony?


It was on the front page of CNN.com on Monday (http://www.cnn.com/2007/POLITICS/10/22/murphy.medal.of.honor/index.html)

NPR's evening news program "All Things Considered" did a story (http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=15528733), which included a good portion of President Bush's remarks and comments from Murphy's father.


Act as if everything you do matters, while laughing at yourself for thinking anything you do matters.
Tibetan Buddhist saying

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While not solely about LT Murphy's Medal Of Honor ceremony, this weekend's Wall Street Journal published a piece on former US Navy SEAL Marcus Luttrell, the 'lone survivor' of the firefight with Taliban that killed Lt Murphy and the other two SEALs.


While one can find lots to comment and apply to foreign policy, human nature, and the nature of conflict, the author keeps the article focused on Luttrell.


Act as if everything you do matters, while laughing at yourself for thinking anything you do matters.
Tibetan Buddhist saying

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