Those PETA guys sure are some tough cookies!

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some fool freed some chickens into a semi natural park in Orange County, one used by a lot of dog owners. My mom and friends come around the bend with their pack of huskies and 1 minute later, not a live chicken left.

The coyotes would have gotten them later in the day, given the chance.

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Here in PA they used to have the Hegins Pigeon Shoot every year. One year a bunch of activists snuck into the barn the night before and freed all of the birds that were to be shot in the event.

Well, being pigeons, that good ole' homing instinct brought them right back to that barn later that night, where they were found roosting quietly the next morning.

The shoot went on as normal.:D:D

Chuck Norris doesn't do push-ups, he pushes the Earth down.

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Well, being pigeons, that good ole' homing instinct brought them right back to that barn later that night, where they were found roosting quietly the next morning.

The shoot went on as normal.:D:D

"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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Here in PA they used to have the Hegins Pigeon Shoot every year. One year a bunch of activists snuck into the barn the night before and freed all of the birds that were to be shot in the event.

Well, being pigeons, that good ole' homing instinct brought them right back to that barn later that night, where they were found roosting quietly the next morning.

The shoot went on as normal.:D:D

They have some real mental giants, huh! :D:D:D


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"Daphna Nachminovitch, director of PETA's domestic animal department, said the group would not endorse stealing a pet bunny.

"Just like dogs and cats, (rabbits) have been domesticated, so we encourage people who have the knowledge and ability to adopt rabbits from their local shelters," Nachminovitch said."

What a lame attempt at protest. Preschoolers are all emotion and curiosity. It's ridiculous to think a point could be made by targeting 5yr olds and their pet.

Just like any fringe group (uh...skydiving) - Peta attracts some nutballs.

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DON'T BE FOOLED by the slick propaganda of PETA, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. The organization may claim to champion the welfare of animals, as the many photos of cute puppies and kittens on its Web site suggest. But last week, two PETA employees were charged with 31 felony counts of animal cruelty each, after authorities found them dumping the dead bodies of 18 animals they had just picked up from a North Carolina animal shelter into a Dumpster. According to the Associated Press, 13 more dead animals were found in a van registered to PETA.

The arrest followed a rash of unwelcome discoveries of dead animals dumped in the area. According to veterinarian Patrick Proctor, the PETA people told North Carolina shelters they would try to find the dogs and cats homes. He handed over two adoptable kittens and their mother, only to learn later that they had died, without a chance to find a home, in the PETA van. "This is ethical?" Proctor railed over the phone. "I don't really think so."

This is not the first report that PETA killed animals it claimed to protect. In 1991, PETA killed 18 rabbits and 14 roosters it had previously "rescued" from a research facility. "We just don't have the money" to care for them, then PETA-Chairman Alex Pacheco told the Washington Times. The PETA animal shelter had run out of room.

"We just don't have the money" to care for them???

Well, then don't accept responsibility for their well being!!! >:(

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