
Gangsta Style Shootout Puts Stop To Peewee Football Game

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Both gangers, more than likely, have previous records. Probably on probation. Due to jail and prison over-crowding, they'll probably plea to a lesser charge and get 'extended probation' or if, they get jail time it'll probably be something like '30-days and time served'. >:(


That's the problem with putting people in jail for every little fucking thing. People like this who actually belong in jail don't end up there. We need to crush the motivations for these people to act this way.

You're right! As long as they have the 'feeling' that they'll just get a slap on the wrist it's going to continue. That's just our 'system' and it needs changing. We had a guy who lived across the street from us who dabbled in dealing dope, car burglary and a few other things. Before he got nailed on a Federal gun rap, I think, his probation was extended through 2023! He wasn't the only one I knew of. The two gangers mentioned in the original thread, should be put back so far in jail they'd have to pump daylight to them!>:(


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However, Ayoob mentions his encounter with an unnamed European armed service that was teaching its personnel to shoot gangsta-style as the technique of choice. According to Ayoob, their reasoning was: "Americans are on top of pistols, and they have their best people as technical advisors for their films, so it must be the thing to do."


That reminds me of when I was working in the Attack Radar group at General Dynamics. At the time, the F-16 was using a mechanically-scanned radar. GD was funding an in-house project to develop a phased array radar. They had tried to interest USAF in funding the project, but USAF had no budget allocated for it, so GD was making the rounds of the foreign militaries that had F-16's, trying to interest one or more of them in funding the project. No dice.

Why? Because the first question from every one was: "Is USAF deploying it?"

When told "No", they immediately assumed it must not be as good as the old mechanically-scanned unit currently in service.
"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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Last saturday, my brother (the coach of the home team) was at Drake Field in Elgin, IL.

The game was in progress, and all of the sudden two teens, who were not attending the game ran across the field, while the game was in full swing.

The Perps fired multiple shots at each other "Gangsta Style" while my brother was yelling for everyone to get on the ground.

One of the perps hurdled my SIL and struck her with a knee to the head ( she already had bad neck problems). She is hurt pretty bad now and cannot use her neck to turn her head.

All totaled, around 20 shots fired and luckily nobody was hurt.

The police arrived and actually caught both of the young black males, who were dressed in gang "colors".

Charges have been filed for discharging a weapon in the city limits and UUW.

No charges have been filed for the illegal possession of a weapon.

No charges for reckless endangerment

No charges for attempted homicide

but the cops have conceded that they need to have a "community hearing" on how to keep safe at public events.

The visiting team left immediately, and vowed to never come back to Elgin, Illinois, as have many other teams have refused to ever play a game in Elgin, since the incident occurred.

Too bad that IF I (or anyone else) had been there, and killed both of them, I would be rotting in jail for the rest of my life, for stopping the threat to all present.

Welcome to Illinoistan! Wo ist du papieren?

WOW...just wow.

Another reason to have CCW laws everywhere. Dead punks.
I hold it true, whate'er befall;
I feel it, when I sorrow most;
'Tis better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all.

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These kind of crazy gun firing antics happen all time over in the UK.... oh actually no they dont, arent guns illegal in the uk..... JR????
--+ There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.. --+

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These kind of crazy gun firing antics happen all time over in the UK.... oh actually no they dont, arent guns illegal in the uk..... JR????

oh and of course these two punks would never have disobeyed the law.:P
Speed Racer

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