
Why aren't the Bush daughters in Iraq?

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>They didn't need the opportunities the military can provide.

Yep. I hear their families get a quite generous funeral subsidy. And for those that do return, good medical care. (See one such lucky guy below.)

You know, you could've reposted the pics you took of me last September at Perris, when I was getting airborne again, to make this same point.

That Marine is obviously still undergoing long-term treatment. A buddy of mine who "lost his face" is has two years of surgeries ahead of him, he was wounded over two years ago.
So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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Read the article again and focus on comprehension.

The relationship between columnists and their audience is clearly eluding you.

Then again, think however you like - I always do.

Vinny the Anvil
Post Traumatic Didn't Make The Lakers Syndrome is REAL

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That completely ignores the big picture of why and the circumstances in which someone joins the military and all you did was point-pick with the the most severe example you could find.

I think that the actual big picture is that regardless of whether or not someone volunteered to go into the military that they should get the respect and the fair treatment that they deserve. They should have a commander in Chief who is not going to misuse his military, they should be compensated fairly, and when wounded they should get the best treatment possible, no questions asked and without the soldier having to have a family member or a lawyer fight to get the basic services that they're due. Not get treatment like this:
Sure, the above example is extreme but it's indicative of the problem as I see it. Soldiers are promised certain things like honorable leadership and fair treatment and when they don't get it and they're abused by the system in any form it's really really really fucking annoying to many of us to hear "well they volunteered".

edited to add:
Which is, I'm pretty sure, why you get responses like the one Bill sent. He just beat me to it.

edited again to add:
Which is also why some of us get pretty pissed off when $billions are repeatedly requested "for the troops" when that's not where the money is going, and when politicians hold up the troops, like using a baby for a shield, to deflect criticism of the war policies or proposed war policy changes.
Ok, now the rant is over, I think.

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Same reason the little shit heads own, Military records, were Hidden then 'Purged' had tremendous 'Gaps' & Black holes in it...
"my fellow Americans... Do as I say & NOT as I do!"
Need I say more?:|
*My Inner Child is A Fucking Prick Too!
*Everyones entitled to be stupid but you are abusing the priviledge
*Well I'd love to stay & chat, But youre a total Bitch! {Stewie}

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Why aren't the Bush daughters in Iraq?

It is not safe for a women to be a part of the war for the sick reason that there is a very real risk of being sexually assulted or raped.

I saw this thread a while ago and had a peep but this morning I saw a documetary in women in Iraq.

check these out they seem consistent with the documentary I watched.





With the increased number of women serving in the US military, something else is on the rise too: rape and sexual assault by their male comrades. To make matters worse, female soldiers say they can’t trust the US military to protect them.

That last statement sadly enough seems to be true by the evidence brought forward.

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, then the world will see peace." - 'Jimi' Hendrix

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It all comes down to breeding old boy. Breeding!

Really, the basic difference is that while Dubbie is doing a job on a temporary contract, both William & Harry have been born into a job. What they would do was decided at the moment of birth. In effect, they were bound by the traditions of the Royal Family - one of which is public service in youth prior to rule in later life. It's "Those who would command must first learn to obey" writ large.

For female youths, this means charity work. No choice. For male youths, this means military service. It's where a significant degree of their credibility comes from.


Taking the piss out of the FrenchAmericans since before it was fashionable.

Prenait la pisse hors du FrançaisCanadiens méridionaux puisqu'avant lui à la mode.

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Was I the only one who saw a sarcasm tag around what he was saying? I'm pretty sure he meant approximately the opposite of what he said.

that's noble of you to stand up for a certain point that they're trying to make but he should speak for himself and up to this point, he still has not.
- What do I owe beer for this time?

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It's in nice big letters on the contract what our commitment to serving in the armed forces are and that our obligation is not iron clad to an eight-year stint, especially if on active duty status.

Your status as a volunteer is effectivly nulled when you sign the dotted line. You are now the property of the U.S. government to do as we please with you.
That was the main reason that, after my 4 years, I got out. I am not anyones property to do as they please, especialy the U.S. governments.
"...And once you're gone, you can't come back
When you're out of the blue and into the black."
Neil Young

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In Reply To

That completely ignores the big picture of why and the circumstances in which someone joins the military and all you did was point-pick with the the most severe example you could find.


I think that the actual big picture is that regardless of whether or not someone volunteered to go into the military that they should get the respect and the fair treatment that they deserve

While I agree with you about treating vets with respect, the point of this thread was to Bush bash by trying to drag his daughters lack of service into it. Like people wanted to ignore the fact we don't draft people.

I answered the Bush girls are not there since we don't automaticly draft children of high ranking political types and they didn't enlist since they are rich and don't need the advantages the military can bring.

BV took the low road and posted a graphic picture of a soldier that was wounded trying to compare his accident to the opportunities the military can provide.

His low ball tactict was the same as asking the family of a dead skydiver if skydiving is worth it.

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that is seriously messed up to post such a thing. shame on you!
I'm just curious, why does this dude always reply back with "utter nonsense", "circular argument", and/or "diversion"?

FREEDOM OF SPEECH BABY! At least until the little fuck-wad, puts the finishing touches his the 'Martial Bush Law' and tries changing that part of the Constitution Too!!!
Go Bill!
*My Inner Child is A Fucking Prick Too!
*Everyones entitled to be stupid but you are abusing the priviledge
*Well I'd love to stay & chat, But youre a total Bitch! {Stewie}

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It all comes down to breeding old boy. Breeding!

Really, the basic difference is that while Dubbie is doing a job on a temporary contract, both William & Harry have been born into a job. What they would do was decided at the moment of birth. In effect, they were bound by the traditions of the Royal Family - one of which is public service in youth prior to rule in later life. It's "Those who would command must first learn to obey" writ large.

For female youths, this means charity work. No choice. For male youths, this means military service. It's where a significant degree of their credibility comes from.


You mean these guys>http://www.thisislondon.co.uk/news/article-23390208-details/Prince%20Harry's%20drunken%203am%20brawl/article.do Hell. if the Bush daughters could marry these guys we'd have one hell of an alliance.;)
I hold it true, whate'er befall;
I feel it, when I sorrow most;
'Tis better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all.

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I agree with you. I'm all for freedom of speech too but to keep saying "utter nonsense", "circular argument" and "diversion" that's not creatively using your freedom of speech. change it up a bit like a sex position, you can't keep doing the missionary position.


At least until the little fuck-wad, puts the finishing touches his the 'Martial Bush Law' and tries changing that part of the Constitution Too!!!

who's the little fuck-wad? bill or the original poster? you replied to two different posts so I just wanted to clarify that.
- What do I owe beer for this time?

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Andy9o8 isn't the one saying that this is a "noble war." He's not the one sending off thousands to Iraq. Perhaps Andy9o8 doesn't even believe the war is right (perhaps he does, just being hypothetical). So why should he volunteer if he doesn't believe in it?

Did his daughters say it is a noble war? What if they don't beleive in it? One of Reagans daughters opposed everything he did. For all we know the Bush daughters may hate the war. His daughters did not send anyone off to war. No-one else has been conscripted, why should they?


Those who are talking the talk should walk the walk.

Where have his daughters been talking the talk on the war?


If the president believes so strongly in this war, he should set an example by sending his own kids as he is sending the kids of so many other families in the country.

I could see if you were saying "he should go fight" but his daughters are not responsible for the war.
My biggest handicap is that sometimes the hole in the front of my head operates a tad bit faster than the grey matter contained within.

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who's the little fuck-wad? bill or the original poster? you replied to two different posts so I just wanted to clarify that.

Niether, "Martial Bush Law"
Fuck-wad reference was 'dubya!' The little Nazi!
*My Inner Child is A Fucking Prick Too!
*Everyones entitled to be stupid but you are abusing the priviledge
*Well I'd love to stay & chat, But youre a total Bitch! {Stewie}

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They aren't in Iraq because we have an all volunteer military.
I just got back from spending four days visiting a friend who goes into basic training in 6 weeks, then to OCS. His grandfather was an artillary officer in WWII so he knows the risks involved, just as all who serve in the military. Basic fact of life....soldiers are recruited and trained to fight and sometimes this fighting results in death. Nobody is "sent to their death" by Bush. That's a bs argument. Don't want to fight in a war, don't join the military.

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Would they even be allowed to serve? Besides the fact that they'd need a secret service detail with them wherever they go, they'd be two of the hottest targets around for the enemy to get their hands on.
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Would they even be allowed to serve? Besides the fact that they'd need a secret service detail with them wherever they go, they'd be two of the hottest targets around for the enemy to get their hands on.

They're not that hot.
OK, maybe the brunette one is.

Interesting point re: secret service. I guess they'd need about the same protection Prince Harry will get once he deploys over there.

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I was wondering why the college roommate's sister's cousin's nieces of this random person I saw on the drive in to work wasn't in Iraq?

I mean, since Bush says it's a nobel war and all how dare those nieces just blow it off.

(When does the actions of the adult children of a person have anything to do with them?)

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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