
Do u beleave in God

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My point was, the freedom each person in the USA has to lobby and vote with our own particular worldview is a treasure we should cherish and fight to keep. To silence any vote is wrong, IMHO, regardless of what motivates that person to vote.

The flipside is the need to balance freedom with democracy.

The moral majority cannot be allowed to impose their views over the whole country - that is what checks and balances are all about.

If someone wants to live his life in a way which you do not agree with, but which harms no-one (except maybe himself) then I think his freedom to live as he chooses must override your freedom to vote your conscience.

(This is my opinion on the subject as a whole, not on what you've said about any particular issue that has been brought up as an example. I think you're being a lot more reasonable than you've been given credit for.)
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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A couple of points ...
#1 I don't equate my voting as forcing people to do something. I believe voting is my constitutional right. In the USA how I vote is 100% up to me.

This is a funny way you're trying to talk out the vote cosequence chain.
Nobody argues that this is your constitutional right, and it is 100% up to you. What I have said multiple times is that:

1. Voting is the way to change actions or behavior of everyone else in society through laws. Your vote is not just expression of your beliefs - that's what your pray is for.

2. So when you vote according to your beliefs, you are trying to to change actions or behavior of everyone else in society according to your beliefs.

Do you agree with this statement? If not, why?


#2 I believe Christians would be better served if they lived the teachings of JC first and foremost. If they did so, then most likely they would find very little legislation they needed to influence with their worldviews.

I have no idea who you are now answering. My question was totally different - is it considered appropriate for Christians to force others to follow teachings of Christ? Note the use of word "force".


I'm glad he lobbied based on his religious convictions.

Actually he lobbied AGAINST his (and everyone else) religious convictions, as the Bible defends slavery in multiple places.
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Do you believe in God?


"For Darwin, as for Einstein, evolution of an ordered universe was only feasible if some intelligent Mind designed the evolutionary program. But why then don't all the great intellectuals believe in the existence of God? Because other irrational presuppositions interfere with the mind's logical working. Here's the frank confession of the agnostic, Aldous Huxley: "I had motives for not wanting the world to have a meaning; consequently assumed that it had none, and was able without any difficulty to find satisfying reasons for this assumption. The philosopher who finds no meaning in the world is not concerned exclusively with a problem in pure metaphysics; he is also concerned to prove that there is no valid reason why he personally should not do as he wants to do, or why his friends should not seize political power and govern in the way that they find most advantageous to themselves .... For myself, the philosophy of meaninglessness was essentially an instrument of liberation, sexual and political."*

*Huxley, Aldous
Ends and Means
London, Chatto and Windus, 1938
pp. 270ff

At least he was honest.
Blue skies & happy jitters ~Mockingbird
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For Darwin, as for Einstein, evolution of an ordered universe was only feasible if some intelligent Mind designed the evolutionary program

This is something I'd like to see a proof for.

"There is a grandeur in this view of life with its several powers, having been originally breathed by the Creator into a few forms or into one; and that, whilst this planet has gone cycling on according to the fixed law of gravity, from so simple a beginning endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful have been, and are being evolved." Darwin, Charles;
The Origin of Species, Chicago, Great Books of the Western World, 1952, p. 243.
Blue skies & happy jitters ~Mockingbird
"Why is there something rather than nothing?"

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"There is a grandeur in this view of life with its several powers, having been originally breathed by the Creator into a few forms or into one; and that, whilst this planet has gone cycling on according to the fixed law of gravity, from so simple a beginning endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful have been, and are being evolved."

I have strong suspicion that you didn't ever read the whole Origin of Species, just got a quote out of it from some biblical site.

Anyway, how it proofs that "evolution of an ordered universe was only feasible if some intelligent Mind designed the evolutionary program"? It does not. Nor it states that "Creator" == "God".
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I was answering steve's question of "what justification would a non-theist use for slavery?".

I just pointed out that Steve changed the original question asked by Phil, and his change made the question meaningless. While I'd really like to hear the answer for Phil's question, I don't need the answer for Steve's "fixed" question, as most people already know one.
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I have strong suspicion that you didn't ever read the whole Origin of Species, just got a quote out of it from some biblical site.

Oh, I'm so ashamed... I have never read the whole Origin of Species. So?


Anyway, how it proofs that "evolution of an ordered universe was only feasible if some intelligent Mind designed the evolutionary program"? It does not. Nor it states that "Creator" == "God".

You protest too much. The implications are clearly there.

Not that it matters that much. For Darwin to concede the possibility of a Creator is inconsequential to reality. Just gives us more insight into the man's mind.

Why don't you address Huxley's confession?
Blue skies & happy jitters ~Mockingbird
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Oh, I'm so ashamed... I have never read the whole Origin of Species. So?

This is expectable, as you provided out-of-context quote, which is meaningless if you don't read the whole Chapter 14 (15 in 6th edition of Origin of Species - yes, there are two editions). So I just assumed that you did not provide a quote from a OoS itself, just copied it from some biblical site. Am I right?


You protest too much. The implications are clearly there.

No, they are not.


Not that it matters that much. For Darwin to concede the possibility of a Creator is inconsequential to reality. Just gives us more insight into the man's mind.

So what? Anyone could consider a possibility of Flying Spahetty Monster as well. You can even consider me as a Creator, who created this whole world five minutes ago, with all those memories.


Why don't you address Huxley's confession?

Why should I? It is confession of a writer, who was involved in parapsychology. What does it mean for everyone else?
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Why don't you address Huxley's confession?

Why should I? It is confession of a writer, who was involved in parapsychology. What does it mean for everyone else?

It's the confession of an honest skeptic/agnostic/atheist. But, OK, don't address it.


This is expectable, as you provided out-of-context quote, which is meaningless if you don't read the whole Chapter 14 (15 in 6th edition of Origin of Species - yes, there are two editions). So I just assumed that you did not provide a quote from a OoS itself, just copied it from some biblical site. Am I right?

I must confess--- this is ironic. An atheist getting bent out of shape if something from one of their icons is taken out of context!

As for this quote, according to Dr. Charles F. Urbanowicz, Professor of Anthropology at Cal State, there were 6 editions of Origin of Species, and the "Creator" was inserted in the 2nd and subsequent editions. Oh, but I know, "he didn't really mean it!".... whatever; he certainly did at one point in his life.
Blue skies & happy jitters ~Mockingbird
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"I was answering steve's question of "what justification would a non-theist use for slavery?".

Ok so perhaps you can answer my question: can you give me an example of people using their dis belief in god during the slavery debates that took place in the 19th century to inspire their defence of slavery?
Please note it is not sufficient to provide examples of atheists defending slavery, but defending slavery becuase of their atheism. The examples you gave before are all irrelevant, they are simply examples of people using silly pseudo science to come to silly pseduo scientific conclusions. Thats nothing to do with whhat we are debating.
The reason I ask this is becuase many people claim thhat atheims leads to immorlaity and Christianity leads to morality. I think this is not the case and whilst some Christians are very moral , Wilberforce being one of them, Chrsitianity does no more lead to morality than any other belief or disbelief.

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Why don't you address Huxley's confession?

I'll address it.

I don't give a shit! What do I care about one author's reasons for assuming a meaningless universe? It has no relevance to my thought patterns whatsoever. Why did you even bring it up?
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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Oh, it's not his decision that stands out; it was the motivation for his decision.

I brought it up because I ran across it in my reading and thought it was a good reply to the thread's question, from Huxley's POV that is.
Blue skies & happy jitters ~Mockingbird
"Why is there something rather than nothing?"

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