
Parent says Global Warming Caused by Christ's Second Coming; School board censors "An Inconvenient Truth" film

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cl :$

Yep, those work.

Although I heard from your sister that last one actually rhymes with "Oh god, right there, right there!":P

Yer mama was saying the same thing, just the other night. ;)

Note to Billvon: I know. I know. Cut it out. Both of us.:$

But I was just starting to have fun:(

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That's transparently dishonest. Clearly presenting the historical facts about the holocaust is not controversial.

To a parent that takes his children to cross lightings on Saturday night it certainly is....and holds just about as much weight as this fathers opinions.

When you're ready for an honest debate instead of making foolish remarks about the definition of "controversial" I'll still be here.

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When you're ready for an honest debate instead of making foolish remarks about the definition of "controversial" I'll still be here.

Aww did we step on some poor wittle toes.....poor baby...

From what I can tell this is right up your "alley"

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More on this story, from the San Francisco Chronicle:

IT IS a sign of how politicized global warming has become when a father's push for his daughter's junior high school science class to present both sides of the global warming controversy becomes a national story -- with the father being portrayed as the villain.

To recap, Frosty Hardison, the parent of a seventh-grader who attends school in Federal Way, Wash., was troubled to learn that science teacher Kay Walls had planned on showing her class Al Gore's global-warming pic "An Inconvenient Truth" -- without presenting any contrary information.

Hardison is an evangelical Christian who, as the Washington Post reported, sees global warming as "one of the signs" of Judgment Day. That is, Hardison fits the sort of stereotype bound to attract national media attention under the rubric: religious zealot fights science in schools.

The school board put a moratorium on showing the movie -- since lifted -- while it investigated whether Wells was violating a school policy that requires that when class materials "show bias," that educators "point out the biases, and present additional information and perspectives to balance those biases."

On the one hand, it is a sad commentary that districts see a need to restrict teachers' ability to communicate -- and that this country has become so sensitive that parents feel a need to muzzle what teachers can say in class. On the other hand, we've all seen teachers who think their political views are gospel.

In this case, Walls told the Washington Post that she could not find any authoritative articles that counter "An Inconvenient Truth" -- other than a 32-year-old Newsweek article. CNN apparently went to the same school as Walls, as it aired a segment in which University of Maryland professor Phil Arkin asserted, "I don't think there is legitimately an actual opposing viewpoint to the 'Inconvenient Truth' film."

Allow me to present a few names. Massachusetts Institute of Technollogy's Alfred P. Sloan Professor of Meteorology Richard S. Lindzen complained to the Boston Globe about the "shrill alarmism" of Gore's flic. Neil Frank, who was considered authoritative when he was the director of the National Hurricane Center, told the Washington Post that global warming is "a hoax." Hurricane expert William Gray of Colorado State University believes the Earth will start to cool within 10 years.

University of Virginia professor emeritus Fred Singer' co-authored a book," Unstoppable Global Warming -- Every 1,500 Years," that argues that global warming is not human-induced but based on a solar cycle. Last year, 60 Canadian scientists signed a letter to Prime Minister Stephen Harper in which they argued that there is no consensus among climate scientists.

Odd, isn't it? Global warming believers heap scorn on religious zealots for not valuing science and knowledge. Yet the thrust of their argument to prove apocalyptic global warming relies on denying the existence of views and scientists who clearly exist.

A Boston Globe editorial mischaracterized the controversy as the mischief of some parents objecting "to having their children see 'An Inconvenient Truth' " -- despite the fact that Hardison had told the Seattle Times that he wanted the teacher to present "a whole broad spectrum of facts." Buying into the teacher's argument that she cannot find heterodox articles, the editorial suggested that Walls find her "balancing 'data' in Michael Crichton's novel 'State of Fear.' It's science fiction." That was supposed to be clever.

It is fascinating to watch Gore's acolytes belittle Crichton for being a novelist, apparently undaunted by the fact that they getting their science from a movie and a politician. At least Crichton is a Harvard Medical School graduate -- which suggests that he has some appreciation for the scientific method. When Gore took natural science classes at Harvard, the Washington Post has reported, he received a D as a sophomore and a C+ in his senior year.

Over the phone Monday, Lindzen remarked on Gore's grades, as he noted that global warming believers have tried to argue that there is consensus since 1988 -- when fewer scientists believed in climatic apocalypse. And those who deny that credible scientists have opposing views are "expressing their will, not their finding. They want this to be so, so they'll ignore anything else."

So who is the real zealot -- the father who said he is happy both sides will be shown? Or the teacher who denies the existence of scientists with heterodox views?


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IT IS a sign of how politicized global warming has become when a father's push for his daughter's junior high school science class to present both sides of the global warming controversy becomes a national story -- with the father being portrayed as the villain.

To recap, Frosty Hardison, the parent of a seventh-grader who attends school in Federal Way, Wash., was troubled to learn that science teacher Kay Walls had planned on showing her class Al Gore's global-warming pic "An Inconvenient Truth" -- without presenting any contrary information.

Ok dude, I'm going to demonstrate to you that Hardison is in fact a religious zealot, that he should in fact be portrayed as the villain and that the 'alternative view' which he is annoyed does not appear in the DVD is in fact insane.

Here is what Mr Hardison himself has posted to every blog on the internet that has latched onto his story (it does match what he's said in interviews).


Hello all. Frosty E Hardison here. Yeah it’s really ME!

Thanks for reading and for the polarization of the believers and scoffers. Did anyone of you get the point of the article?

On something as simple as global warming? There is in fact NOTHING you can do about global warming. Which was the point I made to the P.I. reporter. It’s the sun that is burning out. Al Gore’s presentation doesn’t include that perspective. His presentation should be called the “Incomplete Truth” The Bible says this in Revelations 16:8,9 (KJV) see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tribulation.

On something as simple as the age of the earth? I can do the math, the lineage provided in Matthew 1:1-17 and Luke 3:23-38 that give the genealogy of Jesus Christ (Matthew recorded Joseph's lineage, while Luke gave the family tree of Mary) places us at what right about 12,000 years today? See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genealogy_of_Jesus

On something as simple as faith? You either have it or you don’t. coherent

On something as simple as having a testimony that Jesus Christ has taken an active part in your life? You either have one or you don’t. If you don’t have it, you walk around in life an empty shell – often times you don’t even know it. Once you are filled with HIM and the unconditional love that He is? You KNOW what it was to be empty and you want to help others discover the truth too.

As far as science goes? Observational science and speculation of new ideas? Oh yeah, what we see is what we get. Or is it an optical illusion? I have no problems keeping an open mind for new ideas, perspectives and sources of information… the thing is, even under strict circumstances can we as fallible humans be mis-interpreting the data that is being read? As a data and systems analyst I have to ask that question all the time. Same goes for the carbon 14 factor. Where do the calculations come from that the world is several billions of years old when carbon 14 data is only good for a few thousand years? Then when you look at the methodology of HOW carbon 14 itself is produced you come into several variances to consider as well. Under what circumstances are there fewer occurrences of C14 being produced – what increases and what decreases it? Is it steady? Is it stable? What factors produce the absorption rates into tissues, fossils and specimens we are looking at? Do they differ or vary by diet, climate, solar variances? As a hobbyist in science myself, I at least still ask those questions.

I would rather have a human witness to cross examine than a machine of any kind – any day. Neither are infallible, but at least one of them can reason, think and extrapolate a conclusion weighing ALL the evidence rather than a preprogrammed set of line codes that can be out of calibration at any given time.

And if you want a spokes person for global warming – I would have chosen Ben Stein! Not AL Gore. Have a wonderful day.

So there we have it. He isn't annoyed that the film doesn't present a balanced view between man made global warming and natural warming cycles, he's annoyed because the film does not present a balanced view between man made global warming and 'The sun is burning up in the end times and Jesus is about to come back to earth and eat your soul!'

Would you like to continue defending the man?
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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Ok dude, I'm going to demonstrate to you that Hardison is in fact a religious zealot,

I seems pretty obvious.


that he should in fact be portrayed as the villain

Why? Because he's forcing the school system to follow it's own policies? :S


that the 'alternative view' which he is annoyed does not appear in the DVD is in fact insane.

I missed that part. Perhaps you could re-post it.


So there we have it. He isn't annoyed that the film doesn't present a balanced view between man made global warming and natural warming cycles,

Of course, the teacher and a number of others think that kind of request is worthy of derision.


Would you like to continue defending the man?

My beef is about the response to his legitimate request. ;)

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I missed that part. Perhaps you could re-post it.


On something as simple as global warming? There is in fact NOTHING you can do about global warming. Which was the point I made to the P.I. reporter. It’s the sun that is burning out. Al Gore’s presentation doesn’t include that perspective. His presentation should be called the “Incomplete Truth” The Bible says this in Revelations 16:8,9 (KJV) see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tribulation.

He thinks the sun is burning out in the end times. He's insane.

My beef is about the response to his legitimate request.

His 'legitimate request' was to either stop playing the video or a present it along with a balanced view of scripture, not opposing science but scripture.

Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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I missed that part. Perhaps you could re-post it.


On something as simple as global warming? There is in fact NOTHING you can do about global warming. Which was the point I made to the P.I. reporter. It’s the sun that is burning out. Al Gore’s presentation doesn’t include that perspective. His presentation should be called the “Incomplete Truth” The Bible says this in Revelations 16:8,9 (KJV) see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tribulation.

He thinks the sun is burning out in the end times. He's insane.

This answers - "that the 'alternative view' which he is annoyed does not appear in the DVD is in fact insane."? Where did he say anything about DVDs?



My beef is about the response to his legitimate request.

His 'legitimate request' was to either stop playing the video or a present it along with a balanced view of scripture, not opposing science but scripture.

This is from the original article:

In the end, though, the board opted for an abundance of balance.
That means that "An Inconvenient Truth" may be shown only with the written permission of a principal -- and only when it is balanced by alternative views that are approved by both a principal and the superintendent of schools.

Hardison was pleased.

"I am happy they are giving the kids as much information as possible," he said.

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This answers - "that the 'alternative view' which he is annoyed does not appear in the DVD is in fact insane."? Where did he say anything about DVDs?

"Al Gore's presentation."

Do you think Al Gore came to the school and personally gave them a Keynote presentation on global warming, or do you think they watched his film utilising the storage media known as a Digital Versatile Disk?
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I'm at a loss. What was your point about:

I'm going to demonstrate to you that.... the 'alterrnative view' which he is annoyed does not appear in the DVD is in fact insane.

Was he annoyed that the DVD didn't offer his "alternative view" about biblical prophecy?

Or was it about the absence in the DVD of any alternative view?

Or that the school wasn't planning to offer an alternative view?

It's pretty clear this man is ultra-fundie, but I missed where he was demanding for his interpretation of recent changes should be presented as the alternative view.

Or are you of the opinion that everything this man says should be summarily dismissed because he holds some beliefs you dislike???

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Or are you of the opinion that everything this man says should be summarily dismissed because he holds some beliefs you dislike???

I have to admire your tenacity. You singlemindedly struggle to maintain an adversarial consistency no matter how twisted your position is forced to become.

Is this a game with rules or is it just innate instinct for you?

First Class Citizen Twice Over

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singlemindedly struggle to maintain an adversarial consistency no matter how twisted your position is forced to become

:D:D that's about as perfect a definition of speaker's corner as I've seen in a long time

In NCclimber's defense, he is the latest with the "kill the neocon" target from the usual left leaning crowd. But he's also been encouraging it as well by responding in kind. Most of the posts to him haven't even had much content, just insults back and forth.

Heck, I'm running out of popcorn and will have to take a break anyway.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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Or are you of the opinion that everything this man says should be summarily dismissed because he holds some beliefs you dislike???

I have to admire your tenacity. You singlemindedly struggle to maintain an adversarial consistency no matter how twisted your position is forced to become.

Is this a game with rules or is it just innate instinct for you?

Are you saying I'm wrong for thinking this man should have the right to hold a school system accountable for following its own policies?

I notice you prefer to snipe about other's behavior, while rarely if ever voicing an opinion about any given topic. IOW you seem to be all about personal attacks, while never offering any input to any discussion.

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Was he annoyed that the DVD didn't offer his "alternative view" about biblical prophecy?

Yes, he was. Ok, maybe since then he has stated that he is happy that the school is presenting an alternative view - if so, good for him.

However he makes it perfectly clear that his original objection with the DVD was that it did not contain a biblical end times perspective on global warming (plus a bunch of blindly patriotic guff).
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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Was he annoyed that the DVD didn't offer his "alternative view" about biblical prophecy?

Yes, he was. Ok, maybe since then he has stated that he is happy that the school is presenting an alternative view - if so, good for him.

However he makes it perfectly clear that his original objection with the DVD was that it did not contain a biblical end times perspective on global warming (plus a bunch of blindly patriotic guff).

I wonder why he didn't send his child to religious school. It's not like they aren't available.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Was he annoyed that the DVD didn't offer his "alternative view" about biblical prophecy?

Yes, he was. Ok, maybe since then he has stated that he is happy that the school is presenting an alternative view - if so, good for him.

"Since then?" His statement about being happy with the results was reported in the article in the original post of this thread.


However he makes it perfectly clear that his original objection with the DVD was that it did not contain a biblical end times perspective on global warming (plus a bunch of blindly patriotic guff).

Got a link?

It seems you are condemning him for actions he didn't take and overlooking his moderate positions that have been known since this thread started.

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"Since then?" His statement about being happy with the results was reported in the article in the original post of this thread.

Since he made the original fucking complaint!


Got a link?

Read the article I posted a couple of hours ago.
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You seem to be mixing together what he specifically complained about to the school board and what he has subsequently said to reporters and on the net.

My point all along is this guy was perfectly justified in objecting to the film being shown.

A number of people want to vilify him for it. You seem pretty intent on painting this guy as a villain and a madman. Have at it. I'm guessing it has more to do with his faith than his actual actions.

i don't think any light I shed on the matter is going to sway you.

Toodles, ;)

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You seem to be mixing together what he specifically complained about to the school board and what he has subsequently said to reporters and on the net.

What he said to reporters and wrote on the net was a clarification of the reason that he complained in the first place.
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Nyeah, nyeah.


Gore earns Nobel nomination for global warming work

OSLO, Norway (AP) -- Former Vice President Al Gore has been nominated for the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize for his wide-reaching efforts to draw the world's attention to the dangers of global warming, a Norwegian lawmaker said Thursday.

"A prerequisite for winning the Nobel Peace Prize is making a difference, and Al Gore has made a difference," Conservative Member of Parliament Boerge Brende, a former minister of environment and then of trade, told The Associated Press.

Brende said he joined political opponent Heidi Soerensen, of the Socialist Left Party, to nominate Gore as well as Canadian Inuit activist Sheila Watt-Cloutier before the nomination deadline expired Thursday.

"Al Gore, like no other, has put climate change on the agenda. Gore uses his position to get politicians to understand, while Sheila (Watt-Cloutier) works from the ground up," Brende said.

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***Gore earns Nobel nomination for global warming work

OSLO, Norway (AP) -- Former Vice President Al Gore has been nominated for the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize for his wide-reaching efforts to draw the world's attention to the dangers of global warming, a Norwegian lawmaker said Thursday.

"A prerequisite for winning the Nobel Peace Prize is making a difference, and Al Gore has made a difference," Conservative Member of Parliament Boerge Brende, a former minister of environment and then of trade, told The Associated Press.

What's the prerequisite for being nominated?


Brende said he joined political opponent Heidi Soerensen, of the Socialist Left Party, to nominate Gore as well as Canadian Inuit activist Sheila Watt-Cloutier before the nomination deadline expired Thursday.

Heidi Sorensen, the July 1981 Playboy playmate of the month?

So many questions... and it's not even eight o'clock.

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Nominations for the Prize may be made by a broad array of qualified individuals, including former recipients, members of national assemblies and congresses, university professors, international judges, and special advisors to the Prize Committee. In some years as many as 199 nominations have been received. The Committee keeps the nominations secret and asks that nominators do the same. Over time many individuals have become known as "Nobel Peace Prize Nominees", but this designation has no official standing

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