
Obama as a presidential candidate

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Most never let the little things like PROOF get in the way of opinion.

You are sentenced to read the whole thread and to actually click on the links provided....

Bush is what he is... and since the righties seem to support him so vehemently.. perhaps you REALLY should read up on what he is doing and WHY.


During the past four years a growing number of political analysts have connected the emerging "Bush Doctrine" in foreign policy to the influence of evangelical Protestants. For example, one recent review claimed that

The influence of Christian evangelicals now extends to many essential matters of foreign policy, quite apart from the Middle East. Dogmatic, unilateralist, and radically nationalistic, this influence ignores international law and is particularly hostile to international organizations.1

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>Most never let the little things like PROOF get in the way of opinion.

Indeed. Yet many right wingers vehemently defend acting based on a lack of proof of WMD's before the US invasion, and indeed opposed getting that proof before we invaded.

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You are sentenced to read the whole thread and to actually click on the links provided....

Bush is what he is... and since the righties seem to support him so vehemently.. perhaps you REALLY should read up on what he is doing and WHY

I have, YOU are the one trying to make this thread about Bush...We got it, you hate the guy.

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>Most never let the little things like PROOF get in the way of opinion.

Indeed. Yet many right wingers vehemently defend acting based on a lack of proof of WMD's before the US invasion, and indeed opposed getting that proof before we invaded.

Kerry, Berger, And Gore are Right wingers? They all thought we had enough proof.

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We got it, you hate the guy.

AS Ronny RayGun said it... " There you go again"

I dont hate the man.... I decry what he and his cronies have done to our country... the incompetence.. the lying.... the optional wars... I dont even think an impeachment is in order.... I will allow him to stand in front of the god he supposedly speaks to and allow GOD to judge his stain on humanity.

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>Kerry, Berger, And Gore are Right wingers? They all thought we had enough proof.

I'll let Kallend go over set theory with you.

Cool, but it will not change the fact that three very top Dems thought SH had WMD's. And that tons of others also felt the same way.

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>Kerry, Berger, And Gore are Right wingers? They all thought we had enough proof.

I'll let Kallend go over set theory with you.

Cool, but it will not change the fact that three very top Dems thought SH had WMD's. And that tons of others also felt the same way.

Most people also think they got a great deal on the last car they purchased. Facts be damned, it's the salesman's job to convince them of that.

(drink Mountain Dew)

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I think that somewhere in this thread I said something about Obama entering the race would be fun. Why, because the attacks from Hilarys camp would be interesting to watch.

So, is anybody following the story ? You know, the one I got flamed for mentioning might happen?:)
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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>I think that somewhere in this thread I said something about Obama
> entering the race would be fun. Why, because the attacks from
> Hilarys camp would be interesting to watch.

Turns out the story about Clinton attacking Obama was a lie. (Sorry, I know you hate that word - it was a statement based on incorrect intelligence.) The claim came from InsightMag.com, a website run by the Rev. Sun Myung Moon, and it was parroted by FOX. They have since backed off their claims.

The strategy of a whispering campaign against Obama blamed on Clinton was predicted earlier this month by a few bloggers - looks like one of the Clinton/Obama foes picked up on it and ran with it.

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Turns out the story about Clinton attacking Obama was a lie.

I predict utter silence on this topic from rushmc now and until he resuscitates the same claims at another opportunity -- having forgotten he was wrong the first time.

First Class Citizen Twice Over

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>I think that somewhere in this thread I said something about Obama
> entering the race would be fun. Why, because the attacks from
> Hilarys camp would be interesting to watch.

Turns out the story about Clinton attacking Obama was a lie. (Sorry, I know you hate that word - it was a statement based on incorrect intelligence.) The claim came from InsightMag.com, a website run by the Rev. Sun Myung Moon, and it was parroted by FOX. They have since backed off their claims.

The strategy of a whispering campaign against Obama blamed on Clinton was predicted earlier this month by a few bloggers - looks like one of the Clinton/Obama foes picked up on it and ran with it.

You are dead wrong and have fallen for the CNN propoganda.

I just heard the editor of Insight Mag. They did not make the claim about Obama. The Mag said Hilarys camp did research and that her camp was going to make the claim about Obama. FOX has not dropped it and the Mag also responds to the ownership comments made about them on the web site.

Sorry billvon, you missed this one and this site is no friend of the Bush camp

The Main Page

The Washingtom Post Attack

Your reply awaited
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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Turns out the story about Clinton attacking Obama was a lie.

I predict utter silence on this topic from rushmc now and until he resuscitates the same claims at another opportunity -- having forgotten he was wrong the first time.

Oooohhhh, your wrong too:)
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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Your first link was to the original article that I debunked above.

Your second link provides no proof whatsoever, other than "our sources confirm the truth." It also claims that since they are popular, they are probably correct. (If we go by those metrics, CNN is more popular and therefore more correct.)

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Your first link was to the original article that I debunked above.

Your second link provides no proof whatsoever, other than "our sources confirm the truth." It also claims that since they are popular, they are probably correct. (If we go by those metrics, CNN is more popular and therefore more correct.)

You debunked absolutley nothing. You did not even have the details of the original claim correct.
There is comment about the CNN story on the site as well.
Your "metrics? comment is another one of your re-direct tactics.....

"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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>There is comment about the CNN story on the site as well.

Yeah, I read it. CBS said their sources were correct on the forged Bush memos, too. They said it about half a dozen times. Didn't make them any more correct.

So I guess you can choose who to believe. An unnamed, anonymous source that gives no proof of their accusations, or specific reporters who went to the school in question and named names in their reply.

A clever new tactic by the right wing that has levels of deniability. Someone like Rush can say "Hmm, do we really want a muslim extremist in the White House?" When that's proven to be a false accusation, he can then say "oh, it's too bad Hilary Clinton was wrong, that scheming bitch." If he could just get an attack against Edwards in there he'd have the conservative trifecta.

This is going to end up backfiring in a big way, though. People are getting very sick and tired of all the negative campaigning, and future attacks like this will do more to prove the desperation of the right than to tear down any of the candidates.

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A right wing tactic??:S

So,(to use your technique) you don't believe Hilary would do this??

Remember, I could care less about either one of them but I am very confident Hilary will attack anybody she sees as a threat.

But, you go right ahead and believe CNN even though they lied from the beginning about the story Insight put out.
Makes sense to me[:/]
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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>I think that somewhere in this thread I said something about Obama
> entering the race would be fun. Why, because the attacks from
> Hilarys camp would be interesting to watch.

Turns out the story about Clinton attacking Obama was a lie. (Sorry, I know you hate that word - it was a statement based on incorrect intelligence.) The claim came from InsightMag.com, a website run by the Rev. Sun Myung Moon, and it was parroted by FOX. They have since backed off their claims.

The strategy of a whispering campaign against Obama blamed on Clinton was predicted earlier this month by a few bloggers - looks like one of the Clinton/Obama foes picked up on it and ran with it.

InsightMag is still saying they got the info from Clinton's camp - and Clinton's people are backpedaling like crazy now that *THAT* news is out.
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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The response to the Washington Post piece is embarassing.


Kurtz writes, “No one answered the phone at Insight’s office yesterday and its editor did not respond to an e-mail request for comment”—

then later...

Finally, let’s examine Kurtz’s claim that he tried to phone and e-mail the editors, but received no response. First, he called on a Sunday when there is nobody in the Insight office and did not leave a phone message, so no one can verify whether he really called or not. We learned on Monday that he did send an e-mail on Sunday afternoon, the day before his story went to print. This was not a genuine effort to get a real comment from us. He was simply covering himself before publishing his hit piece. This is precisely the kind of irresponsible journalistic practices that we teach our interns not to do.

Goes to credibility. :$

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Started sooner than I expected. They must be really scared. They can't win by leading the country and inspring the nation, so they will try to win by destroying others.

I find this a sad, distasteful part of politics. Instead of dealing with issues it's a matter of who comes out of a mud slinging match the cleanest.

It's sad that we, as voters, have allowed it to come to this :(

Performance Designs Factory Team

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Started sooner than I expected. They must be really scared. They can't win by leading the country and inspring the nation, so they will try to win by destroying others.

I find this a sad, distasteful part of politics. Instead of dealing with issues it's a matter of who comes out of a mud slinging match the cleanest.

It's sad that we, as voters, have allowed it to come to this :(


Have you been paying attention?

The R's did not do this. Hillary was going to and got caught:o
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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