
Do you believe in sin?

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There seems to be a fair amount of agnostics and atheists here and I was curious if they believe in such a thing as sin? I believe we are born into sin and I think it has been confirmed by my 1 1/2 old son. I did not have to teach him to throw fits and misbehaving. It seems I need to teach him to do the right thing.

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I'm a theist, not an atheist or agnostic, but let me ask, what do you define as "sin"?

allowing chocolate milk to go undrunk and having to throw it out

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From the biblical greek, it is missing the mark (as in missing the bull's eye) but who defines the bull's eye?

Excellent point. To some people eating beef is a sin. To others not eating all the beef you put on your plate is a sin. It's a very subjective concept.

One biggie, though, is spilling good beer. That is just a sinfull waste.:P

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Don't misunderstand me. From my world view, God determines the bull's eye; I simply noted that others do not always agree with my world view. ;)

1 John 3:4

Yes, sin is lawlessness, but it more than that. JC helped us redine sin with his interpretations of Jewish moral codes that were more strict (as in lusting was as bad as adultery)


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Yes, sin is lawlessness, but it more than that. JC helped us redine sin with his interpretations of Jewish moral codes that were more strict (as in lusting was as bad as adultery)

Doesn't really matter does it? "Sin is transgression of the Law." It doesn't matter if it is in action or thought. I don't know if that's a redefinition but rather a further clarification.

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I consider sin to be something that goes against my moral code. If I felt guilty about doing something, I committed a sin.

Essentially, my moral code consists of not harming anybody for gratuitous or selfish reasons or without an honest rationalization.

Therefore, just lusting after a taken girl is not sinful, however, attempting to seduce her is, but ... if she comes onto me without my provocation ... well that's gray area.

Lying, cheating, and stealing are wrong 99% of the time.
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If you're referring to the theological type of sin (which I assume you are, since you mention atheists and agnostics), then one would need to believe in God before they could believe in sin. So no, I don't believe in that type of sin.

Now if you're just referring to sin as in doing something wrong, then sure, I believe in that. But "wrong" can be subjective.

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Thats a good question. I will have to think of a defintion for me.

So it's ok to just make up a definition that works for you?

Or perhaps it's just ok for him to clarify what it is he's asking. ;)

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There seems to be a fair amount of agnostics and atheists here and I was curious if they believe in such a thing as sin? I believe we are born into sin and I think it has been confirmed by my 1 1/2 old son. I did not have to teach him to throw fits and misbehaving. It seems I need to teach him to do the right thing.

I don't consider a 1 1/2 y/o child throwing a fit to be a sin, though. It's just a young child learning how to get along in the world. Nothing bad about it. You're teaching him what's socially acceptable. Not what's "good."

In many ways, my son shows me that kids are born good. For instance, he's heard my potty mouth since he was born (though I do TRY to do better....sometimes it just slips). The child tells me over and over that I shouldn't talk like that. He SURE doesn't repeat those words....though he does question how a word can be bad, because it just doesn't make sense to him.

His sense of morality is definitely different from mine. I think he came into the world "good," and so far I've been successful in not messing him up.

A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail

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