
The Rumsfeld Memo

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I think there's something liberating about knowing you're going to be fired. You don't have to toe the line any more; you're free to say what you really think. So far it's happened with several administration officials, Powell and Rumsfeld being the most famous examples.

Makes you wonder what the rest of the administration would say if they felt free to speak their minds.

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Makes you wonder what the rest of the administration would say if they felt free to speak their minds.

they are free to say what they want

they don't because they don't like the consequences if they do

now the question is the nature of the consequences and for who's good is the avoidance of those consequences - it would be an interesting discussion but the partisan tangents here are unbearable, so what's the point.

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Makes you wonder what the rest of the administration would say if they felt free to speak their minds.

they are free to say what they want

they don't because they don't like the consequences if they do

Well, THAT could have applied in Stalin's USSR too. "Speak your mind, Free trips to Siberia"

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>they don't because they don't like the consequences if they do . . .

Of course. Losing one's job is a pretty powerful incentive to not speak one's mind, and I would think most people wouldn't feel free to do so under those circumstances (although they are, literally, free to do it if they so choose, just as they're free to drive drunk.)

>now the question is the nature of the consequences . . .

Google Lawrence Lindsey for likely consequences.

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I think there's something liberating about knowing you're going to be fired. You don't have to toe the line any more; you're free to say what you really think. So far it's happened with several administration officials, Powell and Rumsfeld being the most famous examples.

Makes you wonder what the rest of the administration would say if they felt free to speak their minds.

I've often wondered what Condoleezza Rice would say. I get the distinct feeling she is a team player whose puts the party line ahead of her own opinions.
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I've often wondered what Condoleezza Rice would say. I get the distinct feeling she is a team player whose puts the party line ahead of her own opinions.

Which is why Colin Powell (who as career military certainly understood loyalty and chain of command) liberated himself by resigning - and then spoke his mind.

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Well? (Apart from demonstrating that he didn't have a clue).

Rumsfeld, Rumsfeld....oh, wait a minute! Wasn't he the guy who said something like "It could take six days or six weeks, I doubt it would take six months" ? Are we talking about the same guy ? Or maybe you mean the guy who said we shouldn't call it an insurrection anymore because that would just glorify the enemy as some kind of insurrectionists. Nice hat he wore to the Army-Navy game.

So uh, what was your question ?

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