
Enron boss gets 24-year sentence

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The scandal at the one-time energy giant left 21,000 people out of work, and shook corporate America, when the firm went bankrupt in 2001 with debts of $31.8bn (£18bn).

$31,000,000,000. Billion, not million.

There are people in Florida serving life sentences for robbery because they used a gun, instead of a pen and a lawyer. I wish he was in the same cell so they could discuss the fairness.


Of course, when those 21,000 people lost their jobs.
The people who sold them cars, gas, sandwiches, and clothes also lost their jobs.

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He'll be 76 if he lasts the 24 years.

Just finished the book "The Smartest Guys in the Room". Damn great book. Got it for $1.50 used...

They were a bunch of pompous, lying, thieving bastards.

Ruined a bunch of good lives.

Good bye Jeff and Andy!

Don't go away mad....just go away!

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I wonder if he'll pop up dead and then in the Carribean under a differnt name, just like Lay? Or will Bush pardon him? I think we eill see some Bush pardons that sink quite low when he leaves. WHat does he have to lose? He's already a scumbag to most?

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Former Enron boss Jeffrey Skilling has been sentenced to 24 years for his role in the giant fraud that led to the energy firm's 2001 collapse.


Now they should dig up Key Lay's body and throw it in Skilling's prison cell for the duration. :|
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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Former Enron boss Jeffrey Skilling has been sentenced to 24 years for his role in the giant fraud that led to the energy firm's 2001 collapse.


And Ken L. Dead. Even better:)
I hold it true, whate'er befall;
I feel it, when I sorrow most;
'Tis better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all.

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I wonder if he'll pop up dead and then in the Carribean under a differnt name, just like Lay? Or will Bush pardon him? I think we eill see some Bush pardons that sink quite low when he leaves. WHat does he have to lose? He's already a scumbag to most?

Marc Rich... paging Marc Rich...
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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The scandal at the one-time energy giant left 21,000 people out of work, and shook corporate America, when the firm went bankrupt in 2001 with debts of $31.8bn (£18bn).

$31,000,000,000. Billion, not million.

There are people in Florida serving life sentences for robbery because they used a gun, instead of a pen and a lawyer. I wish he was in the same cell so they could discuss the fairness.


I think he got off lucky. 24 years for ruining peoples' lives and retirements is a slap on the wrist.

Also, what kind of prison are they sending him to? He should be in the company of some real criminals, like murderers, rapists, etc. That's punishment. If he's in some posh, white-collar prison then there's not much justice, is there.

I hope they send him to a high-security prison, where they put him in confinement for months at a time and comes out in 24 years a completely broken man. He deserves nothing less since he still denies the wrong that he did.

Be humble, ask questions, listen, learn, follow the golden rule, talk when necessary, and know when to shut the fuck up.

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