
Madonna['s nanny!!] adpots African child..What's your take?

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Well it's not like Madge is going to look after the kid, is it?

Anyway, what's your take on the fact that a celeb' can circumvent the adoption rules.... Fast tracking?

Part of me thinks that kid is lucky but is only one of thousdands that wont be helped.. Could Madges fortune have been better spent or does she just want a new 'badge' to wear?


Chivalry is not dead; it only sleeps for want of work to do. - Jerome K Jerome

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Well it's not like Madge is going to look after the kid, is it?

Anyway, what's your take on the fact that a celeb' can circumvent the adoption rules.... Fast tracking?

Part of me thinks that kid is lucky but is only one of thousdands that wont be helped.. Could Madges fortune have been better spent or does she just want a new 'badge' to wear?


My understanding is the childs father and grandmother are alive and capable of raising him. If Madonna wanted to help the kid, why not give a few of her $$$ millions and let his family raise him instead of buying the kid. Seems alot like modern day slavery.

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Dontcha know? Aren't you down? The hip thig to do is to adopt a child from some third world country. Then you can get all kinds of publicity from the PR rags about how wonderful of a person you are.

Guess why celebrities adopt from afar. It's good press.

Do you think that any of these celebrities would do this if they couldn't issue a press release about it? Dontcha think that the cover of People is as much of a factor as caring for a child? Don't you think that part of the decision-making process of whether to attend a charity gala is whether or not Entertainment Tonight is gonna be there?

It's why Sean Penn didn't actually rescue anybody in New Orleans. When he "tried" he almost drowned his entourage and his personal photographer. No way he's rescuing anybody without photographs of him doing it to show the press what a great guy he is.

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:D:D You have got love celebs:S.

Surely, they could do some good and still get a photo Op' by donating (time or money) to the source of the problem... Of course, it's easier from a penthouse appartment in NYC or LA (or London in
Madges' case)

Most of us donate to charity without needing to be seen to be:)

Chivalry is not dead; it only sleeps for want of work to do. - Jerome K Jerome

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Do you think that any of these celebrities would do this if they couldn't issue a press release about it?

I'm not sure I agree with this line of thinking. Plenty of people adopt children from third-world countries just because it's a good thing to do. I'd like to someday, given the chance, and I know not a damn soul would be interested in a press release about it. And celebrities are still people.

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The desire to truly help where we perceive that help is needed is a noble one. but one that be easily misused, or misapplied.
The American or European couple who may want to 'save' such a child may not fully understand the culture, or business dealings or familial connections and customs of so many far away places...The world is very complicated.

I never seem to hear about the CHILD's perspective of the whole matter.. Wouldn't they feel as if they are being yanked away from the only family they know, be it a blood family or a community family.. The kids seem to have little say in the matter, especially infants....
It is a bad situation.... and lawrockets points are valid,,,, thanks to the media created thirst for such "news" events....
Much ado about Nothing...
Those who have benefited financially and in noteriety, because of our crazy culture should not continue to use their influence and wealth to cast the spotlight on themselves.... enough already !!>:(
Rather, they might use the power that they wield
to help hospitals, schools villages and communities world wide...
Better that a thousand kids can be healthy happy and living an acceptable lifestyle...( meager as it may be by Madonnas standards...)than to take One child, displace that child and raise that child in a lavish, or conspicuous way...
These various 'civic minded' stars.. might consider establishing Foundations and Organizations which could help simplify, legitimize and bring an element of fairness,,, to the complicated and touchy field of cross cultural Adoption...


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Plenty of people adopt children from third-world countries just because it's a good thing to do.

I know several and I agree with this.


I'd like to someday, given the chance, and I know not a damn soul would be interested in a press release about it.

So, you are saying that if you were to adopt a child from a foreign country, you wouldn't, say, tell the press that the child is flying into Heathrow airport at A time on October 17, 2006 on B airline, Flight CDE from Johannesburg? You wouldn't say that the child will be transported to your home at blank address following the map available for download at the following URL?

Arent' you also implying that you would do it yourself, instead of sending staffers, personal assistants and bodyguards to do it? I did a quick check and found this quote on the Daily Mail:

This morning the nanny, bodyguard and aides accompanying the child avoided waiting reporters at Heathrow's Terminal 1 arrivals hall and left by another exit.

The nanny was already hired.

Adoption is great. Children are great. But children should not be marketed as the hottest new accessory. The culture shock would be enough as it is without the added burden of legions of paparazzi there on the tip of the PR firm.

But what's worst is that it seems to be handled as if she's asking her staff to go get her a pizza. "Okay, folks, I want one African boy from Malawi. Chop chop!"
"But your schedule. How can you and Mr. Ritchie take care of the child?"
"That's the nanny's job. Hire a nanny! Chop chop!"

None of my friends did that. I don't think Airtwardo ordered his kids via airmail. Actually, here's what Airtwardo wrote:

I don't know if it qualifies as 'will power' or not...

But the most Courageous thing I've EVER seen was:

6 years ago in Russia when we were getting ready to drive off from the orphanage with our new sons...
the youngest, who was 6 at the time stood for a moment looking at the building that had been his home for the past 4 years...

To no one, under his breath he said to himself...
"I'll be okay"

Here's a kid leaving everything he's ever known, going off to who knows where, with some people he doesn't even know...that don't speak his language and wear funny clothes...

And this brave little guy is secure enough in himself to...Be Okay!

Nothing I've ever done or will ever do could hold a candle to that kind of courage!

An experience Madonna missed out on as a mother. An experience the child missed out on with a new mother.

I cannot imagine you NOT wanting to be there for that. I cannot imagine ANY new parent who wants to be a parent missing out on that opportunity. So, yeah, I'll question Madonna's motivation.

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Might as well question her $3 million dollar fund which will help children in Malawi and her partnership with Jeffrey Sachs to improve orphan healthcare. Did you also know she plans on setting up an orphanage that will feed over 1,000 children a day.

No. Was it a pledge given by her? Was it a condition of getting the child? Was it consideration given for purchase? Sure, some good will come out of it. The kid will have a more comfortable life as a result, which is nice. 3 million can go a long way.

Still, it sounds to me like an attempt at a new accessory with a bit higher than expected asking price.

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The nanny is probably the same one who looks after Lourdes and Rocco, so I'm not surprised that the nanny was "already hired."

I don't have a problem with people with the means to hire a nanny doing so. It's no different than putting your kid in daycare while you're at work, except the kid gets to stay at home with someone working with them one-on-one, and probably get some interesting outings as well.

Nobody made this kind of fuss when Angelina adopted Maddox or Zahara. I think that people are thinking that this is a bad thing just because it's Madonna. I'm happy that she's adopting someone who needs a family rather than just having another baby. The baby's father is alive and has said he's very happy to have his son get a chance at a better life than he could ever give him in Africa.


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I never seem to hear about the CHILD's perspective of the whole matter.. Wouldn't they feel as if they are being yanked away from the only family they know, be it a blood family or a community family.. The kids seem to have little say in the matter, especially infants....

Here you go: http://www.cnn.com/2006/WORLD/africa/10/16/koinange.adoption/index.html

Twelve-year-old Koketso Motshoane is just one of many millions of children in Africa orphaned by AIDS. She has five other siblings scattered across various orphanages whom she gets to see just once a year.

She's never heard of pop star Madonna but says she'd jump at the chance to be adopted by anyone willing to give her a home, celebrity or not.

"I would feel happy," she says. "Because I have no mother."

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The nanny is probably the same one who looks after Lourdes and Rocco, so I'm not surprised that the nanny was "already hired."

I don't have a problem with people with the means to hire a nanny doing so. It's no different than putting your kid in daycare while you're at work, except the kid gets to stay at home with someone working with them one-on-one, and probably get some interesting outings as well.

Nobody made this kind of fuss when Angelina adopted Maddox or Zahara. I think that people are thinking that this is a bad thing just because it's Madonna. I'm happy that she's adopting someone who needs a family rather than just having another baby. The baby's father is alive and has said he's very happy to have his son get a chance at a better life than he could ever give him in Africa.


Well said.

I saw that interview with his father on the news this morning as well.

There's all this talk about the how much press she's getting over this adoption but did anyone ever stop to the think that the reason she's getting all this press is because everyone wants to know about it?

Sure got us talking, didn't it.


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She didn't "circumvent the adoption rules." The only thing that was waived in her case was the 18 month residence requirement (which exists to allow the courts time to investigate families to prove they have the financial means to take care of a child. Finances aren't an issue in Madonna's case, so there's no need for this requirement, which is why the government waived it). The adoption isn't final for 18 months from now, and during that time she's going to be evaluated under Malawian law just like any other potential adopting parent.

Madonna didn't circumvent the rules. The government which set the rules in the first place chose to modify them because of unusual circumstances.

People here seem to be focusing on how the adoption will benefit Madonna. Honestly, do you really think she needs any more publicity? She'd probably have made the news just as much simply through her donation and charity work in the country. I'd like to see people consider what publicity like this will do for Malawi. How many of us had even HEARD of Malawi before now? A lot of charity is going to pour into that country because of this, because now people know that there is a problem there, what the problem is, and that they can help fix it just by opening their checkbooks. Before now, hardly anybody here knew.

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Sure I was concerned about that. As I said, it seems to be the hip thing to do is to adopt a thrid world baby.

That and for a B or C List has been talk about the sad and shocking things that occurred to them in their lives so that they can land a spot on some entertainment rag.

Ten years ago, it was hip to have a therapist. Then having gone to rehab was what made one legitimate. Then it was hip to be skin on bones. Now it's hip to adopt third world babies.

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I've been to Malawi and the situation is shit.If madonna really wanted to make a difference,she could have press conference to talk about the issues, and give up half her fortune ,that might wake people up, a bit better than taking one kid away from his familly to have as this years toy dog,and anyone who gives there life to that kaballa bollox, should be deemed mentally unfit to adopt a child.
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You think $3 million dollars isn't going to make a difference in a third world country? At least she's doing something. She doesn't have to do anything, and she'd still be all over the news.

She's not "taking a kid away from his family." The family put the kid in an orphanage to be adopted. The family has said they're thrilled that Madonna is doing this for their child. I don't see a problem here. Kid's happy and cared for, Madonna's thrilled to have him, and the biological father is grateful that his son will have a better life than he could have in Africa. What's the issue?

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