
Too Graphic for TV?

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At the bottom of this post is a link to a video by a band called Rise Against, im not really into their ideals but do like thier music. This video shows animal cruelty so not for everyone.

Im not against animal testing, more against needless testing, anyway heres the link


People aint made of nothin' but water and shit.

Until morale improves, the beatings will continue.

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There are some pretty sick things people do to animals in the line of abuse and torture in which I think are sick. I dont believe that hunting is one of those sick forms. They should have asked me for some video of my hunting trips. Some of the things they had on there are very sick though.>:(
If you find yourself in a fair fight, your tactics suck!

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Unfortunately it's not just animal testing. It's agribusiness (farmed animals) as well.

Workers are desensitized to animal suffering when day in and day out they are confronted with "uncooperative" animals (animals that don't want to be penned and slaughtered) and must fill kill quotas.

It becomes easy to take out their frustration on the animals. There are SO MANY hidden camera videos of human torture of animals in labs, on farms, etc.

Whether you agree with hunting, animal testing or even slaughter for food - I can't see anyone tolerating a worker punching test monkeys in the head or skinning calves alive or cutting off chickens' heads to write on the walls in blood.

It's not too graphic for TV - everyone should see it. It happens and until we all take a stand against it - it will continue to happen.

Action expresses priority. - Mahatma Ghandi

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I Think the video should be shown.
Especially for kids and young ones, they are the ones who has the power to do something, and they are the ones we need to form for the future since they are the ones who will rule it one day.
IF there will even be a future...

People need to see what is going on in the world...
I think a lot of people "forget" and by that the problem goes away.
People who abuses defenceless animals should die and treated the same way as they treat there animals.
If there is one thing I can't stand it's animal abuse.

Sure was is bad, but the humans invented war.
Humas are bad, and I wish I didn't have to call my self one.

Since I kind of have to I have to. I do what I can to tribute for things like this not to happen...

Don't eat meat, don't buy any animal tested make up.
Don't eat pills, and buy things that has not been taken or produced by slaughtering animals.
There are so many ways to test things nowdays without having to kill animals.

I don't agree with hunting, people say if we didn't hunt it would be over populated, well guess what the world is overpopulated by HUMANS... Do we go around killing humans and slaugtering humas because we are overpopulated? NO...
Who are we do decide what is right or wrong?
Skydivers are a bunch of insensitive jerks...
And that's why I don't skydive anymore!

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Well, maybe to some it isn't.
But to me it is... And that's my oppinion...

A LOT of animals that are being hunted goes through a horror death because some hunters simply don't give a fuck, just look at the fox hunts in the UK, or the seal hunts in Norway, are you telling me that these people care about the animals that they simply slayer?

If the hunting is for food or for survival, I beleive it's better then the slaughter houses...

If you are a hunter, I'm sure hope you know what you are doing and that you ALWAYS kill instantly on the first shot... If not, well then it's cruelty and abuse of animals.
Skydivers are a bunch of insensitive jerks...
And that's why I don't skydive anymore!

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Well, maybe to some it isn't.
But to me it is... And that's my oppinion...

A LOT of animals that are being hunted goes through a horror death because some hunters simply don't give a fuck, just look at the fox hunts in the UK, or the seal hunts in Norway, are you telling me that these people care about the animals that they simply slayer?

If the hunting is for food or for survival, I beleive it's better then the slaughter houses...

If you are a hunter, I'm sure hope you know what you are doing and that you ALWAYS kill instantly on the first shot... If not, well then it's cruelty and abuse of animals.

I even apologize if it takes a second shot.

One shot One kill should be the the lesson to live by.

I shoot at running animals but usually never miss.

I do not like the idea of using lures and or food as bait that isn't hunting to me, it is shopping.

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I do not like the idea of using lures and or food as bait that isn't hunting to me, it is shopping.

Hunting is shopping in the end no matter how you engage at it. If it's not, then it's just a gratuitous 'activity' (I'll never say 'sport' to hunting or fishing).

Now, keeping it as a nice social activity to enhance the experience? That's perfectly normal. Not using lures and bait to make it more fun? That's fine too - but it's still shopping.

I like hunting, but I won't go unless I plan to harvest the meat for meals. Shopping.

So shopping is the thing. Anything else, then one is just fooling themselves for some unnecessary reason. I like hunting, but it has a one useful purpose. (Exception below)

Not Shopping? If you hunt and then just take a trophy or throw away the carcass. And that's just dispicable.

The only real exception I can think of is this -
perhaps, 'real hunting' of a dangerous animal to protect your land, livestock, and family. It's not that common anymore to have to kill a rogue bear or cougar to keep it off the ranch. But we wouldn't eat that.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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I do not like the idea of using lures and or food as bait that isn't hunting to me, it is shopping.

Hunting is shopping in the end no matter how you engage at it. If it's not, then it's just a gratuitous 'activity' (I'll never say 'sport' to hunting or fishing).

Now, keeping it as a nice social activity to enhance the experience? That's perfectly normal. Not using lures and bait to make it more fun? That's fine too - but it's still shopping.

I like hunting, but I won't go unless I plan to harvest the meat for meals. Shopping.

So shopping is the thing. Anything else, then one is just fooling themselves for some unnecessary reason. I like hunting, but it has a one useful purpose. (Exception below)

Not Shopping? If you hunt and then just take a trophy or throw away the carcass. And that's just dispicable.

The only real exception I can think of is this -
perhaps, 'real hunting' of a dangerous animal to protect your land, livestock, and family. It's not that common anymore to have to kill a rogue bear or cougar to keep it off the ranch. But we wouldn't eat that.

I never kill an animal without making use of the meat, with the exceptions of Coyotes etc.

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I never kill an animal without making use of the meat, with the exceptions of Coyotes etc.

maybe it's semantics, but that's shopping (harvesting?) to me. Not sport. And I don't think there is anything wrong with that either. And I have no issue with stacking the odds in my favor. But I don't care if another doesn't want to.

But I find it a bit odd to have considerations of 'fair chance' for the game that those that insist on rationalizing it into some kind of sporting activity. Seems a bit weird to turn it into some man vs beast macho activity when the origins were just about feeding the family.

It humanizes the game a bit and I don't see the point or applicability and it leads into consideration for the anti-hunting folks' arguments. They come out with the whole "it hurts them", "they have feelings too".

If it's just considered the harvesting of a natural resource, then the discussion can be treated more rationally with discussion of how to intelligently do it in a way that doesn't deplete vs. reducing overpopulation; allows gathering in a more humane way (one shot, one kill makes the hunt more efficient); and discussions on how to most effectively utililize the harvest (no waste); and also just protection against harmful predators (protection against threats and excessive nuisance predators....)

Everyone has to eat and I don't see any big moral issue or difference between going to the store and buying some food vs going out and shooting a rabbit for dinner. Hunting should be practical. AND, there's nothing wrong with enjoying the activity any more than other people enjoying shopping.

IMO - It seems to be such an inane and natural and needed activity to generate such vigorous discussion.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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Everyone has to eat and I don't see any big moral issue or difference between going to the store and buying some food vs going out and shooting a rabbit for dinner

I do if we are talking chickens for example. I would rather leave the stuff in the store alone, chickens fed on water pellets and never seeing the light of day just saddens me.

But like everyone else i turn a blind eye to it, its easier to ignore but when i do have the money i try buy all my food free range.

Animal meat is a resource for us, our bodies need protein and meat is full of it so i dont mind hunting, i just cant stand animal cruelty.

People aint made of nothin' but water and shit.

Until morale improves, the beatings will continue.

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But like everyone else i turn a blind eye to it

Not everyone turns a blind eye to it. Go veg! You are empathetic and compassionate, why put the tortured meat of animals in there!

Protein shmotein - you can get it from beans, nuts and grains. Cruelty free!


Action expresses priority. - Mahatma Ghandi

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I must admit, that I had "forgotten" about the real world and what is really going on out there.
After I seen this video, I started doing more research and I was just disgusted. At the way things are and the way we treat animals.

I went through everything I had at home. Emptied my freezer no more animal products.
Threw out all that was tested on animals.

Went to the store to pick up animal friendly stuff.
And let me tell you I felt so much better after doing that. Even though I had just "thrown" away a lot of money in shit that I already had at home.
But at least now I can clean with a clean continence, I can wash my hair and brush my teeth and all that with a clean continence.

I Just wish it wasn't so damn hard to find not tested products, and vegetarian foods.

Where I live I have to go to a million stores to do my shopping now.
But it's worth it.

I'm hoping more people will do the same and choose friendly food and products.
I'm not saying you have to go vegetarian.
But choose meat from certified places....
And maybe one day we'll all live in a better place!
Skydivers are a bunch of insensitive jerks...
And that's why I don't skydive anymore!

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I voted yes because I'm not going to watch a channel that had disgusting shit like that on it. It's nasty but necessary for me to make a nice T-bone steak.

Chris go to a show where there's one group who's all about animal rights and one with a "help the homeless" kick and you'll see everyone getting snobby at each other over what should be available to people as food. I used to love going to Earth Crisis shows but I couldn't stand the holier-than-though bullshit.

Edit: By the way, I do realize that there is unnessary animal abuse in the world and that factory farming is unhealthy for the world in the long run. The solution is to quit have children.
"I encourage all awesome dangerous behavior." - Jeffro Fincher

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And maybe one day we'll all live in a better place!

Thanks for the cheery post -- I agree 100%, but doubt we'll ever see such enightenment widespread anytime soon.

It is much like those who protested the fact that Hunters For the Hungry program here in Illinois that donated tens of thousands of pounds of fresh Venison to the hungry and the homeless.

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It is much like those who protested the fact that Hunters For the Hungry program here in Illinois that donated tens of thousands of pounds of fresh Venison to the hungry and the homeless.

I don't eat meat, but I do respect the rights of others to do so, especially ones who eat what they kill.

It's the grossed out mass-meat producing operations that exist today I dislike. Yuck.

. . =(_8^(1)

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It is much like those who protested the fact that Hunters For the Hungry program here in Illinois that donated tens of thousands of pounds of fresh Venison to the hungry and the homeless.

I don't eat meat, but I do respect the rights of others to do so, especially ones who eat what they kill.

It's the grossed out mass-meat producing operations that exist today I dislike. Yuck.

Do you eat grains from fields?

Did you know that havesting said fields often kills alot of the small animal population?

Unless you are eating grains that are harvested BY HAND, chances are animals are being killed or seriously maimed by your eating habits.

That being said, I buy organic when I can because mass-farming practices are indeed frightening. But unless it gets cheaper, I cannot buy alot.

I hope they actually perfect the "grow-your-own" meat incubators (seriously, they are working on it) and we can stop worrying about it.

Of course, if that happens, there will still need to be hunting to control animal populations.
Why yes, my license number is a palindrome. Thank you for noticing.

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Did you know that havesting said fields often kills alot of the small animal population?

Nope, never have thunk it through, but it makes sense. Yuck.


That being said, I buy organic when I can because mass-farming practices are indeed frightening. But unless it gets cheaper, I cannot buy alot.

Same here.


I hope they actually perfect the "grow-your-own" meat incubators (seriously, they are working on it) and we can stop worrying about it.

More news to me, but I doubt I'd eat that either. Meat just doesn't appeal to me, possible exception being fish tacos.

. . =(_8^(1)

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The solution is to quit have children.

As in, let humanity die out? hehe.

If you mean quit overpopulating the planet so there is less demand for meat needed to feed the world - do some research. For every pound of meat 'harvested' from a cow, you need to invest 7 pounds of grain. Not a very good return if we're talking about the 'need' for food. It's gluttony - plain and simple.

People "just love a good steak." Or "can't live without cheese."


Sure, the world's resources are being depleted by crops, too. But when we stop feeding all that grain to farmed animals, we'll have more to eat and will have to rape less of the rainforest.

There will always be some price for any type of farming of the land - the key is respect and balance.

Where is that?

And yeah, holier-than-thou types (whether they are activists, evangelists or just speakers corner blowhards) are always annoying.

Action expresses priority. - Mahatma Ghandi

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