
Honest question about ISREAL

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the fact that the land was the jews back 2000 years ago does not make it forever theirs

maybe not. but its as valid if not more valid that the arguements stated here why this land is not theirs.

All current maps I've seen show Israel occupying land outside of their borders. Regardless of whether or not it's called Palestinian land it's still not internationally recognized as being Israel's. So, the occupation is illegal and there are numerous resolutions stating as much, that weren't vetoed by the US.

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this offensive is for trying to get the soldier back and for punishing the Hamas led PA who is responsible and even carried out this attack.

i agree with the rest of your post about forcing the sides to sit and talk. but that has nothing to do with the US aid to Israel. by that logic the PA should stop getting internation aid as well, but i dont hear you say that

I don't for one moment believe that the real reason for the offensive is because of the kidnapping of a single soldier, unless of course it were possibly Olmert's son. An excuse, yes. The reason, no. There has been no cease fire from either side so any cries of "we left them alone but they still attack" is disingenuous. And the reason that I say that we should stop aid to Israel is that the level of aid to go Israel is way off the scale compared to what goes to the PA. Also, Israel seems content to just take our money and ignore our official condemnation of their actions. (Yea, I know I know. We say don't do that yet we enable you. I think it's another lousy example of our foreign policy hypocrisy).

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i'm a bit tired of having this discussion over and over but it seems that in every new post about this subject you go back to your old mantras even though you were proven wrong over and over in the past...

At least one thing is consistent you make the past out to be as you wished it to be but not as it was.

If you think me not posting back and forth for a billion times means defeat or me being proven wrong you go head and tell your self that.


last time I've checked, Israel was the smaller outnumbered country surrounded by many countries (including well funded ones) that try to destroy it over and over again.

Once again you use your stock defense of stating a fact that has nothing to do with what I was saying.

What I was pointing out was the military power of Israel vs. Palestine. Off course you knew that but felt like bringing up a point that has nothing to do with what was mentioned.

If you notice i didn't post that much to this thread or as much as i usuly do.
Simple answere is i don;t have the energy anymore.
What I have realized is no matter what you do most people have there views and no matter what the facts are there views will not change.

If you need to feel good about your self make sure you put this post up as “I was proven wrong” after all I wouldn’t want you to wake up from your happy dream.

Fact: There was no Israel 58 years ago
Fact: The land that the Israeli citizens live on today was occupied by the Palestinians people (Muslim, and Christians)
Fact: Israel has no issue torturing it’s captives and has violated human rights laws.

Sorry dude you can say what you want but the Isralie government is a cruel government that cares for no ones rights but it’s own.

At best Israeil deserve the same respect that we give any other terrorist organization.
Just because Israel uses canon fire from a ship or a bomb from a plane doesn’t make the people they kill any less dead.
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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I don't for one moment believe that the real reason for the offensive is because of the kidnapping of a single soldier,

then you don't know how the Israeli mind works. just look at the prisoners of wars exchanges done in the past, where hundreds prisoners were exchanged for very few israelis (and even for dead bodies)

this palestinian act was simply too much after endless showers of rockets on our border towns and a terrorist government who openly calls for the destruction of Israel.
and yes, there has not been a single Israeli in gaza but still rockets fly out of there. when you look for a reason, you'll find one anywhere.

and just so you know, the US military aid to egypt is not that far behind the one Israel is getting and the US has very good strategic reasons for doing so.
if you believe otherwise, thats ok, vote for someone with your vies.
"Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero."

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the fact that the land was the jews back 2000 years ago does not make it forever theirs.


the collective idea that is now Israel, was a huge f***-up in my opinion.

but, since we're in this now, it's fairly easy to see why we're allied with Israel. Ever seen pictures? Visited, or known friends/family that have? It's the 'West' in the Middle East. A GWB would call it, 'a beacon of democracy' or whatever. The idea is, when they 'win' we 'win'. (what we win, is entirely unknown to me, but i am sure it will be something shiny)

as long as we're still selling our weapons tech to Israel, the way we are now (and have been for quite some time), things should be just fine...especially after we're done selling a few of these: http://www.jsf.mil/

so the question is not, "why do we support israel?" but, "how can we increase our profits by supporting israel?"

/supply and demand...
Does whisky count as beer? - Homer
There's no justice like angry mob justice. - Skinner
Be careful. There's a limited future in low pulls - JohnMitchell

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If you think me not posting back and forth for a billion times means defeat or me being proven wrong you go head and tell your self that.

number of posts has nothing to do with anything (although i'm sure you win there too)
mostly in your posts I see reasons why its all Israel's fault and half truths about historic events with an added flavor of tortures, systematic and randon killings and destruction where you know very well that thats not true.


What I have realized is no matter what you do most people have there views and no matter what the facts are there views will not change.

agreed, and I have no assumptions that i will change yours. i'm worried that people who don't really know the facts will follow the cheap propaganda and form misguided views.


Fact: There was no Israel 58 years ago

Fact: There was NEVER a Palestine.

Fact: The land that the Israeli citizens live on today was occupied by the Palestinians people (Muslim, and Christians)

Fact: this land was occupied by both peoples. the majority shifted in different times in history.

Fact: Israel has no issue torturing it’s captives and has violated human rights laws.

Israel has a big issue with torturing people, unlike our enlightened neighbours (including the Palestinians).

you like throwing the blame so much, how about you suggest a solution? one which doesn't call for the destruction of Israel would be a nice start
"Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero."

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.......glass fucking parking lot.

You sound like an American -

That's a pretty offensive stereotype, Christel.

I expect better from you overweight chocolate/sauerkraut/sausage eating, french invading, wearing pantyhose and suspenders self-proclaimed arrogant supermen.

Yes, it's just as stupid, and just as false, when I do it to you.[:/][:/]

It was not meant to be any offensive. It's just something I noticed during the few years I'm on this site. Never ever heard such phrase from someone else around my tiny little world.

Not only during (US) election period, not only during Iraq war - it permanently seems to be in some poster's head. American posters.

Permanently, like Hitler, Nazi ... etc. are used on a daily basis. From many posters here.

Excuse me, Rehmwa, you seem to be a bit too sensitive about it. Pls just see my former post with a :P or :ph34r:.
Perhaps, it's stupid, it's false. And No: I am vegetarian, no beer drinking and sausage munching fat German. Perhaps, I'm just like you, a bit? :P


dudeist skydiver # 3105

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[ Perhaps, I'm just like you, a bit? :P


Aand that's the only point I'm making with you and Dekker - we can either keep pushing those buttons or just stop it regardless of whether we want to make some self serving point or how bad we think the others are being.

I know you get it, so that's pretty good.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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Why should the average U.S.citizen care about what happens to and with the government of Israel.

This is an honest question with no hidden agenda just figure someone out there knows.

Okay, fair enough question. After all we had a lot to do with the founding and continued survival of Israel. I'm even willing to admit we helped establish the Israeli state after our miserable failure to do more to stop, or at least attack the Holocaust before and during WWII (questions like why didn't we bomb Auschwitz when even the inmates wanted us to, etc.). Maybe the West was guilt tripping, mixed in with strategic considerations of the Cold War that was just beginning to shape up.

But that's all past now. What are we going to do now ? Desert Israel, the ONLY democracy in the Middle East, to a bunch of Arabs who don't appreciate democracy and never will ? Hand the place over to fucking al Qaeda and the Wahabi Muslims ? Stand by and watch the Arabs deprt and murder more Jews by the millions, while we lose a real ally and watch the Palestinians turn a productive state into another Islamic shithole ? I think not.

I used to take a harder line about the "excesses" of the Israeli state. Which is not to say they don't have some problems of their own that could use some attention, but first their neighbors can just give it a fucking rest and try and get along with them for a change. And until they do, Israel can have a blank check as far as I'm concerned and I won't ask too many hard questions of them. Because they're our FRIENDS. We don't have to worry about Israelis hijacking planes and flying them into skyscrapers full of people, now DO we ?????????

Your humble servant.....Professor Gravity !

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Regarding all these points, would anyone be able to explain why Jews have been so disliked and discriminated against through the centuries?

It seems to go all the way back to biblical times.

Stereotype explanations don't really seem to explain it all - I've often wondered about this.

So I'd appreciate if anyone would be able to explain why.

'for it's Tommy this, an' Tommy that, an' "chuck 'im out, the brute!" But it's "saviour of 'is country" when the guns begin to shoot.'

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Regarding all these points, would anyone be able to explain why Jews have been so disliked and discriminated against through the centuries?

It seems to go all the way back to biblical times.

Stereotype explanations don't really seem to explain it all - I've often wondered about this.

So I'd appreciate if anyone would be able to explain why.

It is because both Muslims and Christians accept Jesus as their prophet and savior.

It seems each religion, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam all have the same people they worshipped, but then had an addition of their own.

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Regarding all these points, would anyone be able to explain why Jews have been so disliked and discriminated against through the centuries?

It seems to go all the way back to biblical times.

Stereotype explanations don't really seem to explain it all - I've often wondered about this.

So I'd appreciate if anyone would be able to explain why.

Fear of someone/something different. Same reason that gypsies/Roma are still persecuted and are only now beginning to gain acceptance. People fear what they do not understand, and they do not want to understand what they fear.

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In reply to Kris and Randall's posts; thats fair enough. In its extreme it could be seen that Jews are one of most disliked races throughout history. This is certainly not my opinion - but through history I can't think of a more persecuted race.


Because they're different?

Why are they different? We're all different!

From living and travelling around Europe over the years I've always been fascinated with the different nations opinions of what characteristics other nations had! But these opinions vary - not all nations think little of one particular nation(well, perhaps France;)) so why then do so many dislike Jews - is it as simple as to peoples dislike of the Romanies?

I'm sure there is more to it than this - religion. That must play a significant role.

I can understand why people may dislike gypsies.

I can't understand why the Nazi's decided to exterminate an entire race.

Does Judas have anything to do with all this????

'for it's Tommy this, an' Tommy that, an' "chuck 'im out, the brute!" But it's "saviour of 'is country" when the guns begin to shoot.'

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Honestly, the Nazis picked a scapegoat. Hitler, while insane, was intelligent and knew how to manipulate human nature. The Nazis picked an easily identifiable, numerically significant, section of the population and through a propaganda campaign, encouraged others to blame their problems on that group. It's human nature to want someone else to blame for everything that's gone wrong. The Jews were easy to spot. They didn't celebrate the same holidays as the christians. They went to synagogues, had a different manner of dress and ate different foods in different ways. Hitler did the same thing to the Roma. The Roma were just as easily identifiable, but we don't hear much about that aspect of the holocaust, as there are far fewer Roma and until very recently, it was still socially acceptible to look down on gypsies.

Hitler realized that if you give someone somebody to blame, and then remove the subject of that blame, people will think you're doing something that will help them, and they will support you.

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one very important fact that i have not seen mentioned so far is that most of the isreal military is made up of jewish amaricans that go over there to serve. even some of the people that make up the government are us citizens as well. one of the main resons i can think of why we support isreal is the fact that we wont support a terrorist run govenment hammas and the PLO
light travels faster than sound, that's why some people appear to be bright until you hear them speak

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Regarding all these points, would anyone be able to explain why Jews have been so disliked and discriminated against through the centuries?

It seems to go all the way back to biblical times.

You are right.
First, accepting Biblical history as having credence helps a lot.

The reason the Arabs hate the Jews goes back to Abraham. Ishmael, the firstborn but illegitimate son, became the father of the Arab race. He, and his mother were eventually cast out of the household by Abraham.
Isaac, the legitamate son was second born, but received the blessing.He is the father of the Jewish race.
As for the majority of the rest of the world despising the Jews this is only conjecture.
They were the recipients of the Law of God and are a favored people according to the Bible.
Christians shouldn't have a problem with this, but it disturbs many people.
It's really no different than a rich man who gives his favorite child the biggest part of his wealth. Everyone else has a certain amount of resentment toward that person.

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It is because both Muslims and Christians accept Jesus as their prophet and savior.

If the Muslims accepted Christ as their prophet and savior, they would be Christians.

Even though they say that they believe Jesus was a prophet, that's a lie, because disobeying the word of a prophet is a sin. Jesus said "Follow me."

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People fear what they do not understand, and they do not want to understand what they fear.

one of the smartest ways to summerize a long story into a short sentence...

The leadership of the churches understand each other. They are, however, competing for the same resources (people, money, power), so there is plenty of incentive to demonize the others.

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Aand that's the only point I'm making with you and Dekker - we can either keep pushing those buttons or just stop it regardless of whether we want to make some self serving point or how bad we think the others are being.

And you do that by doing the exact same thing....funny.

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And you do that by doing the exact same thing....funny.

Isn't it great?

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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Blame the British Empire.

Palestine was partitioned into a Jewish and Arab state, in November, 1947. A few hundred thousands people were displaced during this partition.

India was partitioned into India and Pakistan, in August, 1947. In the Pakistan/India partition, about 15 million people were displaced.

India to this day suffers from terrorist attacks from militant Islamists, in Kashmir, and other areas.

Obviously so does Israel. I suspect that there may be more of a multi-religious, nationalistic element in the anti-Israeli violence. I don't know for sure. Here is a demographic breakdown of the Gaza Strip, and here is a demographic breakdown of the West Bank.

The propaganda from the Islamists is the same - the desire to contain and destroy the infidel state. Hindus really annoy radical islamists as they completely reject all basic Islamic tenets, and are idolators to boot.

To understand who is the aggressor, here is a simple thought experiment: If the Israelis laid down their arms, they would be destroyed. If the Palestinians laid down their arms there would be peace.

Ditto with Islamist terror in south Asia.

There seems to be an element in Islam (Wahabbism) that spawns this radical jihadi philosophy. Somehow it needs to be neutralized. It harms a lot of people.

Of all the many wars going on in the world today, many times, one side is Islamist, the other side is something else.

The rhetoric changes from conflict to conflict - Phillipines, US, Israel, Chechnya, India, etc - but the aggressors remain the same.

Now please understand - I am not impugning regular Muslims or Arab Christians in the least. I don't mean to impugn average Christians when I criticize Fred Phelps. And I don't mean to impugn the average Muslim when I criticize the jihadists.

I have seen that Arabs - Christian and Muslim - and people from other predominantly Muslim states - Persians, etc - tend to hold consistently anti-Israeli sentiments. I'm curious about why that is.

Anyway, just my $0.02.

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I have seen that Arabs - Christian and Muslim - and people from other predominantly Muslim states - Persians, etc - tend to hold consistently anti-Israeli sentiments. I'm curious about why that is.

Anyway, just my $0.02.

At the risk of being extremely simple: http://www.slate.com/id/1007589

In a nutshell, the Jews helped kill christ.

But if you want to go for the complex: http://www.simpletoremember.com/vitals/Why_Do_People_Hate_The_Jews.htm
Does whisky count as beer? - Homer
There's no justice like angry mob justice. - Skinner
Be careful. There's a limited future in low pulls - JohnMitchell

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Hitler was an avowed christian(catholic) who stated that what he was doing was in the name of his lord and saviour (Hesus,druid messiah, predecessor of) jesus christ. all historical FACT.
we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively

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