
Tax Cuts: A political victory?

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Let me break it down for you. I'm pissed off about what Bush, Republicans and Democrats have done by spending our money like a bunch of morons. If I had my way, I'd toss about 90% on both sides out and start over again.


Please tell me what the Dems have done. Not waht they conspired to do or wanted to do, but fiscally, what have they done and what is the outcome?

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Let me break it down for you. I'm pissed off about what Bush, Republicans and Democrats have done by spending our money like a bunch of morons. If I had my way, I'd toss about 90% on both sides out and start over again.


Please tell me what the Dems have done. Not waht they conspired to do or wanted to do, but fiscally, what have they done and what is the outcome?

Too tired and too late to get into it right now, but why don't you read a little about how they have stood in the way of Social Security reform, which we cannot afford to support any longer.


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More reading about who's bringing home the pork.


Truth is they are all doing it because there hasn't been enough leadership or public outcry. Part of the reason Bush's poll numbers are so low is because he has alienated himself from his base who demand fiscal responsibility and he has shown none.


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>1. Is a tax cut what this country needs right now?<


>2. If so, who should benefit from these tax cuts? <


And don't tell me "just the ricH'

Before the "cuts" the top 10% of income earners payed 60% of the income taxes. After the tax cuts the top 10% income earners pay 63% of the income taxes
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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Let me break it down for you. I'm pissed off about what Bush, Republicans and Democrats have done by spending our money like a bunch of morons. If I had my way, I'd toss about 90% on both sides out and start over again.


Please tell me what the Dems have done. Not waht they conspired to do or wanted to do, but fiscally, what have they done and what is the outcome?

Too tired and too late to get into it right now, but why don't you read a little about how they have stood in the way of Social Security reform, which we cannot afford to support any longer.


Oh dear, and the poor powerless Republicans who only have control of the Congress and the White House, are rendered impotent.

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>1. Is a tax cut what this country needs right now?<


>2. If so, who should benefit from these tax cuts? <


And don't tell me "just the ricH'

Before the "cuts" the top 10% of income earners payed 60% of the income taxes. After the tax cuts the top 10% income earners pay 63% of the income taxes

----Public Service Announcement----

Please do not feed the troll.

That is all.

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Let me break it down for you. I'm pissed off about what Bush, Republicans and Democrats have done by spending our money like a bunch of morons. If I had my way, I'd toss about 90% on both sides out and start over again.


Please tell me what the Dems have done. Not waht they conspired to do or wanted to do, but fiscally, what have they done and what is the outcome?

Too tired and too late to get into it right now, but why don't you read a little about how they have stood in the way of Social Security reform, which we cannot afford to support any longer.


It's your arguement, you read and make it.

Also, if we kill SS, then what do seniors do? What do disabled do? Die in the streets, litterally? You can't seriously propose a change w/o addressing problems.

Perhaps wave the majic wand of the Libertarian Party where social welfare comes from the church and from charitable contributions? It's easy to solve the woes of the fiscal gov when we ignore the most compelling issue about the budget. And then you or I need SS, disability, etc.....

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More reading about who's bringing home the pork.


Truth is they are all doing it because there hasn't been enough leadership or public outcry. Part of the reason Bush's poll numbers are so low is because he has alienated himself from his base who demand fiscal responsibility and he has shown none.



Truth is they are all doing it because there hasn't been enough leadership or public outcry.

Public outcry? Good one - the 3-headed monster doesn't care about that.

They're all doing what?


Part of the reason Bush's poll numbers are so low is because he has alienated himself from his base who demand fiscal responsibility and he has shown none.

And other reasons are things like:

1) Illegal wiretaps
2) Forced Google disclosure
3) Forced Library disclosures
4) Selling the ports to the UAE
5) Privatizing prescriptions for corp gain, elderly losses
6) The Iraq war cost and deaths with no end in sight
7) Just being a Bushy

Oh yea, driving the national debt up to presidentially unprecedented levels.

So to your, "They all do it," I say, establish it and then I'll believe it, but it's your sinking ship from your party - exclusively.

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>1. Is a tax cut what this country needs right now?<


>2. If so, who should benefit from these tax cuts? <


And don't tell me "just the ricH'

Before the "cuts" the top 10% of income earners payed 60% of the income taxes. After the tax cuts the top 10% income earners pay 63% of the income taxes

The common rhetoric now is that millionaires will see 42k per year and middle class will see 20 bucks a year. So more trickle-down, ala Hoover, Reagan and now Bush. It has never worked to throw money at the rich and hope they are charitable enough to spread some around, why should it now?

Definition of insanity goes something like this:

- To repeat the same action and expect differnt outcomes. Isn't it insanity to continue to go back to supply side economics and expect them to work?

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But we don't have an Offense Department, or an Offense Budget. It is ALL defined as defense.

Dont you just love the Implementation of George Orwells New Speak.[:/]


bellyfeel - Full emotional understanding. Blind, enthusiastic acceptance of a concept

crimethink - To even consider any thought not in line with the principles of Ingsoc. Doubting any of the principles of Ingsoc. All crimes begin with a thought. So, if you control thought, you can control crime. "Thoughtcrime is death. Thoughtcrime does not entail death, Thoughtcrime is death.... The essential crime that contains all others in itself."

doublethink - Reality Control. The power to hold two completely contradictory beliefs in one's mind simultaneously, and accept both of them. An excellent example of doublethink in modern society is the war on drugs. If you ask people their opinion on alcohol prohibition in the 1920s, most people would agree that it was a complete failure. People agree that it only caused more crime, it made gangsters rich, it corrupted politicians, and most importantly ... it didn't keep people from drinking.

Oh Goodie more Right wing ideals

goodsex - Sex for the purpose of producing children for the party. The opposite of sexcrime.

goodthinker - One who strongly adheres to all of the principles of Newspeak.
Getting the idea yet?

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It has worked and it is working now.

Just because you have gotten a raise doesn't mean that everyone is doing better.

And just because we (as a country) have gotten a larger credit limit on our credit card doesn't mean that we're richer. Wealth is assets minus liabilities, not just assets.

That's why the huge house and fancy car, encumbered to the max, don't mean shit.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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Let me break it down for you. I'm pissed off about what Bush, Republicans and Democrats have done by spending our money like a bunch of morons. If I had my way, I'd toss about 90% on both sides out and start over again.


Please tell me what the Dems have done. Not waht they conspired to do or wanted to do, but fiscally, what have they done and what is the outcome?

Too tired and too late to get into it right now, but why don't you read a little about how they have stood in the way of Social Security reform, which we cannot afford to support any longer.


It's your arguement, you read and make it.

Also, if we kill SS, then what do seniors do? What do disabled do? Die in the streets, litterally? You can't seriously propose a change w/o addressing problems.

Perhaps wave the majic wand of the Libertarian Party where social welfare comes from the church and from charitable contributions? It's easy to solve the woes of the fiscal gov when we ignore the most compelling issue about the budget. And then you or I need SS, disability, etc.....

Bush offered alternatives to Social Security but the Dem opposition took the position that Americans are too dumb to be in charge of their own retirement plans. Surely you remember?


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It has worked and it is working now.

Just because you have gotten a raise doesn't mean that everyone is doing better.

And just because we (as a country) have gotten a larger credit limit on our credit card doesn't mean that we're richer. Wealth is assets minus liabilities, not just assets.

That's why the huge house and fancy car, encumbered to the max, don't mean shit.

Wendy W.

OK? And where did I say that was the criteria I used??

When talking about the strenghth of the economy I do not take into account the spending habits of other people.

Unemployment nearing record lows, average income up, GNP stats are very strong, orders for durable goods up, near record reciepts at the US treasurey ect ect ect.

One has to look past what is not being reported. (and they can't report it because it is favorable to the current administration)
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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It has worked and it is working now.

Could you be more vague? If you don't want to reply, then just don't. Is it that you don't want to acquiesce, but you have no reply?

I guess the, "It" is the supply side economics. If so, when has it worked? Again, you must look at the employment rate, the wage median, the rate of poverty, etc... So many angles, but w/o writing a 200-page dissertation, in general, when supply side economics are applied, millionaires are made, the rate of poverty rises and the debt soars. Can you disagree with that?

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Let me break it down for you. I'm pissed off about what Bush, Republicans and Democrats have done by spending our money like a bunch of morons. If I had my way, I'd toss about 90% on both sides out and start over again.


Please tell me what the Dems have done. Not waht they conspired to do or wanted to do, but fiscally, what have they done and what is the outcome?

Too tired and too late to get into it right now, but why don't you read a little about how they have stood in the way of Social Security reform, which we cannot afford to support any longer.


It's your arguement, you read and make it.

Also, if we kill SS, then what do seniors do? What do disabled do? Die in the streets, litterally? You can't seriously propose a change w/o addressing problems.

Perhaps wave the majic wand of the Libertarian Party where social welfare comes from the church and from charitable contributions? It's easy to solve the woes of the fiscal gov when we ignore the most compelling issue about the budget. And then you or I need SS, disability, etc.....

Bush offered alternatives to Social Security but the Dem opposition took the position that Americans are too dumb to be in charge of their own retirement plans. Surely you remember?


Bush's plan included doing to SS what he did to prescriptions: throw them at the corporations along with huge amounts of tax money and see what happens. I think teh results are huge corp profits and seniors lacking affordable meds.

Those dumb Americans, the ones who are opposed to the 31% approval from the smart Americans, saw it comming and chiucked it.

Perhaps you missed my question in ths very post to which you replied:

Also, if we kill SS, then what do seniors do? What do disabled do? Die in the streets, litterally? You can't seriously propose a change w/o addressing problems.

Perhaps wave the majic wand of the Libertarian Party where social welfare comes from the church and from charitable contributions? It's easy to solve the woes of the fiscal gov when we ignore the most compelling issue about the budget. And then you or I need SS, disability, etc.....

Again, what is your answer to eldery who are indigent? Let's see your majic wand...........

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Let me break it down for you. I'm pissed off about what Bush, Republicans and Democrats have done by spending our money like a bunch of morons. If I had my way, I'd toss about 90% on both sides out and start over again.


Please tell me what the Dems have done. Not waht they conspired to do or wanted to do, but fiscally, what have they done and what is the outcome?

Too tired and too late to get into it right now, but why don't you read a little about how they have stood in the way of Social Security reform, which we cannot afford to support any longer.


It's your arguement, you read and make it.

Also, if we kill SS, then what do seniors do? What do disabled do? Die in the streets, litterally? You can't seriously propose a change w/o addressing problems.

Perhaps wave the majic wand of the Libertarian Party where social welfare comes from the church and from charitable contributions? It's easy to solve the woes of the fiscal gov when we ignore the most compelling issue about the budget. And then you or I need SS, disability, etc.....

Bush offered alternatives to Social Security but the Dem opposition took the position that Americans are too dumb to be in charge of their own retirement plans. Surely you remember?


Oh, one more question:

Please tell me what the Dems have done. Not waht they conspired to do or wanted to do, but fiscally, what have they done and what is the outcome?

You were tired, ok, now you have a full 8 hours of sleep for which answer this. :D

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It has worked and it is working now.

Just because you have gotten a raise doesn't mean that everyone is doing better.

And just because we (as a country) have gotten a larger credit limit on our credit card doesn't mean that we're richer. Wealth is assets minus liabilities, not just assets.

That's why the huge house and fancy car, encumbered to the max, don't mean shit.

Wendy W.

OK? And where did I say that was the criteria I used??

When talking about the strenghth of the economy I do not take into account the spending habits of other people.

Unemployment nearing record lows, average income up, GNP stats are very strong, orders for durable goods up, near record reciepts at the US treasurey ect ect ect.

One has to look past what is not being reported. (and they can't report it because it is favorable to the current administration)

OK, and if you earn 100k/year and your wife soends 80k on crap, you still have to pay mortgages and bills, so you are doing well but in the hole. Taht's where we're at. No argument that in teh past 6 months the economy is doing well, but:

A) Will it sustain
B) The National debt is still rising due to runaway spending and now tax cuts, which offsets the good of the economy, for the rich.

The bottom line is the bottom line: where is the debt? I don't care what you make, it's what you're doing with it that counts. If a guy earns 200k year but drives a modest car, rents and has no savings, he's a bit of a loser. If a guy earns 50k, drives a nice car, owns his home and has savings, he's a winner. POINT IS: don't look at individual economic indicators; look at them all.

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Reducing taxes has boomed the economy after the Kennedy cuts, the Regan cuts and now the Bush cuts.

Ignore it if you wish, (I know this does not fit your agenda) but the facts are out there if you care to take a look.

And you do not need to bring up the deficit during the Regan years. Tip O'Neal stated that the Regan budget was dead on arival and though not exactly the same, the deficit is what it is today because of a drunk congress spending spree>:(.

So, enjoy the class envy diatribe if you wish but I never got a job from a poor person..........
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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Again, enoy your class envey sad world.

I was taught not to worry about everbody else.......
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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Let me break it down for you. I'm pissed off about what Bush, Republicans and Democrats have done by spending our money like a bunch of morons. If I had my way, I'd toss about 90% on both sides out and start over again.


Please tell me what the Dems have done. Not waht they conspired to do or wanted to do, but fiscally, what have they done and what is the outcome?

Too tired and too late to get into it right now, but why don't you read a little about how they have stood in the way of Social Security reform, which we cannot afford to support any longer.


It's your arguement, you read and make it.

Also, if we kill SS, then what do seniors do? What do disabled do? Die in the streets, litterally? You can't seriously propose a change w/o addressing problems.

Perhaps wave the majic wand of the Libertarian Party where social welfare comes from the church and from charitable contributions? It's easy to solve the woes of the fiscal gov when we ignore the most compelling issue about the budget. And then you or I need SS, disability, etc.....

Bush offered alternatives to Social Security but the Dem opposition took the position that Americans are too dumb to be in charge of their own retirement plans. Surely you remember?


Oh, one more question:

Please tell me what the Dems have done. Not waht they conspired to do or wanted to do, but fiscally, what have they done and what is the outcome?

You were tired, ok, now you have a full 8 hours of sleep for which answer this. :D

Already answered when I posted the Citizens Against Govt. Waste. Unfortunately you fail to see a problem unless it's a conspiracy and you ignore the pork spending done by individual politicians.


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Let me break it down for you. I'm pissed off about what Bush, Republicans and Democrats have done by spending our money like a bunch of morons. If I had my way, I'd toss about 90% on both sides out and start over again.


Please tell me what the Dems have done. Not waht they conspired to do or wanted to do, but fiscally, what have they done and what is the outcome?

Too tired and too late to get into it right now, but why don't you read a little about how they have stood in the way of Social Security reform, which we cannot afford to support any longer.


It's your arguement, you read and make it.

Also, if we kill SS, then what do seniors do? What do disabled do? Die in the streets, litterally? You can't seriously propose a change w/o addressing problems.

Perhaps wave the majic wand of the Libertarian Party where social welfare comes from the church and from charitable contributions? It's easy to solve the woes of the fiscal gov when we ignore the most compelling issue about the budget. And then you or I need SS, disability, etc.....

Bush offered alternatives to Social Security but the Dem opposition took the position that Americans are too dumb to be in charge of their own retirement plans. Surely you remember?


Bush's plan included doing to SS what he did to prescriptions: throw them at the corporations along with huge amounts of tax money and see what happens. I think teh results are huge corp profits and seniors lacking affordable meds.

Those dumb Americans, the ones who are opposed to the 31% approval from the smart Americans, saw it comming and chiucked it.

Perhaps you missed my question in ths very post to which you replied:

Also, if we kill SS, then what do seniors do? What do disabled do? Die in the streets, litterally? You can't seriously propose a change w/o addressing problems.

Perhaps wave the majic wand of the Libertarian Party where social welfare comes from the church and from charitable contributions? It's easy to solve the woes of the fiscal gov when we ignore the most compelling issue about the budget. And then you or I need SS, disability, etc.....

Again, what is your answer to eldery who are indigent? Let's see your majic wand...........

Do a search on this forum. This was debated to death at the time and suggestions and alternatives were given. I'm not interested in rehashing it again.


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